import os
import numpy as np
from fury import actor
from fury.lib import FloatArray, Texture
from fury.shaders import (
from fury.texture.utils import uv_calculations
from fury.utils import minmax_norm, numpy_to_vtk_image_data, set_polydata_tcoords
def sh_odf(centers, coeffs, degree, sh_basis, scales, opacity):
Visualize one or many ODFs with different features.
centers : ndarray(N, 3)
ODFs positions.
coeffs : ndarray
2D ODFs array in SH coefficients.
sh_basis: str, optional
Type of basis (descoteaux, tournier)
'descoteaux' for the default ``descoteaux07`` DIPY basis.
'tournier' for the default ``tournier07`` DIPY basis.
degree: int, optional
Index of the highest used band of the spherical harmonics basis. Must
be even, at least 2 and at most 12.
scales : float or ndarray (N, )
ODFs size.
opacity : float
Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque).
box_actor: Actor
odf_actor =, scales=scales)
big_centers = np.repeat(centers, 8, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(odf_actor, big_centers, "center")
minmax = np.array([coeffs.min(axis=1), coeffs.max(axis=1)]).T
big_minmax = np.repeat(minmax, 8, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(odf_actor, big_minmax, "minmax")
odf_actor_pd = odf_actor.GetMapper().GetInput()
n_glyphs = coeffs.shape[0]
# Coordinates to locate the data of each glyph in the texture.
uv_vals = np.array(uv_calculations(n_glyphs))
num_pnts = uv_vals.shape[0]
# Definition of texture coordinates to be associated with the actor.
t_coords = FloatArray()
[t_coords.SetTuple(i, uv_vals[i]) for i in range(num_pnts)]
set_polydata_tcoords(odf_actor_pd, t_coords)
# The coefficient data is stored in a texture to be passed to the shaders.
# Data is normalized to a range of 0 to 1.
arr = minmax_norm(coeffs)
# Data is turned into values within the RGB color range, and then converted
# into a vtk image data.
arr *= 255
grid = numpy_to_vtk_image_data(arr.astype(np.uint8))
# Vtk image data is associated to a texture.
texture = Texture()
# Texture is associated with the actor
odf_actor.GetProperty().SetTexture("texture0", texture)
max_num_coeffs = coeffs.shape[-1]
max_sh_degree = int((np.sqrt(8 * max_num_coeffs + 1) - 3) / 2)
max_poly_degree = 2 * max_sh_degree + 2
viz_sh_degree = max_sh_degree
# The number of coefficients is associated to the order of the SH
"shDegree", viz_sh_degree
# Start of shader implementation
vs_dec = """
uniform float shDegree;
in vec3 center;
in vec2 minmax;
flat out float numCoeffsVSOutput;
flat out float maxPolyDegreeVSOutput;
out vec4 vertexMCVSOutput;
out vec3 centerMCVSOutput;
out vec2 minmaxVSOutput;
out vec3 camPosMCVSOutput;
out vec3 camRightMCVSOutput;
out vec3 camUpMCVSOutput;
vs_impl = """
numCoeffsVSOutput = (shDegree + 1) * (shDegree + 2) / 2;
maxPolyDegreeVSOutput = 2 * shDegree + 2;
vertexMCVSOutput = vertexMC;
centerMCVSOutput = center;
minmaxVSOutput = minmax;
camPosMCVSOutput = -MCVCMatrix[3].xyz * mat3(MCVCMatrix);
camRightMCVSOutput = vec3(
MCVCMatrix[0][0], MCVCMatrix[1][0], MCVCMatrix[2][0]);
camUpMCVSOutput = vec3(
MCVCMatrix[0][1], MCVCMatrix[1][1], MCVCMatrix[2][1]);
shader_to_actor(odf_actor, "vertex", decl_code=vs_dec, impl_code=vs_impl)
