Source code for fury.utils

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import sys
import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from fury.colormap import line_colors

[docs]def set_input(vtk_object, inp): """Set Generic input function which takes into account VTK 5 or 6. Parameters ---------- vtk_object: vtk object inp: vtkPolyData or vtkImageData or vtkAlgorithmOutput Returns ------- vtk_object Notes ------- This can be used in the following way:: from fury.utils import set_input poly_mapper = set_input(vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper(), poly_data) """ if isinstance(inp, vtk.vtkPolyData) or isinstance(inp, vtk.vtkImageData): vtk_object.SetInputData(inp) elif isinstance(inp, vtk.vtkAlgorithmOutput): vtk_object.SetInputConnection(inp) vtk_object.Update() return vtk_object
[docs]def numpy_to_vtk_points(points): """Convert Numpy points array to a vtk points array. Parameters ---------- points : ndarray Returns ------- vtk_points : vtkPoints() """ vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetData(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(np.asarray(points), deep=True)) return vtk_points
[docs]def numpy_to_vtk_colors(colors): """Convert Numpy color array to a vtk color array. Parameters ---------- colors: ndarray Returns ------- vtk_colors : vtkDataArray Notes ----- If colors are not already in UNSIGNED_CHAR you may need to multiply by 255. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from fury.utils import numpy_to_vtk_colors >>> rgb_array = np.random.rand(100, 3) >>> vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * rgb_array) """ vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(np.asarray(colors), deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) return vtk_colors
[docs]def map_coordinates_3d_4d(input_array, indices): """Evaluate the input_array data at the given indices using trilinear interpolation. Parameters ---------- input_array : ndarray, 3D or 4D array indices : ndarray Returns ------- output : ndarray 1D or 2D array """ if input_array.ndim <= 2 or input_array.ndim >= 5: raise ValueError("Input array can only be 3d or 4d") if input_array.ndim == 3: return map_coordinates(input_array, indices.T, order=1) if input_array.ndim == 4: values_4d = [] for i in range(input_array.shape[-1]): values_tmp = map_coordinates(input_array[..., i], indices.T, order=1) values_4d.append(values_tmp) return np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(values_4d).T)
[docs]def lines_to_vtk_polydata(lines, colors=None): """Create a vtkPolyData with lines and colors. Parameters ---------- lines : list list of N curves represented as 2D ndarrays colors : array (N, 3), list of arrays, tuple (3,), array (K,), None If None then a standard orientation colormap is used for every line. If one tuple of color is used. Then all streamlines will have the same colour. If an array (N, 3) is given, where N is equal to the number of lines. Then every line is coloured with a different RGB color. If a list of RGB arrays is given then every point of every line takes a different color. If an array (K, 3) is given, where K is the number of points of all lines then every point is colored with a different RGB color. If an array (K,) is given, where K is the number of points of all lines then these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap. If an array (L,) is given, where L is the number of streamlines then these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap per streamline. If an array (X, Y, Z) or (X, Y, Z, 3) is given then the values for the colormap are interpolated automatically using trilinear interpolation. Returns ------- poly_data : vtkPolyData is_colormap : bool, true if the input color array was a colormap """ # Get the 3d points_array points_array = np.vstack(lines) nb_lines = len(lines) nb_points = len(points_array) lines_range = range(nb_lines) # Get lines_array in vtk input format lines_array = [] # Using np.intp (instead of int64), because of a bug in numpy: # # points_per_line = np.zeros([nb_lines], np.intp) current_position = 0 for i in lines_range: current_len = len(lines[i]) points_per_line[i] = current_len end_position = current_position + current_len lines_array += [current_len] lines_array += range(current_position, end_position) current_position = end_position lines_array = np.array(lines_array) # Set Points to vtk array format vtk_points = numpy_to_vtk_points(points_array) # Set Lines to vtk array format vtk_lines = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_lines.GetData().DeepCopy(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(lines_array)) vtk_lines.SetNumberOfCells(nb_lines) is_colormap = False # Get colors_array (reformat to have colors for each points) # - if/else tested and work in normal simple case if colors is None: # set automatic rgb colors cols_arr = line_colors(lines) colors_mapper = np.repeat(lines_range, points_per_line, axis=0) vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr[colors_mapper]) else: cols_arr = np.asarray(colors) if cols_arr.dtype == np.object: # colors is a list of colors vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * np.vstack(colors)) else: if len(cols_arr) == nb_points: if cols_arr.ndim == 1: # values for every point vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arr, deep=True) is_colormap = True elif cols_arr.ndim == 2: # map color to each point vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr) elif cols_arr.ndim == 1: if len(cols_arr) == nb_lines: # values for every streamline cols_arrx = [] for (i, value) in enumerate(colors): cols_arrx += lines[i].shape[0]*[value] cols_arrx = np.array(cols_arrx) vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arrx, deep=True) is_colormap = True else: # the same colors for all points vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors( np.tile(255 * cols_arr, (nb_points, 1))) elif cols_arr.ndim == 2: # map color to each line colors_mapper = np.repeat(lines_range, points_per_line, axis=0) vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * cols_arr[colors_mapper]) else: # colormap # get colors for each vertex cols_arr = map_coordinates_3d_4d(cols_arr, points_array) vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cols_arr, deep=True) is_colormap = True vtk_colors.SetName("Colors") # Create the poly_data poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData() poly_data.SetPoints(vtk_points) poly_data.SetLines(vtk_lines) poly_data.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_colors) return poly_data, is_colormap
[docs]def get_polydata_lines(line_polydata): """Convert vtk polydata to a list of lines ndarrays. Parameters ---------- line_polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- lines : list List of N curves represented as 2D ndarrays """ lines_vertices = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(line_polydata.GetPoints(). GetData()) lines_idx = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(line_polydata.GetLines().GetData()) lines = [] current_idx = 0 while current_idx < len(lines_idx): line_len = lines_idx[current_idx] next_idx = current_idx + line_len + 1 line_range = lines_idx[current_idx + 1: next_idx] lines += [lines_vertices[line_range]] current_idx = next_idx return lines
[docs]def get_polydata_triangles(polydata): """Get triangles (ndarrays Nx3 int) from a vtk polydata. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- output : array (N, 3) triangles """ vtk_polys = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(polydata.GetPolys().GetData()) # test if its really triangles if not (vtk_polys[::4] == 3).all(): raise AssertionError("Shape error: this is not triangles") return np.vstack([vtk_polys[1::4], vtk_polys[2::4], vtk_polys[3::4]]).T
[docs]def get_polydata_vertices(polydata): """Get vertices (ndarrays Nx3 int) from a vtk polydata. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- output : array (N, 3) points, represented as 2D ndarrays """ return numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(polydata.GetPoints().GetData())
[docs]def get_polydata_normals(polydata): """Get vertices normal (ndarrays Nx3 int) from a vtk polydata. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- output : array (N, 3) Normals, represented as 2D ndarrays (Nx3). None if there are no normals in the vtk polydata. """ vtk_normals = polydata.GetPointData().GetNormals() if vtk_normals is None: return None else: return numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_normals)
[docs]def get_polydata_colors(polydata): """Get points color (ndarrays Nx3 int) from a vtk polydata. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- output : array (N, 3) Colors. None if no normals in the vtk polydata. """ vtk_colors = polydata.GetPointData().GetScalars() if vtk_colors is None: return None else: return numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_colors)
[docs]def set_polydata_triangles(polydata, triangles): """Set polydata triangles with a numpy array (ndarrays Nx3 int). Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData triangles : array (N, 3) triangles, represented as 2D ndarrays (Nx3) """ vtk_triangles = np.hstack(np.c_[np.ones(len(triangles)).astype( * 3, triangles]) vtk_triangles = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(vtk_triangles, deep=True) vtk_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_cells.SetCells(len(triangles), vtk_triangles) polydata.SetPolys(vtk_cells) return polydata
