Week 4 - Finalizing glTF loader#
What did you do this week?#
This week I had to travel back to my college since the summer vacations have ended. I had a coding session with Serge this week, we modified the exporter function and looked at some bugs I faced.
We managed to use the io.load_io
function. There was a strange issue with loading png files. I had to convert the PIL Image
to RGB
format, and it fixed the issue, turns out png images are stored as P
(pallet) mode.
I also added the glb
format support to the importer. While loading a .glb
model, I noticed that the image data is also stored in the buffer and there can be a bufferview
index to get the buffer.
During this time, I also tested the glTF loader with all models in the KhronoosGroup/glTF-samples
repository. Here’s the table of models working well: see file.
Model Name |
Status |
Error Type |
BoxInterleaved |
No |
“BoxInterleaved.gltf: shapes (4,4) and (7,12) not aligned: 4 (dim 1) != 7 (dim 0)” |
Box |
Yes |
SpecularTest |
Yes |
AnimatedCube |
Yes |
NormalTangentMirrorTest |
Yes |
AnimatedTriangle |
Yes |
SpecGlossVsMetalRough |
No |
SpecGlossVsMetalRough.gltf: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘baseColorTexture’ |
CesiumMilkTruck |
Yes |
VC |
Yes |
WaterBottle |
Yes |
AnimatedMorphCube |
Yes |
Sponza |
Yes |
SciFiHelmet |
No |
SciFiHelmet.gltf: Python int too large to convert to C long |
Triangle |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
IridescenceMetallicSpheres |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
Corset |
Yes |
Cube |
Yes |
TextureLinearInterpolationTest |
Yes |
SimpleMeshes |
Yes |
Lantern |
Yes |
TextureTransformMultiTest |
Yes |
TextureSettingsTest |
Yes |
LightsPunctualLamp |
Yes |
DamagedHelmet |
Yes |
CesiumMan |
Yes |
Cameras |
Yes |
BarramundiFish |
Yes |
MetalRoughSpheresNoTextures |
Yes |
EnvironmentTest |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
MosquitoInAmber |
No |
MosquitoInAmber.gltf: buffer is smaller than requested size |
BoxTexturedNonPowerOfTwo |
Yes |
BrainStem |
Yes |
SimpleMorph |
Yes |
OrientationTest |
Yes |
BoxAnimated |
Yes |
StainedGlassLamp |
Yes |
TextureTransformTest |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
ClearCoatTest |
Yes |
IridescenceLamp |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
DragonAttenuation |
No |
DragonAttenuation.gltf: buffer is smaller than requested size |
RecursiveSkeletons |
No |
RecursiveSkeletons.gltf: cannot reshape array of size 120 into shape (9) |
Suzanne |
Yes |
RiggedSimple |
Yes |
TextureEncodingTest |
Yes |
2CylinderEngine |
Yes |
NormalTangentTest |
Yes |
MorphStressTest |
Yes |
IridescenceDielectricSpheres |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
TextureCoordinateTest |
Yes |
Duck |
Yes |
AlphaBlendModeTest |
Yes |
TriangleWithoutIndices |
Yes |
MultiUVTest |
Yes |
BoomBoxWithAxes |
Yes |
Box With Spaces |
No |
Box%20With%20Spaces.gltf: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ |
SheenCloth |
Yes |
ToyCar |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
MaterialsVariantsShoe |
No |
MaterialsVariantsShoe.gltf: buffer is smaller than requested size |
IridescentDishWithOlives |
Yes |
VertexColorTest |
Yes |
SheenChair |
Yes |
Fox |
Yes |
AntiqueCamera |
Yes |
TransmissionTest |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
TransmissionRoughnessTest |
Yes |
BoxVertexColors |
Yes |
ReciprocatingSaw |
Yes |
MorphPrimitivesTest |
Yes |
MetalRoughSpheres |
Yes |
GearboxAssy |
Yes |
TwoSidedPlane |
Yes |
Buggy |
Yes |
SimpleSparseAccessor |
Yes |
BoxTextured |
Yes |
UnlitTest |
Yes |
SimpleSkin |
Yes |
FlightHelmet |
Yes |
Unicode❤♻Test |
No |
Unicode%E2%9D%A4%E2%99%BBTest.gltf: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ |
Avocado |
Yes |
InterpolationTest |
Yes |
GlamVelvetSofa |
Yes |
RiggedFigure |
Yes |
BoomBox |
Yes |
EmissiveStrengthTest |
No |
None: file not downloaded |
AttenuationTest |
Yes |
AnimatedMorphSphere |
Yes |
IridescenceSuzanne |
Yes |
What is coming up next week?#
Adding tests and merging export function PR.
Start working on Simple Animations.
Did you get stuck anywhere?#
To create a texture, we needed the RGB values, However
images were returning a 2D array when read using PIL. It is fixed byif pil_image.mode in ['P']: pil_image = pil_image.convert('RGB')
method does not handle glb files very well. It does not contain the bufferuri
. I usedglb2gltf
method as of now.