FURY sphere Actor#

This example shows how to use both primitive and vtkSource sphere actor.

import numpy as np

import fury

First thing, you have to specify centers and colors of the sphere

centers = np.zeros([1, 3])
colors = np.array([0, 0, 1])

The below sphere actor is generated by repeating the sphere primitive.

prim_sphere_actor = fury.actor.sphere(centers, colors=colors, radii=5)

This time, we’re using vtkSphereSource to generate the sphere actor

cen2 = np.add(centers, np.array([12, 0, 0]))
cols2 = np.array([1, 0, 0])

vtk_sphere_actor = fury.actor.sphere(cen2, colors=cols2, radii=5, use_primitive=False)

scene = fury.window.Scene()

Adding our sphere actors to scene.


interactive = False

if interactive:
    fury.window.show(scene, size=(600, 600))

fury.window.record(scene=scene, out_path="viz_sphere.png", size=(600, 600))

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