import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splev, splprep
from scipy.spatial import transform
from fury.animation.helpers import (
from fury.colormap import hsv2rgb, lab2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb2lab, rgb2xyz, xyz2rgb
def spline_interpolator(keyframes, degree):
"""N-th degree spline interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general n-th degree spline interpolator to be used for any shape
of keyframes data.
keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the spline
curve. Data should be on the following format:
{1: {'value': np.array([...])}, 2: {'value': np.array([...])}}
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
if len(keyframes) < (degree + 1):
raise ValueError(
f"Minimum {degree + 1} "
f"keyframes must be set in order to use "
f"{degree}-degree spline"
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
values = get_values_from_keyframes(keyframes)
distances = euclidean_distances(values)
distances_sum = sum(distances)
cumulative_dist_sum = np.cumsum([0] + distances)
tck = splprep(values.T, k=degree, full_output=1, s=0)[0][0]
def interpolate(t):
t0 = get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, t)
t1 = get_next_timestamp(timestamps, t)
mi_index = np.where(timestamps == t0)[0][0]
dt = get_time_tau(t, t0, t1)
section = cumulative_dist_sum[mi_index]
ts = (section + dt * distances[mi_index]) / distances_sum
return np.array(splev(ts, tck))
return interpolate
def cubic_spline_interpolator(keyframes):
"""Cubic spline interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general cubic spline interpolator to be used for any shape of
keyframes data.
keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the cubic spline
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
See Also
return spline_interpolator(keyframes, degree=3)
def step_interpolator(keyframes):
"""Step interpolator for keyframes.
This is a simple step interpolator to be used for any shape of
keyframes data.
keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the spline
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
def interpolate(t):
previous_t = get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, t, include_last=True)
return keyframes.get(previous_t).get("value")
return interpolate
def linear_interpolator(keyframes):
"""Linear interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general linear interpolator to be used for any shape of
keyframes data.
keyframes: dict
Keyframe data to be linearly interpolated.
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
is_single = len(keyframes) == 1
def interpolate(t):
if is_single:
t = timestamps[0]
return keyframes.get(t).get("value")
t0 = get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, t)
t1 = get_next_timestamp(timestamps, t)
p0 = keyframes.get(t0).get("value")
p1 = keyframes.get(t1).get("value")
return lerp(p0, p1, t0, t1, t)
return interpolate
def cubic_bezier_interpolator(keyframes):
"""Cubic Bézier interpolator for keyframes.
This is a general cubic Bézier interpolator to be used for any shape of
keyframes data.
keyframes : dict
Keyframes to be interpolated at any time.
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
If no control points are set in the keyframes, The cubic
Bézier interpolator will almost behave as a linear interpolator.
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
for ts in timestamps:
# keyframe at timestamp
kf_ts = keyframes.get(ts)
if kf_ts.get("in_cp") is None:
kf_ts["in_cp"] = kf_ts.get("value")
if kf_ts.get("out_cp") is None:
kf_ts["out_cp"] = kf_ts.get("value")
def interpolate(t):
t0 = get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, t)
t1 = get_next_timestamp(timestamps, t)
k0 = keyframes.get(t0)
k1 = keyframes.get(t1)
p0 = k0.get("value")
p1 = k0.get("out_cp")
p2 = k1.get("in_cp")
p3 = k1.get("value")
dt = get_time_tau(t, t0, t1)
val = (
(1 - dt) ** 3 * p0
+ 3 * (1 - dt) ** 2 * dt * p1
+ 3 * (1 - dt) * dt**2 * p2
+ dt**3 * p3
return val
return interpolate
def slerp(keyframes):
"""Spherical based rotation keyframes interpolator.
A rotation interpolator to be used for rotation keyframes.
keyframes : dict
Rotation keyframes to be interpolated at any time.
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
Rotation keyframes must be in the form of quaternions.
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
quat_rots = []
for ts in timestamps:
rotations = transform.Rotation.from_quat(quat_rots)
# if only one keyframe specified, linear interpolator is used.
if len(timestamps) == 1:
return linear_interpolator(keyframes)
slerp_interp = transform.Slerp(timestamps, rotations)
min_t = timestamps[0]
max_t = timestamps[-1]
def interpolate(t):
t = min_t if t < min_t else max_t if t > max_t else t
v = slerp_interp(t)
q = v.as_quat()
return q
return interpolate
def color_interpolator(keyframes, rgb2space, space2rgb):
"""Custom-space color interpolator.
Interpolate values linearly inside a custom color space.
keyframes : dict
Rotation keyframes to be interpolated at any time.
rgb2space: function
A functions that take color value in rgb and return that color
converted to the targeted space.
space2rgb: function
A functions that take color value in the targeted space and returns
that color in rgb space.
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
space_keyframes = {}
is_single = len(keyframes) == 1
for ts, keyframe in keyframes.items():
space_keyframes[ts] = rgb2space(keyframe.get("value"))
def interpolate(t):
if is_single:
t = timestamps[0]
return keyframes.get(t).get("value")
t0 = get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, t)
t1 = get_next_timestamp(timestamps, t)
c0 = space_keyframes.get(t0)
c1 = space_keyframes.get(t1)
space_color_val = lerp(c0, c1, t0, t1, t)
return space2rgb(space_color_val)
return interpolate
def hsv_color_interpolator(keyframes):
"""HSV interpolator for color keyframes
See Also
return color_interpolator(keyframes, rgb2hsv, hsv2rgb)
def lab_color_interpolator(keyframes):
"""LAB interpolator for color keyframes
See Also
return color_interpolator(keyframes, rgb2lab, lab2rgb)
def xyz_color_interpolator(keyframes):
"""XYZ interpolator for color keyframes
See Also
return color_interpolator(keyframes, rgb2xyz, xyz2rgb)
def tan_cubic_spline_interpolator(keyframes):
"""Cubic spline interpolator for keyframes using tangents.
glTF contains additional tangent information for the cubic spline
keyframes: dict
Keyframe data containing timestamps and values to form the cubic spline
The interpolation function that take time and return interpolated
value at that time.
timestamps = get_timestamps_from_keyframes(keyframes)
for time in keyframes:
data = keyframes.get(time)
value = data.get("value")
if data.get("in_tangent") is None:
data["in_tangent"] = np.zeros_like(value)
if data.get("in_tangent") is None:
data["in_tangent"] = np.zeros_like(value)
def interpolate(t):
t0 = get_previous_timestamp(timestamps, t)
t1 = get_next_timestamp(timestamps, t)
dt = get_time_tau(t, t0, t1)
time_delta = t1 - t0
p0 = keyframes.get(t0).get("value")
tan_0 = keyframes.get(t0).get("out_tangent") * time_delta
p1 = keyframes.get(t1).get("value")
tan_1 = keyframes.get(t1).get("in_tangent") * time_delta
# cubic spline equation using tangents
t2 = dt * dt
t3 = t2 * dt
return (
(2 * t3 - 3 * t2 + 1) * p0
+ (t3 - 2 * t2 + dt) * tan_0
+ (-2 * t3 + 3 * t2) * p1
+ (t3 - t2) * tan_1
return interpolate