[docs]def set_polydata_vertices(polydata, vertices): """Set polydata vertices with a numpy array (ndarrays Nx3 int). Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData vertices : vertices, represented as 2D ndarrays (Nx3) """ vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetData(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(vertices, deep=True)) polydata.SetPoints(vtk_points) return polydata
[docs]def set_polydata_normals(polydata, normals): """Set polydata normals with a numpy array (ndarrays Nx3 int). Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData normals : normals, represented as 2D ndarrays (Nx3) (one per vertex) """ vtk_normals = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(normals, deep=True) polydata.GetPointData().SetNormals(vtk_normals) return polydata
[docs]def set_polydata_colors(polydata, colors): """Set polydata colors with a numpy array (ndarrays Nx3 int). Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData colors : colors, represented as 2D ndarrays (Nx3) colors are uint8 [0,255] RGB for each points """ vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(colors, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) vtk_colors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) vtk_colors.SetName("RGB") polydata.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_colors) return polydata
[docs]def update_polydata_normals(polydata): """Generate and update polydata normals. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData """ normals_gen = set_input(vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals(), polydata) normals_gen.ComputePointNormalsOn() normals_gen.ComputeCellNormalsOn() normals_gen.SplittingOff() # normals_gen.FlipNormalsOn() # normals_gen.ConsistencyOn() # normals_gen.AutoOrientNormalsOn() normals_gen.Update() vtk_normals = normals_gen.GetOutput().GetPointData().GetNormals() polydata.GetPointData().SetNormals(vtk_normals)
[docs]def get_polymapper_from_polydata(polydata): """Get vtkPolyDataMapper from a vtkPolyData. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- poly_mapper : vtkPolyDataMapper """ poly_mapper = set_input(vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper(), polydata) poly_mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() poly_mapper.InterpolateScalarsBeforeMappingOn() poly_mapper.Update() poly_mapper.StaticOn() return poly_mapper
[docs]def get_actor_from_polymapper(poly_mapper): """Get vtkActor from a vtkPolyDataMapper. Parameters ---------- poly_mapper : vtkPolyDataMapper Returns ------- actor : vtkActor """ actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(poly_mapper) actor.GetProperty().BackfaceCullingOn() actor.GetProperty().SetInterpolationToPhong() return actor
[docs]def get_actor_from_polydata(polydata): """Get vtkActor from a vtkPolyData. Parameters ---------- polydata : vtkPolyData Returns ------- actor : vtkActor """ poly_mapper = get_polymapper_from_polydata(polydata) return get_actor_from_polymapper(poly_mapper)
[docs]def apply_affine(aff, pts): """Apply affine matrix `aff` to points `pts`. Returns result of application of `aff` to the *right* of `pts`. The coordinate dimension of `pts` should be the last. For the 3D case, `aff` will be shape (4,4) and `pts` will have final axis length 3 - maybe it will just be N by 3. The return value is the transformed points, in this case:: res =[:3,:3], pts.T) + aff[:3,3:4] transformed_pts = res.T This routine is more general than 3D, in that `aff` can have any shape (N,N), and `pts` can have any shape, as long as the last dimension is for the coordinates, and is therefore length N-1. Parameters ---------- aff : (N, N) array-like Homogenous affine, for 3D points, will be 4 by 4. Contrary to first appearance, the affine will be applied on the left of `pts`. pts : (..., N-1) array-like Points, where the last dimension contains the coordinates of each point. For 3D, the last dimension will be length 3. Returns ------- transformed_pts : (..., N-1) array transformed points Notes ----- Copied from nibabel to remove dependency. Examples -------- >>> aff = np.array([[0,2,0,10],[3,0,0,11],[0,0,4,12],[0,0,0,1]]) >>> pts = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[4,5,6],[6,7,8]]) >>> apply_affine(aff, pts) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[14, 14, 24], [16, 17, 28], [20, 23, 36], [24, 29, 44]]...) Just to show that in the simple 3D case, it is equivalent to: >>> ([:3,:3], pts.T) + aff[:3,3:4]).T #doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[14, 14, 24], [16, 17, 28], [20, 23, 36], [24, 29, 44]]...) But `pts` can be a more complicated shape: >>> pts = pts.reshape((2,2,3)) >>> apply_affine(aff, pts) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[14, 14, 24], [16, 17, 28]], <BLANKLINE> [[20, 23, 36], [24, 29, 44]]]...) """ aff = np.asarray(aff) pts = np.asarray(pts) shape = pts.shape pts = pts.reshape((-1, shape[-1])) # rzs == rotations, zooms, shears rzs = aff[:-1, :-1] trans = aff[:-1, -1] res =, rzs.T) + trans[None, :] return res.reshape(shape)
