import os
import numpy as np
from fury import actor
from fury.shaders import (
def tensor_ellipsoid(centers, axes, lengths, colors, scales, opacity):
"""Visualize one or many Tensor Ellipsoids with different features.
centers : ndarray(N, 3)
Tensor ellipsoid positions.
axes : ndarray (3, 3) or (N, 3, 3)
Axes of the tensor ellipsoid.
lengths : ndarray (3, ) or (N, 3)
Axes lengths.
colors : ndarray (N,3) or tuple (3,)
R, G and B should be in the range [0, 1].
scales : float or ndarray (N, )
Tensor ellipsoid size.
opacity : float
Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque).
box_actor: Actor
box_actor =, colors=colors, scales=scales)
# Number of vertices that make up the box
n_verts = 8
big_centers = np.repeat(centers, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_centers, "center")
big_scales = np.repeat(scales, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_scales, "scale")
big_values = np.repeat(np.array(lengths, dtype=float), n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_values, "evals")
evec1 = np.array([item[0] for item in axes])
evec2 = np.array([item[1] for item in axes])
evec3 = np.array([item[2] for item in axes])
big_vectors_1 = np.repeat(evec1, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_vectors_1, "evec1")
big_vectors_2 = np.repeat(evec2, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_vectors_2, "evec2")
big_vectors_3 = np.repeat(evec3, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_vectors_3, "evec3")
# Start of shader implementation
vs_dec = """
in vec3 center;
in float scale;
in vec3 evals;
in vec3 evec1;
in vec3 evec2;
in vec3 evec3;
out vec4 vertexMCVSOutput;
out vec3 centerMCVSOutput;
out float scaleVSOutput;
out vec3 evalsVSOutput;
out mat3 tensorMatrix;
# Variables assignment
v_assign = """
vertexMCVSOutput = vertexMC;
centerMCVSOutput = center;
scaleVSOutput = scale;
# Normalization
n_evals = "evalsVSOutput = evals/(max(evals.x, max(evals.y, evals.z)));"
# Values constraint to avoid incorrect visualizations
evals = "evalsVSOutput = clamp(evalsVSOutput,0.05,1);"
# Scaling matrix
sc_matrix = """
mat3 S = mat3(1/evalsVSOutput.x, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1/evalsVSOutput.y, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1/evalsVSOutput.z);
# Rotation matrix
rot_matrix = "mat3 R = mat3(evec1, evec2, evec3);"
# Tensor matrix
t_matrix = "tensorMatrix = inverse(R) * S * R;"
vs_impl = compose_shader(
[v_assign, n_evals, evals, sc_matrix, rot_matrix, t_matrix]
# Adding shader implementation to actor
shader_to_actor(box_actor, "vertex", decl_code=vs_dec, impl_code=vs_impl)
fs_vars_dec = """
in vec4 vertexMCVSOutput;
in vec3 centerMCVSOutput;
in float scaleVSOutput;
in vec3 evalsVSOutput;
in mat3 tensorMatrix;
uniform mat4 MCVCMatrix;
# Importing the sphere SDF
sd_sphere = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("sdf", "sd_sphere.frag"))
# SDF definition
sdf_map = """
float map(in vec3 position)
As the scaling is not a rigid body transformation, we multiply
by a factor to compensate for distortion and not overestimate
the distance.
float scFactor = min(evalsVSOutput.x, min(evalsVSOutput.y,
The approximation of distance is calculated by stretching the
space such that the ellipsoid becomes a sphere (multiplying by
the transformation matrix) and then computing the distance to
a sphere in that space (using the sphere SDF).
