Module: animation.animation
Keyframe animation class. |
Camera keyframe animation class. |
Module: animation.helpers
Return the maximum previous timestamp of a given time. |
Return the minimum next timestamp of a given time. |
Return a sorted array of timestamps given dict of keyframes. |
Return an array of keyframes values sorted using timestamps. |
Return a capped time tau between 0 and 1. |
Return a linearly interpolated value. |
Return a list of euclidean distances of a list of points or values. |
Module: animation.interpolator
N-th degree spline interpolator for keyframes. |
Cubic spline interpolator for keyframes. |
Step interpolator for keyframes. |
Linear interpolator for keyframes. |
Cubic Bézier interpolator for keyframes. |
Spherical based rotation keyframes interpolator. |
Custom-space color interpolator. |
HSV interpolator for color keyframes |
LAB interpolator for color keyframes |
XYZ interpolator for color keyframes |
Cubic spline interpolator for keyframes using tangents. |
Module: animation.timeline
Keyframe animation Timeline. |
- class fury.animation.animation.Animation(*, actors=None, length=None, loop=True, motion_path_res=None)[source]#
Keyframe animation class.
Animation is responsible for keyframe animations for a single or a group of actors. It’s used to handle multiple attributes and properties of Fury actors such as transformations, color, and scale. It also accepts custom data and interpolates them, such as temperature. Linear interpolation is used by default to interpolate data between the main keyframes.
- Attributes:
Actor or list[Actor], optional, default: NoneReturn a list of actors.
- lengthfloat or int, default: None, optional
the fixed length of the animation. If set to None, the animation will get its duration from the keyframes being set.
bool, optional, default: TrueGet loop condition of the current animation.
- motion_path_resint, default: None
the number of line segments used to visualizer the animation’s motion path (visualizing position).
- property actors#
Return a list of actors.
- Returns:
- list:
List of actors controlled by the Animation.
- add(item)[source]#
Add an item to the Animation. This item can be an Actor, Animation, list of Actors, or a list of Animations.
- Parameters:
- item: Animation, vtkActor, list[Animation], or list[vtkActor]
Actor/s to be animated by the Animation.
- add_actor(actor, *, static=False)[source]#
Add an actor or list of actors to the Animation.
- Parameters:
- actor: vtkActor or list(vtkActor)
Actor/s to be animated by the Animation.
- static: bool
Indicated whether the actor should be animated and controlled by the animation or just a static actor that gets added to the scene along with the Animation.
- add_child_animation(animation)[source]#
Add child Animation or list of Animations.
- Parameters:
- animation: Animation or list[Animation]
Animation/s to be added.
- add_static_actor(actor)[source]#
Add an actor or list of actors as static actor/s which will not be controlled nor animated by the Animation. All static actors will be added to the scene when the Animation is added to the scene.
- Parameters:
- actor: vtkActor or list(vtkActor)
Static actor/s.
- add_to_scene_at(timestamp)[source]#
Set timestamp for adding Animation to scene event.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the event.
- add_update_callback(callback, prop=None)[source]#
Add a function to be called each time animation is updated This function must accept only one argument which is the current value of the named property.
- Parameters:
- callback: callable
The function to be called whenever the animation is updated.
- prop: str, optional, default: None
The name of the property.
If no attribute name was provided, current time of the animation will be provided instead of current value for the callback.
- property child_animations: list[Animation]#
Return a list of child Animations.
- Returns:
- list:
List of child Animations of this Animation.
- property current_timestamp#
Return the current time of the animation.
- Returns:
- float
The current time of the animation.
- property duration#
Return the duration of the animation.
- Returns:
- float
The duration of the animation.
- get_color(t)[source]#
Return the interpolated color.
- Parameters:
- t: float
The time to interpolate color value at.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 3):
The interpolated color.
- get_current_value(attrib)[source]#
Return the value of an attribute at current time.
- Parameters:
- attrib: str
The attribute name.
