Source code for fury.ui.core

"""UI core module that describe UI abstract class."""

__all__ = ["Rectangle2D", "Disk2D", "TextBlock2D", "Button2D"]

import abc
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import vtk

from fury.interactor import CustomInteractorStyle
from import load_image
from fury.utils import set_input

[docs]class UI(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """An umbrella class for all UI elements. While adding UI elements to the scene, we go over all the sub-elements that come with it and add those to the scene automatically. Attributes ---------- position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. center : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the center of this UI component. size : (int, int) Width and height in pixels of this UI component. on_left_mouse_button_pressed: function Callback function for when the left mouse button is pressed. on_left_mouse_button_released: function Callback function for when the left mouse button is released. on_left_mouse_button_clicked: function Callback function for when clicked using the left mouse button (i.e. pressed -> released). on_left_mouse_double_clicked: function Callback function for when left mouse button is double clicked (i.e pressed -> released -> pressed -> released). on_left_mouse_button_dragged: function Callback function for when dragging using the left mouse button. on_right_mouse_button_pressed: function Callback function for when the right mouse button is pressed. on_right_mouse_button_released: function Callback function for when the right mouse button is released. on_right_mouse_button_clicked: function Callback function for when clicking using the right mouse button (i.e. pressed -> released). on_right_mouse_double_clicked: function Callback function for when right mouse button is double clicked (i.e pressed -> released -> pressed -> released). on_right_mouse_button_dragged: function Callback function for when dragging using the right mouse button. on_middle_mouse_button_pressed: function Callback function for when the middle mouse button is pressed. on_middle_mouse_button_released: function Callback function for when the middle mouse button is released. on_middle_mouse_button_clicked: function Callback function for when clicking using the middle mouse button (i.e. pressed -> released). on_middle_mouse_double_clicked: function Callback function for when middle mouse button is double clicked (i.e pressed -> released -> pressed -> released). on_middle_mouse_button_dragged: function Callback function for when dragging using the middle mouse button. on_key_press: function Callback function for when a keyboard key is pressed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, position=(0, 0)): """Init scene. Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. """ self._scene = object() self._position = np.array([0, 0]) self._callbacks = [] self._setup() # Setup needed actors and sub UI components. self.position = position self.left_button_state = "released" self.right_button_state = "released" self.middle_button_state = "released" self.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_button_released = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_button_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_double_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_pressed = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_released = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_double_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_dragged = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_pressed = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_released = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_double_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_dragged = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_key_press = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None
@abc.abstractmethod def _setup(self): """Set up this UI component. This is where you should create all your needed actors and sub UI components. """ msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_setup(self)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_get_actors(self)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def actors(self): """Actors composing this UI component.""" return self._get_actors() @abc.abstractmethod def _add_to_scene(self, _scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- _scene : Scene """ msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_add_to_scene(self, scene)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def add_to_scene(self, scene): """Allow UI objects to add their own props to the scene. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self._add_to_scene(scene) # Get a hold on the current interactor style. iren = scene.GetRenderWindow().GetInteractor().GetInteractorStyle() for callback in self._callbacks: if not isinstance(iren, CustomInteractorStyle): msg = ("The ShowManager requires `CustomInteractorStyle` in" " order to use callbacks.") raise TypeError(msg) if callback[0] == self._scene: iren.add_callback(iren, callback[1], callback[2], args=[self]) else: iren.add_callback(*callback, args=[self])
[docs] def add_callback(self, prop, event_type, callback, priority=0): """Add a callback to a specific event for this UI component. Parameters ---------- prop : vtkProp The prop on which is callback is to be added. event_type : string The event code. callback : function The callback function. priority : int Higher number is higher priority. """ # Actually since we need an interactor style we will add the callback # only when this UI component is added to the scene. self._callbacks.append((prop, event_type, callback, priority))