return sdSphere(tensorMatrix * (position - centerMCVSOutput),
scaleVSOutput*0.48) * scFactor;
# Importing central differences function for computing surface normals
central_diffs_normal = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("sdf", "central_diffs.frag"))
# Importing raymarching function
cast_ray = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("ray_marching", "cast_ray.frag"))
# Importing the function that generates the ray components
ray_generation = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("ray_marching", "gen_ray.frag"))
# Importing Blinn-Phong model for lighting
blinn_phong_model = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("lighting", "blinn_phong_model.frag")
# Full fragment shader declaration
fs_dec = compose_shader(
shader_to_actor(box_actor, "fragment", decl_code=fs_dec)
ray_components = """
vec3 ro; vec3 rd; float t;
gen_ray(ro, rd, t);
# Fragment shader output definition
# If surface is detected, color is assigned, otherwise, nothing is painted
frag_output_def = """
if(t < 20)
vec3 pos = ro + t * rd;
vec3 normal = centralDiffsNormals(pos, .0001);
// Light Direction
vec3 ld = normalize(ro - pos);
// Light Attenuation
float la = dot(ld, normal);
vec3 color = blinnPhongIllumModel(la, lightColor0,
diffuseColor, specularPower, specularColor, ambientColor);
fragOutput0 = vec4(color, opacity);
# Full fragment shader implementation
sdf_frag_impl = compose_shader([ray_components, frag_output_def])
shader_to_actor(box_actor, "fragment", impl_code=sdf_frag_impl, block="light")
return box_actor
def double_cone(centers, axes, angles, colors, scales, opacity):
"""Visualize one or many Double Cones with different features.
centers : ndarray(N, 3)
Cone positions.
axes : ndarray (3, 3) or (N, 3, 3)
Axes of the cone.
angles : float or ndarray (N, )
Angles of the cone.
colors : ndarray (N, 3) or tuple (3,)
R, G and B should be in the range [0, 1].
scales : float or ndarray (N, )
Cone size.
opacity : float
Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque).
box_actor: Actor
box_actor =, colors=colors, scales=scales)
# Number of vertices that make up the box
n_verts = 8
big_centers = np.repeat(centers, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_centers, "center")
big_scales = np.repeat(scales, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_scales, "scale")
evec1 = np.array([item[0] for item in axes])
evec2 = np.array([item[1] for item in axes])
evec3 = np.array([item[2] for item in axes])
big_vectors_1 = np.repeat(evec1, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_vectors_1, "evec1")
big_vectors_2 = np.repeat(evec2, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_vectors_2, "evec2")
big_vectors_3 = np.repeat(evec3, n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_vectors_3, "evec3")
big_angles = np.repeat(np.array(angles, dtype=float), n_verts, axis=0)
attribute_to_actor(box_actor, big_angles, "angle")
# Start of shader implementation
vs_dec = """
in vec3 center;
in float scale;
in vec3 evec1;
in vec3 evec2;
in vec3 evec3;
in float angle;
out vec4 vertexMCVSOutput;
out vec3 centerMCVSOutput;
out float scaleVSOutput;
out mat3 rotationMatrix;
out float angleVSOutput;
# Variables assignment
v_assign = """
vertexMCVSOutput = vertexMC;
centerMCVSOutput = center;
scaleVSOutput = scale;
angleVSOutput = angle;
# Rotation matrix
rot_matrix = """
mat3 R = mat3(normalize(evec1), normalize(evec2), normalize(evec3));
float a = radians(90);
mat3 rot = mat3(cos(a),-sin(a), 0,
sin(a), cos(a), 0,
0 , 0, 1);
rotationMatrix = transpose(R) * rot;
vs_impl = compose_shader([v_assign, rot_matrix])
shader_to_actor(box_actor, "vertex", decl_code=vs_dec, impl_code=vs_impl)
fs_vars_dec = """
in vec4 vertexMCVSOutput;
in vec3 centerMCVSOutput;
in float scaleVSOutput;
in mat3 rotationMatrix;
in float angleVSOutput;
uniform mat4 MCVCMatrix;
# Importing the cone SDF
sd_cone = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("sdf", "sd_cone.frag"))
# Importing the union operation SDF
sd_union = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("sdf", "sd_union.frag"))
# SDF definition
sdf_map = """
float map(in vec3 position)
vec3 p = (position - centerMCVSOutput)/scaleVSOutput
float angle = clamp(angleVSOutput, 0, 6.283);
vec2 a = vec2(sin(angle), cos(angle));
float h = .5 * a.y;
return opUnion(sdCone(p,a,h), sdCone(-p,a,h)) * scaleVSOutput;
# Importing central differences function for computing surface normals
central_diffs_normal = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("sdf", "central_diffs.frag"))
# Importing raymarching function
cast_ray = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("ray_marching", "cast_ray.frag"))
# Importing the function that generates the ray components
ray_generation = import_fury_shader(os.path.join("ray_marching", "gen_ray.frag"))
# Importing Blinn-Phong model for lighting
blinn_phong_model = import_fury_shader(
os.path.join("lighting", "blinn_phong_model.frag")
# Full fragment shader declaration
fs_dec = compose_shader(
shader_to_actor(box_actor, "fragment", decl_code=fs_dec)
ray_components = """
vec3 ro; vec3 rd; float t;
gen_ray(ro, rd, t);
# Fragment shader output definition
# If surface is detected, color is assigned, otherwise, nothing is painted
frag_output_def = """
if(t < 20)
vec3 pos = ro + t * rd;
vec3 normal = centralDiffsNormals(pos, .0001);
// Light Direction
vec3 ld = normalize(ro - pos);
// Light Attenuation
float la = dot(ld, normal);
vec3 color = blinnPhongIllumModel(la, lightColor0,
diffuseColor, specularPower, specularColor, ambientColor);
fragOutput0 = vec4(color, opacity);
# Full fragment shader implementation
sdf_frag_impl = compose_shader([ray_components, frag_output_def])
shader_to_actor(box_actor, "fragment", impl_code=sdf_frag_impl, block="light")
return box_actor
def main_dir_uncertainty(evals, evecs, signal, sigma, b_matrix):
"""Calculate the angle of the cone of uncertainty that represents the
perturbation of the main eigenvector of the diffusion tensor matrix.
