Morphing Animation in a glTF#

In this tutorial, we will show how to use morphing in a glTF model in FURY.

import fury

Retrieving the model with morphing in it (look at Khronoos samples). We’re choosing the MorphStressTest model here."MorphStressTest", mode="glTF")
filename ="MorphStressTest")

Initializing the glTF object, You can additionally set apply_normals=True. Note: Normals might not work as intended with morphing.

gltf_obj = fury.gltf.glTF(filename, apply_normals=True)

Get the morph timeline using morph_timeline method, Choose the animation name you want to visualize. Note: If there’s no name for animation, It’s stored as anim_0, anim_1 etc

animation = gltf_obj.morph_animation()["TheWave"]

Call the update_morph method once, This moves initialise the morphing at timestamp 0.0 seconds and ensures that camera fits all the actors perfectly.


Create a scene, and show manager. Initialize the show manager and add timeline to the scene (No need to add actors to the scene separately).

scene = fury.window.Scene()
showm = fury.window.ShowManager(
    scene=scene, size=(900, 768), reset_camera=True, order_transparent=True


define a timer_callback. Use the update_morph method again, It updates the timeline and applies morphing).

def timer_callback(_obj, _event):

Optional: auto plays the animations.

showm.add_timer_callback(True, 20, timer_callback)

interactive = False

if interactive:

fury.window.record(scene=scene, out_path="viz_morphing.png", size=(900, 768))
viz morphing

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.163 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery