WEEK 12: The final straight =========================== .. post:: August 17, 2024 :author: Wachiou BOURAIMA :tags: google :category: gsoc Hello👋🏾 I'm `Wachiou BOURAIMA `__, All good things must come to an end, and it's with a mixture of satisfaction and nostalgia that I end this final week of my GSoC 2024 mission. It's been an incredible journey, and I can't wait to share the progress I've made in my final week. Addressing Sphinx Warnings -------------------------- In my final week, I focused on addressing the remaining Sphinx warnings related to the documentation. The primary challenge was understanding and resolving issues that arose from the documentation format. The core issue stemmed from a conflict between the documentation conventions used. Specifically, the docstrings in our modules followed the ``numpydoc`` convention, while our ``conf.py`` file was set up for ``sphinx.ext.napoleon``. Since these two conventions have different structures and expectations, Sphinx struggled to compile the docstrings correctly, leading to numerous warnings. Here's a snippet of the configuration in our ``conf.py`` file: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... "sphinx.ext.autodoc", "sphinx.ext.autosummary", "sphinx.ext.githubpages", "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", "sphinx.ext.napoleon", ... ] To address this: ---------------- 1- Identified the Problem: - Discovered that the mismatch between the ``numpydoc`` style and the ``napoleon`` extension caused Sphinx to fail in parsing and generating documentation properly. 2- Explored Solutions: - I reviewed the documentation styles and configurations to understand the differences between ``numpydoc`` and ``napoleon``. - Evaluated whether to convert the docstrings to match the ``napoleon`` style or update the configuration to align with ``numpydoc``. 3- Decided on a Path Forward: - After careful consideration, I chose to update the configuration to support the ``numpydoc`` style, as it was more consistent with our existing docstrings. - By making this change, I was able to resolve the conflicts and successfully compile the documentation without warnings. Here's a snippet of the updated configuration in our ``conf.py`` file: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... "sphinx.ext.autodoc", "numppydoc", "sphinx.ext.autosummary", "sphinx.ext.githubpages", "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", ... ] Did I get stuck? ----------------- No, I didn't get stuck. I was able to solve the problems by carefully analyzing them and choosing the most appropriate solution with the help of my mentor `Serge Koudoro `__. This experience further enhanced my troubleshooting skills and deepened my understanding of documentation conventions. Acknowledgements ----------------- I'd like to sincerely thank my mentor, `Serge Koudoro `__, my peers: `Iñigo Tellaetxe Elorriaga `_, `Robin Roy `_, `Kaustav Deka `_ and the entire ``FURY`` team and community for their support and advice throughout this adventure. Your help has been essential to the success of this project. Looking Ahead ------------- As `GSoC 2024` comes to an end, I'm filled with gratitude for this incredible learning experience. While my official time in `GSoC` is concluding, my journey with open source and ``FURY`` is far from over. I look forward to continuing to contribute and grow alongside the ``FURY`` community. Thank you for following along with my `GSoC` journey. Links ----- - `PR #922 `_ - `Sphinx `_ - `numpydoc `_ - `napoleon `_ - `Wachiou BOURAIMA `__ Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to explore the world of open source software!