@property def position(self): return self._position @position.setter def position(self, coords): coords = np.asarray(coords) self._set_position(coords) self._position = coords @abc.abstractmethod def _set_position(self, _coords): """Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- _coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_set_position(self, coords)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def size(self): return np.asarray(self._get_size(), dtype=int) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_size(self): msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement property `size`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def center(self): return self.position + self.size / 2. @center.setter def center(self, coords): """Position the center of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ if not hasattr(self, "size"): msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement the `size` property." raise NotImplementedError(msg) new_center = np.array(coords) size = np.array(self.size) new_lower_left_corner = new_center - size / 2. self.position = new_lower_left_corner
[docs] def set_visibility(self, visibility): """Set visibility of this UI component.""" for actor in self.actors: actor.SetVisibility(visibility)
[docs] def handle_events(self, actor): self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.left_button_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonReleaseEvent", self.left_button_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "RightButtonPressEvent", self.right_button_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "RightButtonReleaseEvent", self.right_button_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MiddleButtonPressEvent", self.middle_button_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MiddleButtonReleaseEvent", self.middle_button_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MouseMoveEvent", self.mouse_move_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "KeyPressEvent", self.key_press_callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def left_button_click_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.left_button_state = "pressing" self.on_left_mouse_button_pressed(i_ren, obj, self) i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def left_button_release_callback(i_ren, obj, self): if self.left_button_state == "pressing": self.on_left_mouse_button_clicked(i_ren, obj, self) self.left_button_state = "released" self.on_left_mouse_button_released(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def right_button_click_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.right_button_state = "pressing" self.on_right_mouse_button_pressed(i_ren, obj, self) i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def right_button_release_callback(i_ren, obj, self): if self.right_button_state == "pressing": self.on_right_mouse_button_clicked(i_ren, obj, self) self.right_button_state = "released" self.on_right_mouse_button_released(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def middle_button_click_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.middle_button_state = "pressing" self.on_middle_mouse_button_pressed(i_ren, obj, self) i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def middle_button_release_callback(i_ren, obj, self): if self.middle_button_state == "pressing": self.on_middle_mouse_button_clicked(i_ren, obj, self) self.middle_button_state = "released" self.on_middle_mouse_button_released(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def mouse_move_callback(i_ren, obj, self): left_pressing_or_dragging = (self.left_button_state == "pressing" or self.left_button_state == "dragging") right_pressing_or_dragging = (self.right_button_state == "pressing" or self.right_button_state == "dragging") middle_pressing_or_dragging = \ (self.middle_button_state == "pressing" or self.middle_button_state == "dragging") if left_pressing_or_dragging: self.left_button_state = "dragging" self.on_left_mouse_button_dragged(i_ren, obj, self) elif right_pressing_or_dragging: self.right_button_state = "dragging" self.on_right_mouse_button_dragged(i_ren, obj, self) elif middle_pressing_or_dragging: self.middle_button_state = "dragging" self.on_middle_mouse_button_dragged(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def key_press_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.on_key_press(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs]class Rectangle2D(UI): """A 2D rectangle sub-classed from UI."""
[docs] def __init__(self, size=(0, 0), position=(0, 0), color=(1, 1, 1), opacity=1.0): """Initialize a rectangle. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) The size of the rectangle (width, height) in pixels. position : (float, float) Coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the rectangle. color : (float, float, float) Must take values in [0, 1]. opacity : float Must take values in [0, 1]. """ super(Rectangle2D, self).__init__(position) self.color = color self.opacity = opacity self.resize(size)
