Source code for fury.animation.timeline

import os
from time import perf_counter

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

from fury import window
from fury.animation.animation import Animation
from fury.decorators import warn_on_args_to_kwargs
from fury.lib import RenderWindow, WindowToImageFilter, numpy_support
from fury.ui.elements import PlaybackPanel

[docs] class Timeline: """Keyframe animation Timeline. Timeline is responsible for handling the playback of keyframes animations. It has multiple playback options which makes it easy to control the playback, speed, state of the animation with/without a GUI playback panel. Attributes ---------- animations : Animation or list[Animation], optional, default: None Actor/s to be animated directly by the Timeline (main Animation). playback_panel : bool, optional If True, the timeline will have a playback panel set, which can be used to control the playback of the timeline. length : float or int, default: None, optional the fixed length of the timeline. If set to None, the timeline will get its length from the animations that it controls automatically. loop : bool, optional Whether loop playing the timeline or play once. """
[docs] @warn_on_args_to_kwargs() def __init__( self, *, animations=None, playback_panel=False, loop=True, length=None ): self._scene = None self.playback_panel = None self._current_timestamp = 0 self._speed = 1.0 self._last_started_time = 0 self._playing = False self._animations = [] self._loop = loop self._length = length self._duration = length if length is not None else 0.0 if playback_panel: def set_loop(is_loop): self._loop = is_loop def set_speed(speed): self.speed = speed self.playback_panel = PlaybackPanel(loop=self._loop) self.playback_panel.on_play = self.playback_panel.on_stop = self.stop self.playback_panel.on_pause = self.pause self.playback_panel.on_loop_toggle = set_loop self.playback_panel.on_progress_bar_changed = self.playback_panel.on_speed_changed = set_speed if animations is not None: self.add_animation(animations)
[docs] def update_duration(self): """Update and return the duration of the Timeline. Returns ------- float The duration of the Timeline. """ if self._length is not None: self._duration = self._length else: self._duration = max( [0.0] + [anim.update_duration() for anim in self._animations] ) if self.has_playback_panel: self.playback_panel.final_time = self.duration return self.duration
@property def duration(self): """Return the duration of the Timeline. Returns ------- float The duration of the Timeline. """ return self._duration
[docs] def play(self): """Play the animation""" if not self.playing: if self.current_timestamp >= self.duration: self.current_timestamp = 0 self._last_started_time = ( perf_counter() - self._current_timestamp / self.speed ) self._playing = True
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause the animation""" self._current_timestamp = self.current_timestamp self._playing = False
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the animation""" self._current_timestamp = 0 self._playing = False self.update(force=True)
[docs] def restart(self): """Restart the animation""" self._current_timestamp = 0 self._playing = True self.update(force=True)
@property def current_timestamp(self): """Get current timestamp of the Timeline. Returns ------- float The current time of the Timeline. """ if self.playing: self._current_timestamp = ( perf_counter() - self._last_started_time ) * self.speed return self._current_timestamp @current_timestamp.setter def current_timestamp(self, timestamp): """Set the current timestamp of the Timeline. Parameters ---------- timestamp: float The time to set as current time of the Timeline. """
[docs] def seek(self, timestamp): """Set the current timestamp of the Timeline. Parameters ---------- timestamp: float The time to seek. """ # assuring timestamp value is in the timeline range if timestamp < 0: timestamp = 0 elif timestamp > self.duration: timestamp = self.duration if self.playing: self._last_started_time = perf_counter() - timestamp / self.speed else: self._current_timestamp = timestamp self.update(force=True)
[docs] def seek_percent(self, percent): """Seek a percentage of the Timeline's final timestamp. Parameters ---------- percent: float Value from 1 to 100. """ t = percent * self.duration / 100
@property def playing(self): """Return whether the Timeline is playing. Returns ------- bool True if the Timeline is playing. """ return self._playing @property def stopped(self): """Return whether the Timeline is stopped. Returns ------- bool True if Timeline is stopped. """ return not self.playing and not self._current_timestamp @property def paused(self): """Return whether the Timeline is paused. Returns ------- bool True if the Timeline is paused. """ return not self.playing and self._current_timestamp is not None @property def speed(self): """Return the speed of the timeline's playback. Returns ------- float The speed of the timeline's playback. """ return self._speed @speed.setter def speed(self, speed): """Set the speed of the timeline's playback. Parameters ---------- speed: float The speed of the timeline's playback. """ current = self.current_timestamp if speed <= 0: return self._speed = speed self._last_started_time = perf_counter() self.current_timestamp = current @property def loop(self): """Get loop condition of the timeline. Returns ------- bool Whether the playback is in loop mode (True) or play one mode (False). """ return self._loop @loop.setter def loop(self, loop): """Set the timeline's playback to loop or play once. Parameters ---------- loop: bool The loop condition to be set. (True) to loop the playback, and (False) to play only once. """ self._loop = loop @property def has_playback_panel(self): """Return whether the `Timeline` has a playback panel. Returns ------- bool: 'True' if the `Timeline` has a playback panel. otherwise, 'False' """ return self.playback_panel is not None
