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Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Animation#
A linearly polarized sinusoidal electromagnetic wave, propagating in the direction +x through a homogeneous, isotropic, dissipationless medium, such as vacuum. The electric field (blue arrows) oscillates in the ±z-direction, and the orthogonal magnetic field (red arrows) oscillates in phase with the electric field, but in the ±y-direction.
Function of the sinusoid used in the animation = sin(k*x - w*t + d) Where, k:wavenumber, x:abscissa, w:angular frequency, t:time, d:phase angle
Importing necessary modules
import itertools
import numpy as np
import fury
function that updates and returns the coordinates of the waves which are changing with time
def update_coordinates(wavenumber, ang_frq, time, phase_angle):
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, npoints)
y = np.sin(wavenumber * x - ang_frq * time + phase_angle)
z = np.array([0 for i in range(npoints)])
return x, y, z
Variable(s) and their description
- npoints: int
For high quality rendering, keep the number of npoints high but kindly note that higher values for npoints will slow down the rendering process (default = 800)
- wavelength: int
wavelength of the wave (default = 2)
- wavenumber: float
- time: float
time (default time i.e. time at beginning of the animation = 0)
- incre_time: float
value by which time is incremented for each call of timer_callback (default = 0.1)
- angular_frq: float
angular frequency (default = 0.1)
- phase_angle: float
phase angle (default = 0.002)
npoints = 800
wavelength = 2
wavenumber = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
time = 0
incre_time = 0.1
angular_frq = 0.1
phase_angle = 0.002
Creating a scene object and configuring the camera’s position
scene = fury.window.Scene()
position=(-6, 5, -10), focal_point=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), view_up=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
showm = fury.window.ShowManager(
scene=scene, size=(800, 600), reset_camera=True, order_transparent=True
Creating a yellow colored arrow to show the direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave
centers = np.array([[3, 0, 0]])
directions = np.array([[-1, 0, 0]])
heights = np.array([6.4])
arrow_actor =
Creating point actor that renders the magnetic field
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, npoints)
y = np.sin(wavenumber * x - angular_frq * time + phase_angle)
z = np.array([0 for i in range(npoints)])
pts = np.array(list(zip(x, y, z)))
pts = [pts]
colors =
wave_actor1 =, colors=colors, linewidth=3)
vertices = fury.utils.vertices_from_actor(wave_actor1)
vcolors = fury.utils.colors_from_actor(wave_actor1, array_name="colors")
no_vertices_per_point = len(vertices) / npoints
initial_vertices = vertices.copy() - np.repeat(pts, no_vertices_per_point, axis=0)
Creating point actor that renders the electric field
xx = np.linspace(-3, 3, npoints)
yy = np.array([0 for i in range(npoints)])
zz = np.sin(wavenumber * xx - angular_frq * time + phase_angle)
pts2 = np.array(list(zip(xx, yy, zz)))
pts2 = [pts2]
colors2 =
wave_actor2 =, colors=colors2, linewidth=3)
vertices2 = fury.utils.vertices_from_actor(wave_actor2)
vcolors2 = fury.utils.colors_from_actor(wave_actor2, array_name="colors")
no_vertices_per_point2 = len(vertices2) / npoints
initial_vertices2 = vertices2.copy() - np.repeat(pts2, no_vertices_per_point2, axis=0)
Initializing text box to display the title of the animation
tb = fury.ui.TextBlock2D(bold=True, position=(160, 90))
tb.message = "Electromagnetic Wave"
end is used to decide when to end the animation
end = 300
Initializing counter
Coordinates to be plotted are changed every time timer_callback is called by using the update_coordinates function. The wave is rendered here.
def timer_callback(_obj, _event):
global pts, pts2, time, time_incre, angular_frq, phase_angle, wavenumber
time += incre_time
cnt = next(counter)
x, y, z = update_coordinates(wavenumber, angular_frq, phase_angle, time)
pts = np.array(list(zip(x, y, z)))
vertices[:] = initial_vertices + np.repeat(pts, no_vertices_per_point, axis=0)
xx, zz, yy = update_coordinates(wavenumber, angular_frq, phase_angle, time)
pts2 = np.array(list(zip(xx, yy, zz)))
vertices2[:] = initial_vertices2 + np.repeat(pts2, no_vertices_per_point2, axis=0)
# to end the animation
if cnt == end:
Run every 25 milliseconds
showm.add_timer_callback(True, 25, timer_callback)
interactive = False
if interactive:
fury.window.record(scene=showm.scene, size=(800, 600), out_path="viz_emwave.png")

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.096 seconds)