- get_keyframes(*, attrib=None)[source]#
Get a keyframe for a specific or all attributes.
- Parameters:
- attrib: str, optional, default: None
The name of the attribute. If None, all keyframes for all set attributes will be returned.
- get_opacity(t)[source]#
Return the opacity value.
- Parameters:
- t: float
The time to interpolate opacity at.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 1):
The interpolated opacity.
- get_position(t)[source]#
Return the interpolated position.
- Parameters:
- t: float
The time to interpolate position at.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 3):
The interpolated position.
- get_rotation(t, as_quat=False)[source]#
Return the interpolated rotation.
- Parameters:
- t: float
the time to interpolate rotation at.
- as_quat: bool
Returned rotation will be as quaternion if True.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 3):
The interpolated rotation as Euler degrees by default.
- get_scale(t)[source]#
Return the interpolated scale.
- Parameters:
- t: float
The time to interpolate scale at.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 3):
The interpolated scale.
- get_value(attrib, timestamp)[source]#
Return the value of an attribute at any given timestamp.
- Parameters:
- attrib: str
The attribute name.
- timestamp: float
The timestamp to interpolate at.
- is_inside_scene_at(timestamp)[source]#
Check if the Animation is set to be inside the scene at a specific timestamp.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the Animation is set to be inside the scene at the given timestamp.
If the parent Animation is set to be out of the scene at that time, all of their child animations will be out of the scene as well.
- is_interpolatable(attrib)[source]#
Check whether a property is interpolatable.
- Parameters:
- attrib: str
The name of the property.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the property is interpolatable by the Animation.
True means that it’s safe to use Interpolator.interpolate(t) for the specified property. And False means the opposite.
- property loop#
Get loop condition of the current animation.
- Returns:
- bool
Whether the animation in loop mode (True) or play one mode (False).
- property parent_animation#
Return the hierarchical parent Animation for current Animation.
- Returns:
- Animation:
The parent Animation.
- remove_actor(actor)[source]#
Remove an actor from the Animation.
- Parameters:
- actor: vtkActor
Actor to be removed from the Animation.
- remove_from_scene_at(timestamp)[source]#
Set timestamp for removing Animation to scene event.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the event.
- set_color(timestamp, color, **kwargs)[source]#
Set color keyframe at a specific timestamp.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe
- color: ndarray, shape(1, 3)
Color keyframe value associated with the timestamp.
- set_color_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False)[source]#
Set the color interpolator.
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the color keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
>>> Animation.set_color_interpolator(lab_color_interpolator)
- set_color_keyframes(keyframes)[source]#
Set a dict of color keyframes at once. Should be in the following form: {timestamp_1: color_1, timestamp_2: color_2}
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
A dict with timestamps as keys and color as values.
>>> import numpy as np >>> color_keyframes = {1, (1, 0, 1), 3, (0, 0, 1)} >>> Animation.set_color_keyframes(color_keyframes)
- set_interpolator(attrib, interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Set keyframes interpolator for a certain property
- Parameters:
- attrib: str
The name of the property.
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator to be used to interpolate/evaluate keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes such as:
- def get_position(t):
return np.array([np.sin(t), np.cos(t) * 5, 5])
- Other Parameters:
- spline_degree: int, optional
The degree of the spline in case of setting a spline interpolator.
If an evaluator is used to set the values of actor’s properties such as position, scale, color, rotation, or opacity, it has to return a value with the same shape as the evaluated property, i.e.: for scale, it has to return an array with shape 1x3, and for opacity, it has to return a 1x1, an int, or a float value.
>>> Animation.set_interpolator('position', linear_interpolator) >>> pos_fun = lambda t: np.array([np.sin(t), np.cos(t), 0]) >>> Animation.set_interpolator('position', pos_fun)
- set_keyframe(attrib, timestamp, value, *, update_interpolator=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Set a keyframe for a certain attribute.
- Parameters:
- attrib: str
The name of the attribute.
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe.