[docs] @warn_on_args_to_kwargs() def record( self, *, fname=None, fps=30, speed=1.0, size=(900, 768), order_transparent=True, multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, show_panel=False, ): """Record the animation Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional The file name. Save a GIF file if name ends with '.gif', or mp4 video if name ends with'.mp4'. If None, this method will only return an array of frames. fps : int, optional The number of frames per second of the record. size : (int, int) ``(width, height)`` of the window. Default is (900, 768). speed : float, optional, default 1.0 The speed of the animation. order_transparent : bool, optional Default False. Use depth peeling to sort transparent objects. If True also enables anti-aliasing. multi_samples : int, optional Number of samples for anti-aliasing (Default 8). For no anti-aliasing use 0. max_peels : int, optional Maximum number of peels for depth peeling (Default 4). show_panel : bool, optional, default False Controls whether to show the playback (if True) panel of hide it (if False) Returns ------- ndarray: The recorded frames. Notes ----- It's recommended to use 50 or 30 FPS while recording to a GIF file. """ ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] mp4 = ext == ".mp4" if mp4: try: import cv2 except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( "OpenCV must be installed in order to " "save as MP4 video." ) from err fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter.fourcc(*"mp4v") out = cv2.VideoWriter(fname, fourcc, fps, size) duration = self.duration step = speed / fps frames = [] t = 0 scene = self._scene if not scene: scene = window.Scene() scene.add(self) _hide_panel = False if self.has_playback_panel and not show_panel: self.playback_panel.hide() _hide_panel = True render_window = RenderWindow() render_window.SetOffScreenRendering(1) render_window.AddRenderer(scene) render_window.SetSize(*size) if order_transparent: window.antialiasing(scene, render_window, multi_samples, max_peels, 0) render_window = RenderWindow() render_window.SetOffScreenRendering(1) render_window.AddRenderer(scene) render_window.SetSize(*size) if order_transparent: window.antialiasing(scene, render_window, multi_samples, max_peels, 0) window_to_image_filter = WindowToImageFilter() print("Recording...") while t < duration: render_window.Render() window_to_image_filter.SetInput(render_window) window_to_image_filter.Update() window_to_image_filter.Modified() vtk_image = window_to_image_filter.GetOutput() h, w, _ = vtk_image.GetDimensions() vtk_array = vtk_image.GetPointData().GetScalars() components = vtk_array.GetNumberOfComponents() snap = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_array).reshape(w, h, components) corrected_snap = np.flipud(snap) if mp4: cv_img = cv2.cvtColor(corrected_snap, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) out.write(cv_img) else: pillow_snap = Image.fromarray(corrected_snap) frames.append(pillow_snap) t += step print("Saving...") if fname is None: return frames if mp4: out.release() else: frames[0].save( fname, append_images=frames[1:], loop=0, duration=1000 / fps, save_all=True, ) if _hide_panel: return frames
[docs] def add_animation(self, animation): """Add Animation or list of Animations. Parameters ---------- animation: Animation or list[Animation] or tuple[Animation] Animation/s to be added. """ if isinstance(animation, (list, tuple)): [self.add_animation(anim) for anim in animation] elif isinstance(animation, Animation): animation._timeline = self self._animations.append(animation) self.update_duration() else: raise TypeError("Expected an Animation, a list or a tuple.")
@property def animations(self) -> "list[Animation]": """Return a list of Animations. Returns ------- list: List of Animations controlled by the timeline. """ return self._animations
[docs] @warn_on_args_to_kwargs() def update(self, *, force=False): """Update the timeline. Update the Timeline and all the animations that it controls. As well as the playback of the Timeline (if exists). Parameters ---------- force: bool, optional, default: False If True, the timeline will update even when the timeline is paused or stopped and hence, more resources will be used. """ time = self.current_timestamp if self.has_playback_panel: self.playback_panel.current_time = time if time > self.duration: if self._loop: else: # Doing this will pause both the timeline and the panel. if self.has_playback_panel: self.playback_panel.pause() else: self.pause() if self.playing or force: [anim.update_animation(time=time) for anim in self._animations]
[docs] def add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add Timeline and all of its Animations to the scene""" self._scene = scene if self.has_playback_panel: self.playback_panel.add_to_scene(scene) [animation.add_to_scene(scene) for animation in self._animations]
[docs] def remove_from_scene(self, scene): """Remove Timeline and all of its Animations to the scene""" self._scene = None if self.has_playback_panel: scene.rm(*tuple(self.playback_panel.actors)) [animation.remove_from_scene(scene) for animation in self._animations]