
FURY supports Python 3.5+. You can currently still use Python 2.7 but it will soon stop being supported as the Python 2.7 end of life is on December 31st 2019.


The mandatory dependencies are:

  • numpy >= 1.7.1

  • vtk >= 8.1.0

  • scipy >= 0.9

  • aiohttp

  • pygltflib

The optional dependencies are:

  • matplotlib >= 2.0.0

  • dipy >= 0.16.0

Installation with PyPi#

In a terminal, issue the following command

pip install fury

Installation with Conda#

Our conda package is on the Conda-Forge channel. You will need to run the following command

conda install -c conda-forge fury

Installation via Source#

Step 1. Get the latest source by cloning this repo

git clone

Step 2. Install requirements

pip install -r requirements/default.txt

Step 3. Install fury via

pip install .


pip install -e .

Step 4: Enjoy!

Test the Installation#

You can check your installation via this command

python -c "from fury import get_info; print(get_info())"

This command will give you important information about FURY’s installation. The next step will be to run a tutorial.

Running the Tests#

Let’s install all required packages for the running the test

pip install -r requirements/default.txt
pip install -r requirements/test.txt

There are two ways to run FURY tests:

  • From the command line. You need to be on the FURY package folder

pytest -svv fury
  • To run a specific test file

pytest -svv fury/tests/
  • To run a specific test directory

pytest -svv fury/tests
  • To run a specific test function

pytest -svv -k "test_my_function_name"

Running the Tests Offscreen#

FURY is based on VTK which uses OpenGL for all its rendering. For a headless rendering, we recommend to install and use Xvfb software on linux or OSX. Since Xvfb will require an X server (we also recommend to install XQuartz package on OSX). After Xvfb is installed you have 2 options to run FURY tests:

  • First option

export DISPLAY=:0
Xvfb :0 -screen 1920x1080x24 > /dev/null 2>1 &
pytest -svv fury
  • Second option

export DISPLAY=:0
xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1920x1080x24" pytest -svv fury

Coding style#

FURY uses the standard Python PEP8 style to ensure the readability and consistency across the toolkit. FURY has adopted an automated style checking framework that uses pre-commit and ruff. Style conformance rules are specified in the ruff.toml configuration file. When requesting to push to FURY, the compliance to the set of rules is automatically checked using a GitHub Actions workflow.

In order to check the compliance locally, developers should install the [style] dependencies:

pip install -e .[style]

The git hook scripts need to be installed then running:

pre-commit install

pre-commit will then run automatically on git commit.

Most text editors can be configured to check the compliance of your code with the set of rules specified in the ruff.toml file.

Populating our Documentation#

Folder Structure#

Let’s start by showcasing the docs folder structure:

├── docs
│ ├── build
│ ├── make.bat
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── examples
│ ├── experimental
│ └── source
├── requirements.txt
├── fury
│ ├──
│ ├── …
│── …

In our docs folder structure above:

  • source is the folder that contains all *.rst files.

  • examples is the directory where we have all python scripts that describe how to use the library.

  • experimental directory contains experimental Python scripts. The goal is to keep a trace of experimental work.

Building the documentation#

Step 1. Install all required packages for the documentation generation

pip install -U -r requirements/default.txt
pip install -U -r requirements/optional.txt
pip install -U -r requirements/docs.txt

Step 2. Go to the docs folder and run the following command to generate it (Linux and macOS)

make -C . clean && make -C . html

To generate the documentation without running the examples

make -C . clean && make -C . html-no-examples

or under Windows

make clean
make html

To generate the documentation without running the examples under Windows

make clean
make html-no-examples

Step 3. Congratulations! the build folder has been generated! Go to build/html and open with browser index.html to see your generated documentation.