- value: ndarray or float or bool
Value of the keyframe at the given timestamp.
- update_interpolator: bool, optional
Interpolator will be reinitialized if True
- Other Parameters:
- in_cp: ndarray, shape (1, M), optional
The in control point in case of using cubic Bézier interpolator.
- out_cp: ndarray, shape (1, M), optional
The out control point in case of using cubic Bézier interpolator.
- in_tangent: ndarray, shape (1, M), optional
The in tangent at that position for the cubic spline curve.
- out_tangent: ndarray, shape (1, M), optional
The out tangent at that position for the cubic spline curve.
- set_keyframes(attrib, keyframes)[source]#
Set multiple keyframes for a certain attribute.
- Parameters:
- attrib: str
The name of the attribute.
- keyframes: dict
A dict object containing keyframes to be set.
Keyframes can be on any of the following forms: >>> import numpy as np >>> key_frames_simple = {1: [1, 2, 1], 2: [3, 4, 5]} >>> key_frames_bezier = {1: {‘value’: [1, 2, 1]}, … 2: {‘value’: [3, 4, 5], ‘in_cp’: [1, 2, 3]}} >>> pos_keyframes = {1: np.array([1, 2, 3]), 3: np.array([5, 5, 5])} >>> Animation.set_keyframes(‘position’, pos_keyframes) # doctest: +SKIP
- set_opacity(timestamp, opacity, **kwargs)[source]#
Set opacity keyframe at a specific timestamp.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe
- opacity: ndarray, shape(1, 3)
Opacity keyframe value associated with the timestamp.
- set_opacity_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False)[source]#
Set the opacity interpolator.
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the opacity keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
>>> Animation.set_opacity_interpolator(step_interpolator)
- set_opacity_keyframes(keyframes)[source]#
Set a dict of opacity keyframes at once. Should be in the following form: {timestamp_1: opacity_1, timestamp_2: opacity_2}
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict(float: ndarray, shape(1, 1) or float or int)
A dict with timestamps as keys and opacities as values.
Opacity values should be between 0 and 1.
>>> opacity = {1, (1, 1, 1), 3, (2, 2, 3)} >>> Animation.set_scale_keyframes(opacity)
- set_position(timestamp, position, **kwargs)[source]#
Set a position keyframe at a specific timestamp.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe
- position: ndarray, shape (1, 3)
Position value
- Other Parameters:
- in_cp: float
The control point in case of using cubic Bézier interpolator when time exceeds this timestamp.
- out_cp: float
The control point in case of using cubic Bézier interpolator when time precedes this timestamp.
- in_tangent: ndarray, shape (1, M), optional
The in tangent at that position for the cubic spline curve.
- out_tangent: ndarray, shape (1, M), optional
The out tangent at that position for the cubic spline curve.
in_cp and out_cp only needed when using the cubic bezier interpolation method.
- set_position_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Set the position interpolator.
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
- The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the
position keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
- Other Parameters:
- degree: int
The degree of the spline interpolation in case of setting the spline_interpolator.
>>> Animation.set_position_interpolator(spline_interpolator, degree=5)
- set_position_keyframes(keyframes)[source]#
Set a dict of position keyframes at once. Should be in the following form: {timestamp_1: position_1, timestamp_2: position_2}
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
A dict with timestamps as keys and positions as values.
>>> pos_keyframes = {1, (0, 0, 0), 3, (50, 6, 6)} >>> Animation.set_position_keyframes(pos_keyframes)
- set_rotation(timestamp, rotation, **kwargs)[source]#
Set a rotation keyframe at a specific timestamp.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe
- rotation: ndarray, shape(1, 3) or shape(1, 4)
Rotation data in euler degrees with shape(1, 3) or in quaternions with shape(1, 4).
Euler rotations are executed by rotating first around Z then around X, and finally around Y.
- set_rotation_as_vector(timestamp, vector, **kwargs)[source]#
Set a rotation keyframe at a specific timestamp.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe
- vector: ndarray, shape(1, 3)
Directional vector that describes the rotation.