# The index of the highest used band of the spherical harmonics basis. Must
# be even, at least 2 and at most 12.
def_sh_degree = f"#define SH_DEGREE {max_sh_degree}"
# The number of spherical harmonics basis functions
def_sh_count = f"#define SH_COUNT {max_num_coeffs}"
# Degree of polynomials for which we have to find roots
def_max_degree = f"#define MAX_DEGREE {max_poly_degree}"
# If GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes is available, these defines should be
# defined as [[unroll]] and [[loop]] to give reasonable hints to the
# compiler. That avoids register spilling, which makes execution
# considerably faster.
def_gl_ext_control_flow_attributes = """
#ifndef _unroll_
#define _unroll_
#ifndef _loop_
#define _loop_
# When there are fewer intersections/roots than theoretically possible,
# some array entries are set to this value
def_no_intersection = "#define NO_INTERSECTION 3.4e38"
# pi and its reciprocal
def_pis = """
#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643
#define M_INV_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745
fs_vs_vars = """
flat in float numCoeffsVSOutput;
flat in float maxPolyDegreeVSOutput;
in vec4 vertexMCVSOutput;
in vec3 centerMCVSOutput;
in vec2 minmaxVSOutput;
in vec3 camPosMCVSOutput;
in vec3 camRightMCVSOutput;
in vec3 camUpMCVSOutput;
coeffs_norm = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("utils", "minmax_norm.glsl"))
eval_sh_composed = ""
for i in range(2, max_sh_degree + 1, 2):
eval_sh = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("ray_tracing", "odf", sh_basis, "eval_sh_" + str(i) + ".frag")
eval_sh_grad = import_fury_shader(
"ray_tracing", "odf", sh_basis, "eval_sh_grad_" + str(i) + ".frag"
eval_sh_composed = compose_shader([eval_sh_composed, eval_sh, eval_sh_grad])
# Searches a single root of a polynomial within a given interval.
# param out_root The location of the found root.
# param out_end_value The value of the given polynomial at end.
# param poly Coefficients of the polynomial for which a root should be
# found.
# Coefficient poly[i] is multiplied by x^i.
# param begin The beginning of an interval where the polynomial is
# monotonic.
# param end The end of said interval.
# param begin_value The value of the given polynomial at begin.
# param error_tolerance The error tolerance for the returned root
# location.
# Typically the error will be much lower but in theory it can be
# bigger.
# return true if a root was found, false if no root exists.
newton_bisection = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("utils", "newton_bisection.frag")
# Finds all roots of the given polynomial in the interval [begin, end] and
# writes them to out_roots. Some entries will be NO_INTERSECTION but other
# than that the array is sorted. The last entry is always NO_INTERSECTION.
find_roots = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("utils", "find_roots.frag"))
# Evaluates the spherical harmonics basis in bands 0, 2, ..., SH_DEGREE.
# Conventions are as in the following paper.
# M. Descoteaux, E. Angelino, S. Fitzgibbons, and R. Deriche. Regularized,
# fast, and robust analytical q-ball imaging. Magnetic Resonance in
# Medicine, 58(3), 2007.
# param outSH Values of SH basis functions in bands 0, 2, ...,
# SH_DEGREE in this order.
# param point The point on the unit sphere where the basis should be
# evaluated.
eval_sh = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("ray_tracing", "odf", "eval_sh.frag"))
# Evaluates the gradient of each basis function given by eval_sh() and the
# basis itself
eval_sh_grad = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("ray_tracing", "odf", "eval_sh_grad.frag")
# Outputs a matrix that turns equidistant samples on the unit circle of a
# homogeneous polynomial into coefficients of that polynomial.
get_inv_vandermonde = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("ray_tracing", "odf", "get_inv_vandermonde.frag")
# Determines all intersections between a ray and a spherical harmonics
# glyph.
# param out_ray_params The ray parameters at intersection points. The
# points themselves are at ray_origin + out_ray_params[i] * ray_dir.
# Some entries may be NO_INTERSECTION but other than that the array
# is sorted.
# param sh_coeffs SH_COUNT spherical harmonic coefficients defining the
# glyph. Their exact meaning is defined by eval_sh().
# param ray_origin The origin of the ray, relative to the glyph center.
# param ray_dir The normalized direction vector of the ray.
ray_sh_glyph_intersections = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("ray_tracing", "odf", "ray_sh_glyph_intersections.frag")
