WEEK 6: Code reviews, relining and crush challenges#

Hello everyone, As my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024 journey progresses, week6 has brought me a series of technical challenges and accomplishments. My main focus has been on code reviews, rebasing and commits squashing, with a few notable lessons learned along the way.

Code Reviews and Merging Pull Requests#

One of the main activities this week was receiving and addressing feedback on several of my pull requests. Notably, my mentor Serge Koudoro, reviewed and merged the PRs related to the warn_on_args_to_kwargs decorator and the application of the warn_on_args_to_kwargs decorator across various modules. The merging of these PRs was a critical step in ensuring that our codebase adhered to the project’s evolving standards for clarity and maintainability.

Rebasing and Squashing: Overcoming Challenges#

  • I performed rebasing and squashing to integrate the latest changes and consolidate commits. This process was challenging due to several conflicts that arose. Resolving these conflicts required a deep dive into Git’s functionality, including:

    • Conflict Resolution: Manually resolving merge conflicts that affected several files.

    • Understanding Git Operations: Gained hands-on experience with rebasing and squashing, which improved my grasp of version control workflows.

    • Commit Consolidation: multiple commits into a single commit to streamline the commit history and enhance readability.

Here are some of the Git commands I used during the rebasing and squashing process:

# Rebase the branch onto the upstream/master branch

git rebase upstream/master -xtheirs

# Squash the last "n" commits into a single commit
git rebase -i HEAD~n

# Continue the rebase process after resolving conflicts
git rebase --continue

git rebase --abort

# Amend the last commit with new changes
git commit --amend

# Push the changes to the remote repository
git push origin branch_name --force

Technical Insights and Lessons Learned#

  • Version Control Mastery: Through the rebasing and squashing process, I gained a deeper understanding of Git’s capabilities and the importance of maintaining a clean commit history.


I want to extend my thanks to my mentor Serge Koudoro, for his detailed feedback and guidance. Your support has been crucial in refining my work. I also appreciate the constructive comments from my peers: Iñigo Tellaetxe Elorriaga, Robin Roy, Kaustav Deka, which have been instrumental in improving the quality of my contributions.

Did I get stuck anywhere?#

While the rebasing and squashing process presented challenges, I was able to overcome them with the help of my mentor Serge Koudoro and online resources and documentation.

The experience has enhanced my Git proficiency and prepared me for future code management tasks.

What’s next ?#

In the week 7, I plan to:

  1. Review Adjustments: I’ll be reviewing the feedback provided by my mentor Serge Koudoro, on the latest changes to ensure that everything meets FURY’s coding standards.

  2. Finalizing Lazy Loading: Once the reviews are completed and approved, my mentor Serge Koudoro, will merge the PR related to the lazy loading implementation. This will mark a significant milestone in optimizing the FURY codebase.

  3. Sphinx Warning Fixes: I will start addressing Sphinx warnings related to typos in the blog posts to improve the documentation quality.