def _setup(self): """Setup this UI component. Creating the polygon actor used internally. """ # Setup four points size = (1, 1) self._points = vtk.vtkPoints() self._points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 0) self._points.InsertNextPoint(size[0], 0, 0) self._points.InsertNextPoint(size[0], size[1], 0) self._points.InsertNextPoint(0, size[1], 0) # Create the polygon polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon() polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(4) # make a quad polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(0, 0) polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(1, 1) polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(2, 2) polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(3, 3) # Add the polygon to a list of polygons polygons = vtk.vtkCellArray() polygons.InsertNextCell(polygon) # Create a PolyData self._polygonPolyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() self._polygonPolyData.SetPoints(self._points) self._polygonPolyData.SetPolys(polygons) # Create a mapper and actor mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() mapper = set_input(mapper, self._polygonPolyData) = vtk.vtkActor2D() # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add( def _get_size(self): # Get 2D coordinates of two opposed corners of the rectangle. lower_left_corner = np.array(self._points.GetPoint(0)[:2]) upper_right_corner = np.array(self._points.GetPoint(2)[:2]) size = abs(upper_right_corner - lower_left_corner) return size @property def width(self): return self._points.GetPoint(2)[0] @width.setter def width(self, width): self.resize((width, self.height)) @property def height(self): return self._points.GetPoint(2)[1] @height.setter def height(self, height): self.resize((self.width, height))
[docs] def resize(self, size): """Set the button size. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) Button size (width, height) in pixels. """ self._points.SetPoint(0, 0, 0, 0.0) self._points.SetPoint(1, size[0], 0, 0.0) self._points.SetPoint(2, size[0], size[1], 0.0) self._points.SetPoint(3, 0, size[1], 0.0) self._polygonPolyData.SetPoints(self._points) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() mapper = set_input(mapper, self._polygonPolyData)
def _set_position(self, coords): """Set the lower-left corner position of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """*coords) @property def color(self): """Get the rectangle's color.""" color = return np.asarray(color) @color.setter def color(self, color): """Set the rectangle's color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB. Must take values in [0, 1]. """*color) @property def opacity(self): """Get the rectangle's opacity.""" return @opacity.setter def opacity(self, opacity): """Set the rectangle's opacity. Parameters ---------- opacity : float Degree of transparency. Must be between [0, 1]. """
[docs]class Disk2D(UI): """A 2D disk UI component."""
[docs] def __init__(self, outer_radius, inner_radius=0, center=(0, 0), color=(1, 1, 1), opacity=1.0): """Initialize a 2D Disk. Parameters ---------- outer_radius : int Outer radius of the disk. inner_radius : int, optional Inner radius of the disk. A value > 0, makes a ring. center : (float, float), optional Coordinates (x, y) of the center of the disk. color : (float, float, float), optional Must take values in [0, 1]. opacity : float, optional Must take values in [0, 1]. """ super(Disk2D, self).__init__() self.outer_radius = outer_radius self.inner_radius = inner_radius self.color = color self.opacity = opacity = center
def _setup(self): """Setup this UI component. Creating the disk actor used internally. """ # Setting up disk actor. self._disk = vtk.vtkDiskSource() self._disk.SetRadialResolution(10) self._disk.SetCircumferentialResolution(50) self._disk.Update() # Mapper mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() mapper = set_input(mapper, self._disk.GetOutputPort()) # Actor = vtk.vtkActor2D() # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add( def _get_size(self): diameter = 2 * self.outer_radius size = (diameter, diameter) return size def _set_position(self, coords): """Set the lower-left corner position of this UI bounding box. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ # Disk actor are positioned with respect to their center.*coords + self.outer_radius) @property def color(self): """Get the color of this UI component.""" color = return np.asarray(color) @color.setter def color(self, color): """Set the color of this UI component. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB. Must take values in [0, 1]. """*color) @property def opacity(self): """Get the opacity of this UI component.""" return @opacity.setter def opacity(self, opacity): """Set the opacity of this UI component. Parameters ---------- opacity : float Degree of transparency. Must be between [0, 1]. """ @property def inner_radius(self): return self._disk.GetInnerRadius() @inner_radius.setter def inner_radius(self, radius): self._disk.SetInnerRadius(radius) self._disk.Update() @property def outer_radius(self): return self._disk.GetOuterRadius() @outer_radius.setter def outer_radius(self, radius): self._disk.SetOuterRadius(radius) self._disk.Update()