[docs]def asbytes(s): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: if isinstance(s, bytes): return s return s.encode('latin1') else: return str(s)
[docs]def vtk_matrix_to_numpy(matrix): """Convert VTK matrix to numpy array.""" if matrix is None: return None size = (4, 4) if isinstance(matrix, vtk.vtkMatrix3x3): size = (3, 3) mat = np.zeros(size) for i in range(mat.shape[0]): for j in range(mat.shape[1]): mat[i, j] = matrix.GetElement(i, j) return mat
[docs]def numpy_to_vtk_matrix(array): """Convert a numpy array to a VTK matrix.""" if array is None: return None if array.shape == (4, 4): matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4() elif array.shape == (3, 3): matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix3x3() else: raise ValueError("Invalid matrix shape: {0}".format(array.shape)) for i in range(array.shape[0]): for j in range(array.shape[1]): matrix.SetElement(i, j, array[i, j]) return matrix
[docs]def get_bounding_box_sizes(actor): """Get the bounding box sizes of an actor.""" X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2 = actor.GetBounds() return (X2-X1, Y2-Y1, Z2-Z1)
[docs]def get_grid_cells_position(shapes, aspect_ratio=16/9., dim=None): """Construct a XY-grid based on the cells content shape. This function generates the coordinates of every grid cell. The width and height of every cell correspond to the largest width and the largest height respectively. The grid dimensions will automatically be adjusted to respect the given aspect ratio unless they are explicitly specified. The grid follows a row-major order with the top left corner being at coordinates (0,0,0) and the bottom right corner being at coordinates (nb_cols*cell_width, -nb_rows*cell_height, 0). Note that the X increases while the Y decreases. Parameters ---------- shapes : list of tuple of int The shape (width, height) of every cell content. aspect_ratio : float (optional) Aspect ratio of the grid (width/height). Default: 16:9. dim : tuple of int (optional) Dimension (nb_rows, nb_cols) of the grid, if provided. Returns ------- ndarray 3D coordinates of every grid cell. """ cell_shape = np.r_[np.max(shapes, axis=0), 0] cell_aspect_ratio = cell_shape[0] / cell_shape[1] count = len(shapes) if dim is None: # Compute the number of rows and columns. n_cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(count*aspect_ratio / cell_aspect_ratio)) n_rows = np.ceil(count / n_cols) if n_cols * n_rows <= count: raise ValueError("Too small") else: n_rows, n_cols = dim if n_cols * n_rows < count: msg = "Size is too small, it cannot contain at least {} elements." raise ValueError(msg.format(count)) # Use indexing="xy" so the cells are in row-major (C-order). Also, # the Y coordinates are negative so the cells are order from top to bottom. X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n_cols), -np.arange(n_rows), [0], indexing="xy") return cell_shape * np.array([X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()]).T
[docs]def shallow_copy(vtk_object): """Create a shallow copy of a given `vtkObject` object.""" copy = vtk_object.NewInstance() copy.ShallowCopy(vtk_object) return copy
[docs]def rotate(actor, rotation=(90, 1, 0, 0)): """Rotate actor around axis by angle. Parameters ---------- actor : vtkActor or other prop rotation : tuple Rotate with angle w around axis x, y, z. Needs to be provided in the form (w, x, y, z). """ prop3D = actor center = np.array(prop3D.GetCenter()) oldMatrix = prop3D.GetMatrix() orig = np.array(prop3D.GetOrigin()) newTransform = vtk.vtkTransform() newTransform.PostMultiply() if prop3D.GetUserMatrix() is not None: newTransform.SetMatrix(prop3D.GetUserMatrix()) else: newTransform.SetMatrix(oldMatrix) newTransform.Translate(*(-center)) newTransform.RotateWXYZ(*rotation) newTransform.Translate(*center) # now try to get the composit of translate, rotate, and scale newTransform.Translate(*(-orig)) newTransform.PreMultiply() newTransform.Translate(*orig) if prop3D.GetUserMatrix() is not None: newTransform.GetMatrix(prop3D.GetUserMatrix()) else: prop3D.SetPosition(newTransform.GetPosition()) prop3D.SetScale(newTransform.GetScale()) prop3D.SetOrientation(newTransform.GetOrientation())