- set_rotation_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False)[source]#
Set the rotation interpolator .
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the rotation (orientation) keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
>>> Animation.set_rotation_interpolator(slerp)
- set_scale(timestamp, scalar, **kwargs)[source]#
Set a scale keyframe at a specific timestamp.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
Timestamp of the keyframe
- scalar: ndarray, shape(1, 3)
Scale keyframe value associated with the timestamp.
- set_scale_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False)[source]#
Set the scale interpolator.
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the scale keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
>>> Animation.set_scale_interpolator(step_interpolator)
- set_scale_keyframes(keyframes)[source]#
Set a dict of scale keyframes at once. Should be in the following form: {timestamp_1: scale_1, timestamp_2: scale_2}
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
A dict with timestamps as keys and scales as values.
>>> scale_keyframes = {1, (1, 1, 1), 3, (2, 2, 3)} >>> Animation.set_scale_keyframes(scale_keyframes)
- property static_actors#
Return a list of static actors.
- Returns:
- list:
List of static actors.
- property timeline#
Return the Timeline handling the current animation.
- Returns:
- Timeline:
The Timeline handling the current animation, None, if there is no associated Timeline.
- update_animation(*, time=None)[source]#
Update the animation.
Update the animation at a certain time. This will make sure all attributes are calculated and set to the actors at that given time.
- Parameters:
- time: float or int, optional, default: None
The time to update animation at. If None, the animation will play without adding it to a Timeline.
- class fury.animation.animation.CameraAnimation(*, camera=None, length=None, loop=True, motion_path_res=None)[source]#
Camera keyframe animation class.
This is used for animating a single camera using a set of keyframes.
- Attributes:
Camera, optional, default: NoneReturn the camera assigned to this animation.
- lengthfloat or int, default: None, optional
the fixed length of the animation. If set to None, the animation will get its duration from the keyframes being set.
bool, optional, default: TrueGet loop condition of the current animation.
- motion_path_resint, default: None
the number of line segments used to visualizer the animation’s motion path (visualizing position).
- property camera: vtkCamera#
Return the camera assigned to this animation.
- Returns:
- Camera:
The camera that is being animated by this CameraAnimation.
- get_focal(t)[source]#
Return the interpolated camera’s focal position.
- Parameters:
- t: float
The time to interpolate at.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 3):
The interpolated camera’s focal position.
The returned focal position does not necessarily reflect the current camera’s focal position, but the expected one.
- get_view_up(t)[source]#
Return the interpolated camera’s view-up directional vector.
- Parameters:
- t: float
The time to interpolate at.
- Returns:
- ndarray(1, 3):
The interpolated camera view-up directional vector.
The returned focal position does not necessarily reflect the actual camera view up directional vector, but the expected one.
- set_focal(timestamp, position, **kwargs)[source]#
Set camera’s focal position keyframe.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
The time to interpolate opacity at.
- position: ndarray, shape(1, 3)
The camera position
- set_focal_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False)[source]#
Set the camera focal position interpolator.
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the interpolation of the camera focal position keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
- set_focal_keyframes(keyframes)[source]#
Set multiple camera focal position keyframes at once. Should be in the following form: {timestamp_1: focal_1, timestamp_2: focal_1, …}
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
A dict with timestamps as keys and camera focal positions as values.
>>> focal_pos = {0, (1, 1, 1), 3, (20, 0, 0)} >>> CameraAnimation.set_focal_keyframes(focal_pos)
- set_view_up(timestamp, direction, **kwargs)[source]#
Set the camera view-up direction keyframe.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
The time to interpolate at.
- direction: ndarray, shape(1, 3)
The camera view-up direction
- set_view_up_interpolator(interpolator, *, is_evaluator=False)[source]#
Set the camera up-view vector animation interpolator.
- Parameters:
- interpolator: callable
The generator function of the interpolator that would handle the interpolation of the camera view-up keyframes.