evals : ndarray (3, ) or (N, 3)
evecs : ndarray (3, 3) or (N, 3, 3)
signal : 3D or 4D ndarray
Predicted signal.
sigma : ndarray
Standard deviation of the noise.
b_matrix : array (N, 7)
Design matrix for DTI.
angles : array
The uncertainty calculation is based on first-order matrix perturbation
analysis described in [1]_. The idea is to estimate the variance of the
main eigenvector which corresponds to the main direction of diffusion,
directly from estimated D and its estimated covariance matrix
:math:`\\Delta D` (see [2]_, equation 4). The angle :math:`\\Theta`
between the perturbed principal eigenvector of D,
:math:`\\epsilon_1 + \\Delta\\epsilon_1`, and the estimated eigenvector
:math:`\\epsilon_1`, measures the angular deviation of the main fiber
direction and can be approximated by:
.. math::
\\Theta = tan^{-1}(\\|\\Delta \\ epsilon_1\\|)
Giving way to a graphical construct for displaying both the main
eigenvector of D and its associated uncertainty, with the so-called
"uncertainty cone".
.. [1] Basser, P. J. (1997). Quantifying errors in fiber direction and
diffusion tensor field maps resulting from MR noise. In 5th Scientific
Meeting of the ISMRM (Vol. 1740).
.. [2] Chang, L. C., Koay, C. G., Pierpaoli, C., & Basser, P. J. (2007).
Variance of estimated DTI-derived parameters via first-order perturbation
methods. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 57(1), 141-149.
angles = np.ones(evecs.shape[0])
for i in range(evecs.shape[0]):
sigma_e = np.diag(signal[i] / sigma**2)
k =, sigma_e)
sigma_ =, b_matrix)
dd = np.diag(sigma_)
delta_DD = np.array(
[[dd[0], dd[3], dd[4]], [dd[3], dd[1], dd[5]], [dd[4], dd[5], dd[2]]]
# perturbation matrix of tensor D
delta_D = np.linalg.inv(delta_DD)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
delta_D = delta_DD
D_ = evecs
eigen_vals = evals[i]
e1, e2, e3 = np.array(D_[i, :, 0]), np.array(D_[i, :, 1]), np.array(D_[i, :, 2])
lambda1, lambda2, lambda3 = eigen_vals[0], eigen_vals[1], eigen_vals[2]
if lambda1 > lambda2 and lambda1 > lambda3:
# The perturbation of the eigenvector associated with the largest
# eigenvalue is given by
a =
np.outer(, delta_D), np.transpose(e2)) / (lambda1 - lambda2),
b =
np.outer(, delta_D), np.transpose(e3)) / (lambda1 - lambda3),
delta_e1 = a + b
# The angle \theta between the perturbed principal eigenvector of D
theta = np.arctan(np.linalg.norm(delta_e1))
angles[i] = theta
# If the condition is not satisfied it means that there is not a
# predominant diffusion direction, hence the uncertainty will be
# higher and a default value close to pi/2 is assigned
theta = 1.39626
return angles