Week 8: Gemini Finetuning#

Hi, I’m Robin and this is my blog about week 8.

This week I worked on finalizing the Discord chat QnA data collection and using it to Fine-Tune the Gemini-1.0-Pro model.

Things I did in Week 8#

  1. Discord Data Collection

I finished collecting data from all the channels in the Discord server, cross-verifying to check whether they still work. I also added some questions which were on the FURY bot testing server. These QnA pairs were later converted to a CSV with input/output pairs and fed to Gemini for finetuning.

  1. Gemini Finetuning

Finetuning is essentially training the model on the input/output. RAG is giving context and asking the model to form an answer using that. Finetuning updates the model weights as per the input/output. Gemini uses Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning in AI Studio as per some reports. It makes sense because the tuning only takes minutes and PEFT is a good strategy to prevent issues like catastrophic forgetting.

Finetuning and RAG are complementary to each other. The difference between them can be summarized as follows:

RAG is like giving an LLM with no prior knowledge about FURY access to some important functions/classes as per the user prompt. It’ll use this given context and its knowledge of graphics libraries (knowledge from pretraining) to form an answer.

Finetuning is used to make the model follow a certain style or behaviour. It is a form of mimicking the input-output. This will help in increasing the model’s performance. An interesting thing is I had to train the model 1) with RAG and 2) without RAG.

For finetuning, the input must be in the format the LLM will get the answer from the user. When you ask a question to the FURY bot, the bot does not get your question directly. We are processing it to add additional information. Therefore I had to process all the collected data with RAG.

This is an interesting direction, and I have a lot of cool things to try out here. I’ll spend the next few weeks trying different ideas.

What is coming up next week?#

  • Finetuning strategies.

  • Hosting the model on API.

Did you get stuck anywhere?#

No, I did not get stuck anywhere.


Thank you for reading!