- is_evaluator: bool, optional
Specifies whether the interpolator is time-only based evaluation function that does not depend on keyframes.
- set_view_up_keyframes(keyframes)[source]#
Set multiple camera view up direction keyframes. Should be in the following form: {timestamp_1: view_up_1, timestamp_2: view_up_2, …}
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
A dict with timestamps as keys and camera view up vectors as values.
>>> view_ups = {0, np.array([1, 0, 0]), 3, np.array([0, 1, 0])} >>> CameraAnimation.set_view_up_keyframes(view_ups)
- fury.animation.helpers.get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, current_time, *, include_last=False)[source]#
Return the maximum previous timestamp of a given time.
- Parameters:
- timestampsndarray
Sorted list of timestamps.
- current_timefloat or int
The time to get previous timestamp for.
- include_last: bool, optional, default: False
If True, even the last timestamp will be considered a valid previous timestamp.
- Returns:
- float or int
The previous timestamp
- fury.animation.helpers.get_next_timestamp(timestamps, current_time, *, include_first=False)[source]#
Return the minimum next timestamp of a given time.
- Parameters:
- timestampsndarray
Sorted list of timestamps.
- current_timefloat or int
The time to get previous timestamp for.
- include_first: bool, optional, default: False
If True, even the first timestamp will be considered a valid next timestamp.
- Returns:
- float or int
The next timestamp
- fury.animation.helpers.lerp(v0, v1, t0, t1, t)[source]#
Return a linearly interpolated value.
- Parameters:
- v0: ndarray or float or int.
The first value
- v1: ndarray or float or int.
The second value
- tfloat or int
Current time to interpolate at.
- t0float or int
Timestamp associated with v0.
- t1float or int
Timestamp associated with v1.
- Returns:
- ndarray or float
The interpolated value
- fury.animation.helpers.euclidean_distances(points)[source]#
Return a list of euclidean distances of a list of points or values.
- Parameters:
- points: ndarray
Array of points or valued to calculate euclidean distances between.
- Returns:
- list
A List of euclidean distance between each consecutive points or values.
- fury.animation.interpolator.spline_interpolator(keyframes, degree)[source]#
N-th degree spline interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general n-th degree spline interpolator to be used for any shape of keyframes data.
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the spline curve. Data should be on the following format: {1: {‘value’: np.array([…])}, 2: {‘value’: np.array([…])}}
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
- fury.animation.interpolator.cubic_spline_interpolator(keyframes)[source]#
Cubic spline interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general cubic spline interpolator to be used for any shape of keyframes data.
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the cubic spline curve.
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
See also
- fury.animation.interpolator.step_interpolator(keyframes)[source]#
Step interpolator for keyframes.
This is a simple step interpolator to be used for any shape of keyframes data.
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the spline
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
- fury.animation.interpolator.linear_interpolator(keyframes)[source]#
Linear interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general linear interpolator to be used for any shape of keyframes data.
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
Keyframe data to be linearly interpolated.
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
- fury.animation.interpolator.cubic_bezier_interpolator(keyframes)[source]#
Cubic Bézier interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general cubic Bézier interpolator to be used for any shape of keyframes data.
- Parameters:
- keyframesdict
Keyframes to be interpolated at any time.
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
If no control points are set in the keyframes, The cubic Bézier interpolator will almost behave as a linear interpolator.
- fury.animation.interpolator.slerp(keyframes)[source]#
Spherical based rotation keyframes interpolator.
A rotation interpolator to be used for rotation keyframes.
- Parameters:
- keyframesdict
Rotation keyframes to be interpolated at any time.
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
Rotation keyframes must be in the form of quaternions.
- fury.animation.interpolator.color_interpolator(keyframes, rgb2space, space2rgb)[source]#
Custom-space color interpolator.
Interpolate values linearly inside a custom color space.
- Parameters:
- keyframesdict
Rotation keyframes to be interpolated at any time.