# Provides a normalized normal vector for a spherical harmonics glyph.
# param sh_coeffs SH_COUNT spherical harmonic coefficients defining the
# glyph. Their exact meaning is defined by eval_sh().
# param point A point on the surface of the glyph, relative to its
# center.
# return A normalized surface normal pointing away from the origin.
get_sh_glyph_normal = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("ray_tracing", "odf", "get_sh_glyph_normal.frag")
# Applies the non-linearity that maps linear RGB to sRGB
linear_to_srgb = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("lighting", "linear_to_srgb.frag"))
# Inverse of linear_to_srgb()
srgb_to_linear = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("lighting", "srgb_to_linear.frag"))
# Turns a linear RGB color (i.e. rec. 709) into sRGB
linear_rgb_to_srgb = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("lighting", "linear_rgb_to_srgb.frag")
# Inverse of linear_rgb_to_srgb()
srgb_to_linear_rgb = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("lighting", "srgb_to_linear_rgb.frag")
# Logarithmic tonemapping operator. Input and output are linear RGB.
tonemap = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("lighting", "tonemap.frag"))
# Blinn-Phong illumination model
blinn_phong_model = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("lighting", "blinn_phong_model.frag")
# fmt: off
fs_dec = compose_shader([
def_sh_degree, def_sh_count, def_max_degree,
def_gl_ext_control_flow_attributes, def_no_intersection, def_pis,
fs_vs_vars, coeffs_norm, eval_sh_composed, newton_bisection, find_roots,
eval_sh, eval_sh_grad, get_inv_vandermonde, ray_sh_glyph_intersections,
get_sh_glyph_normal, blinn_phong_model, linear_to_srgb, srgb_to_linear,
linear_rgb_to_srgb, srgb_to_linear_rgb, tonemap
# fmt: on
shader_to_actor(odf_actor, "fragment", decl_code=fs_dec)
point_from_vs = "vec3 pnt =;"
# Ray origin is the camera position in world space
ray_origin = "vec3 ro = camPosMCVSOutput;"
# Ray direction is the normalized difference between the fragment and the
# camera position/ray origin
ray_direction = "vec3 rd = normalize(pnt - ro);"
# Light direction in a retroreflective model is the normalized difference
# between the camera position/ray origin and the fragment
light_direction = "vec3 ld = normalize(ro - pnt);"
# Define SH coefficients (measured up to band 8, noise beyond that)
sh_coeffs = """
float i = 1 / (numCoeffsVSOutput * 2);
float shCoeffs[SH_COUNT];
for(int j=0; j < numCoeffsVSOutput; j++){
shCoeffs[j] = rescale(
vec2(i + j / numCoeffsVSOutput, tcoordVCVSOutput.y)).x,
0, 1, minmaxVSOutput.x, minmaxVSOutput.y
# Perform the intersection test
intersection_test = """
float rayParams[MAX_DEGREE];
rayParams, shCoeffs, ro - centerMCVSOutput, rd, int(shDegree),
int(numCoeffsVSOutput), int(maxPolyDegreeVSOutput), M_PI,
# Identify the first intersection
first_intersection = """
float firstRayParam = NO_INTERSECTION;
for (int i = 0; i != maxPolyDegreeVSOutput; ++i) {
if (rayParams[i] != NO_INTERSECTION && rayParams[i] > 0.0) {
firstRayParam = rayParams[i];
# Evaluate shading for a directional light
directional_light = """
vec3 color = vec3(1.);
if (firstRayParam != NO_INTERSECTION) {
vec3 intersection = ro - centerMCVSOutput + firstRayParam * rd;
vec3 normal = getShGlyphNormal(shCoeffs, intersection,
int(shDegree), int(numCoeffsVSOutput));
vec3 colorDir = srgbToLinearRgb(abs(normalize(intersection)));
float attenuation = dot(ld, normal);
color = blinnPhongIllumModel(
attenuation, lightColor0, colorDir, specularPower,
specularColor, ambientColor);
} else {
frag_output = """
vec3 outColor = linearRgbToSrgb(tonemap(color));
fragOutput0 = vec4(outColor, opacity);
fs_impl = compose_shader(
shader_to_actor(odf_actor, "fragment", impl_code=fs_impl, block="picking")
return odf_actor