WEEK 8: Refining Lazy Loading Implementation and Simplifying Imports in FURY#

Hello everyone, Welcome back to another update on my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024 journey! This week, my mentor Serge Koudoro and I focused on refining the lazy loading feature and optimizing import statements within FURY’s examples modules.

Reviewing and Refining Lazy Loading#

This week was dedicated to a thorough review of the lazy loading implementation I introduced in the previous weeks. My mentor provided invaluable feedback, and together we identified areas where the implementation could be improved.

I addressed several issues, including#

  • Error Fixes: During the review, we identified some edge cases that were not handled correctly by the lazy loading mechanism. I corrected these errors to ensure the feature works seamlessly across the FURY codebase.

  • Import Simplification: One significant change was simplifying how FURY is imported in example modules. Previously, the import statements were more complex, like from fury import .... To align with the lazy loading principles and reduce unnecessary overhead, I updated these statements to a more straightforward import fury This change ensures that only the necessary components are loaded when they are actually needed, improving performance.

Rebasing and Squashing#

After making these adjustments, I proceeded with rebasing and squashing my commits. This process was essential to maintain a clean and organized commit history. Despite the challenges, I managed to resolve all conflicts, and my mentor Serge Koudoro, approved the changes. The pull request was successfully merged, marking another milestone in the project.

Did I get stuck anywhere?#

No, I did not encounter any major roadblocks this week. The tasks were challenging but manageable, and I was able to address them effectively with the guidance of my mentor Serge Koudoro.

What’s Next?#

In the upcoming week,

  • I will continue addressing Sphinx warnings related.

  • start working to improve de FURY website.

Thank you for following along, and stay tuned for more updates as I continue to make progress on this project!