Week 12: Wrapping things up#

Hi, I’m Robin and this is my blog about week 12.

As the final official week, I spent my time wrapping things up and also improving the UX of the GitHub Application.

Things I did in Week 12#

  1. Improving GitHub App UX

Previously the bot responded to every discussion post. It was not a good approach and we tried stuff like @mentions. The problem is GitHub does not support bot mentions natively. Actually Serge had a better approach that is using Discussion Templates. I integrated that. Right now, you have a checkbox that you can tick to get the LLM answer as the first response.

The new UI looks like this:

Present GitHub Discussions Template
  1. Documentation

Some of the API endpoints had no documentation, the documentation work is still ongoing. But I worked on adding basic info like how to test locally and stuff. It was added directly to the README.md files. I’ll also make a separate GitHub Gists where I’ll detail all the components and how they integrate with each other.

  1. API testing

I plan to have testing for every endpoint. Testing includes the following:

  • Check the endpoints with valid data to see the response. Validate the JSON format.

  • Check the endpoints with incorrect schema and record the response.

  • Test by adjusting parameters like KNN.

Testing will be a separate file, it’ll be production testing. We’ll hit the live endpoints directly.

What is coming up next week?#

I’m working on the final report. Also, I’m working on finishing testing, documentation and updating the LLM response. The plan is to use a Re-Ranker to rerank the KNN references and filter ones not in context.

Did you get stuck anywhere?#

No, I did not get stuck. I was having some health issues this week so was unable to make a lot of progress. But the general plan is prepared, and now I’ll have to compile everything.

Thank you for reading!