- rgb2space: function
- A functions that take color value in rgb and return that color
converted to the targeted space.
- space2rgb: function
A functions that take color value in the targeted space and returns that color in rgb space.
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
- fury.animation.interpolator.tan_cubic_spline_interpolator(keyframes)[source]#
Cubic spline interpolator for keyframes using tangents. glTF contains additional tangent information for the cubic spline interpolator.
- Parameters:
- keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the cubic spline curve.
- Returns:
- function
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated value at that time.
- class fury.animation.timeline.Timeline(*, animations=None, playback_panel=False, loop=True, length=None)[source]#
Keyframe animation Timeline.
Timeline is responsible for handling the playback of keyframes animations. It has multiple playback options which makes it easy to control the playback, speed, state of the animation with/without a GUI playback panel.
- Attributes:
Animation or list[Animation], optional, default: NoneReturn a list of Animations.
- playback_panelbool, optional
If True, the timeline will have a playback panel set, which can be used to control the playback of the timeline.
- lengthfloat or int, default: None, optional
- the fixed length of the timeline. If set to None, the timeline will get
its length from the animations that it controls automatically.
bool, optionalGet loop condition of the timeline.
- add_animation(animation)[source]#
Add Animation or list of Animations.
- Parameters:
- animation: Animation or list[Animation] or tuple[Animation]
Animation/s to be added.
- property animations: list[Animation]#
Return a list of Animations.
- Returns:
- list:
List of Animations controlled by the timeline.
- property current_timestamp#
Get current timestamp of the Timeline.
- Returns:
- float
The current time of the Timeline.
- property duration#
Return the duration of the Timeline.
- Returns:
- float
The duration of the Timeline.
- property has_playback_panel#
Return whether the Timeline has a playback panel.
- Returns:
- bool: ‘True’ if the Timeline has a playback panel. otherwise, ‘False’
- property loop#
Get loop condition of the timeline.
- Returns:
- bool
Whether the playback is in loop mode (True) or play one mode (False).
- property paused#
Return whether the Timeline is paused.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the Timeline is paused.
- property playing#
Return whether the Timeline is playing.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the Timeline is playing.
- record(*, fname=None, fps=30, speed=1.0, size=(900, 768), order_transparent=True, multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, show_panel=False)[source]#
Record the animation
- Parameters:
- fnamestr, optional
The file name. Save a GIF file if name ends with ‘.gif’, or mp4 video if name ends with’.mp4’. If None, this method will only return an array of frames.
- fpsint, optional
The number of frames per second of the record.
- size(int, int)
(width, height)
of the window. Default is (900, 768).- speedfloat, optional, default 1.0
The speed of the animation.
- order_transparentbool, optional
Default False. Use depth peeling to sort transparent objects. If True also enables anti-aliasing.
- multi_samplesint, optional
Number of samples for anti-aliasing (Default 8). For no anti-aliasing use 0.
- max_peelsint, optional
Maximum number of peels for depth peeling (Default 4).
- show_panelbool, optional, default False
Controls whether to show the playback (if True) panel of hide it (if False)
- Returns:
- ndarray:
The recorded frames.
It’s recommended to use 50 or 30 FPS while recording to a GIF file.
- seek(timestamp)[source]#
Set the current timestamp of the Timeline.
- Parameters:
- timestamp: float
The time to seek.
- seek_percent(percent)[source]#
Seek a percentage of the Timeline’s final timestamp.
- Parameters:
- percent: float
Value from 1 to 100.
- property speed#
Return the speed of the timeline’s playback.
- Returns:
- float
The speed of the timeline’s playback.
- property stopped#
Return whether the Timeline is stopped.
- Returns:
- bool
True if Timeline is stopped.
- update(*, force=False)[source]#
Update the timeline.
Update the Timeline and all the animations that it controls. As well as the playback of the Timeline (if exists).
- Parameters:
- force: bool, optional, default: False
If True, the timeline will update even when the timeline is paused or stopped and hence, more resources will be used.