WEEK 12: The final straight#

HellošŸ‘‹šŸ¾ Iā€™m Wachiou BOURAIMA, All good things must come to an end, and itā€™s with a mixture of satisfaction and nostalgia that I end this final week of my GSoC 2024 mission. Itā€™s been an incredible journey, and I canā€™t wait to share the progress Iā€™ve made in my final week.

Addressing Sphinx Warnings#

In my final week, I focused on addressing the remaining Sphinx warnings related to the documentation. The primary challenge was understanding and resolving issues that arose from the documentation format. The core issue stemmed from a conflict between the documentation conventions used. Specifically, the docstrings in our modules followed the numpydoc convention, while our conf.py file was set up for sphinx.ext.napoleon. Since these two conventions have different structures and expectations, Sphinx struggled to compile the docstrings correctly, leading to numerous warnings.

Hereā€™s a snippet of the configuration in our conf.py file:

extensions = [


To address this:#

1- Identified the Problem:

  • Discovered that the mismatch between the numpydoc style and the napoleon extension caused Sphinx to fail in parsing and generating documentation properly.

2- Explored Solutions:

  • I reviewed the documentation styles and configurations to understand the differences between numpydoc and napoleon.

  • Evaluated whether to convert the docstrings to match the napoleon style or update the configuration to align with numpydoc.

3- Decided on a Path Forward:

  • After careful consideration, I chose to update the configuration to support the numpydoc style, as it was more consistent with our existing docstrings.

  • By making this change, I was able to resolve the conflicts and successfully compile the documentation without warnings.

Hereā€™s a snippet of the updated configuration in our conf.py file:

extensions = [

Did I get stuck?#

No, I didnā€™t get stuck. I was able to solve the problems by carefully analyzing them and choosing the most appropriate solution with the help of my mentor Serge Koudoro. This experience further enhanced my troubleshooting skills and deepened my understanding of documentation conventions.


Iā€™d like to sincerely thank my mentor, Serge Koudoro, my peers: IƱigo Tellaetxe Elorriaga, Robin Roy, Kaustav Deka and the entire FURY team and community for their support and advice throughout this adventure. Your help has been essential to the success of this project.

Looking Ahead#

As GSoC 2024 comes to an end, Iā€™m filled with gratitude for this incredible learning experience. While my official time in GSoC is concluding, my journey with open source and FURY is far from over. I look forward to continuing to contribute and grow alongside the FURY community. Thank you for following along with my GSoC journey.