[docs]class TextBlock2D(UI): """Wrap over the default vtkTextActor and helps setting the text. Contains member functions for text formatting. Attributes ---------- actor : :class:`vtkTextActor` The text actor. message : str The initial text while building the actor. position : (float, float) (x, y) in pixels. color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. bg_color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. font_size : int Size of the text font. font_family : str Currently only supports Arial. justification : str left, right or center. vertical_justification : str bottom, middle or top. bold : bool Makes text bold. italic : bool Makes text italicised. shadow : bool Adds text shadow. size : (int, int) Size (width, height) in pixels of the text bounding box. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text="Text Block", font_size=18, font_family='Arial', justification='left', vertical_justification="bottom", bold=False, italic=False, shadow=False, size=None, color=(1, 1, 1), bg_color=None, position=(0, 0)): """Init class instance. Parameters ---------- text : str The initial text while building the actor. position : (float, float) (x, y) in pixels. color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. bg_color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. font_size : int Size of the text font. font_family : str Currently only supports Arial. justification : str left, right or center. vertical_justification : str bottom, middle or top. bold : bool Makes text bold. italic : bool Makes text italicised. shadow : bool Adds text shadow. size : (int, int) Size (width, height) in pixels of the text bounding box. """ super(TextBlock2D, self).__init__(position=position) self.scene = None self.have_bg = bool(bg_color) if size is not None: self.resize(size) else: self.font_size = font_size self.color = color self.background_color = bg_color self.font_family = font_family self.justification = justification self.bold = bold self.italic = italic self.shadow = shadow self.vertical_justification = vertical_justification self.message = text
def _setup(self): = vtk.vtkTextActor() self.background = Rectangle2D() self.handle_events(
[docs] def resize(self, size): """Resize TextBlock2D. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) Text bounding box size(width, height) in pixels. """ if self.have_bg: self.background.resize(size)*size)
def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" return [] + self.background.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.scene = scene if self.have_bg and not size = np.zeros(2), size) self.background.resize(size) scene.add(self.background, @property def message(self): """Get message from the text. Returns ------- str The current text message. """ return @message.setter def message(self, text): """Set the text message. Parameters ---------- text : str The message to be set. """ @property def font_size(self): """Get text font size. Returns ---------- int Text font size. """ return @font_size.setter def font_size(self, size): """Set font size. Parameters ---------- size : int Text font size. """ if self.scene is not None and self.have_bg: bb_size = np.zeros(2), bb_size) bg_size = self.background.size if bb_size[0] > bg_size[0] or bb_size[1] > bg_size[1]: warn("Font size exceeds background bounding box." " Font Size will not be updated.", RuntimeWarning)*bg_size) @property def font_family(self): """Get font family. Returns ---------- str Text font family. """ return @font_family.setter def font_family(self, family='Arial'): """Set font family. Currently Arial and Courier are supported. Parameters ---------- family : str The font family. """ if family == 'Arial': elif family == 'Courier': else: raise ValueError("Font not supported yet: {}.".format(family)) @property def justification(self): """Get text justification. Returns ------- str Text justification. """ justification = if justification == 'Left': return "left" elif justification == 'Centered': return "center" elif justification == 'Right': return "right" @justification.setter def justification(self, justification): """Justify text. Parameters ---------- justification : str Possible values are left, right, center. """ text_property = if justification == 'left': text_property.SetJustificationToLeft() elif justification == 'center': text_property.SetJustificationToCentered() elif justification == 'right': text_property.SetJustificationToRight() else: msg = "Text can only be justified left, right and center." raise ValueError(msg) @property def vertical_justification(self): """Get text vertical justification. Returns ------- str Text vertical justification. """ text_property = vjustification = text_property.GetVerticalJustificationAsString() if vjustification == 'Bottom': return "bottom" elif vjustification == 'Centered': return "middle" elif vjustification == 'Top': return "top" @vertical_justification.setter def vertical_justification(self, vertical_justification): """Justify text vertically. Parameters ---------- vertical_justification : str Possible values are bottom, middle, top. """ text_property = if vertical_justification == 'bottom': text_property.SetVerticalJustificationToBottom() elif vertical_justification == 'middle': text_property.SetVerticalJustificationToCentered() elif vertical_justification == 'top': text_property.SetVerticalJustificationToTop() else: msg = "Vertical justification must be: bottom, middle or top." raise ValueError(msg) @property def bold(self): """Return whether the text is bold. Returns ------- bool Text is bold if True. """ return @bold.setter def bold(self, flag): """Bold/un-bold text. Parameters ---------- flag : bool Sets text bold if True. """ @property def italic(self): """Return whether the text is italicised. Returns ------- bool Text is italicised if True. """ return @italic.setter def italic(self, flag): """Italicise/un-italicise text. Parameters ---------- flag : bool Italicises text if True. """ @property def shadow(self): """Return whether the text has shadow. Returns ------- bool Text is shadowed if True. """ return @shadow.setter def shadow(self, flag): """Add/remove text shadow. Parameters ---------- flag : bool Shadows text if True. """ @property def color(self): """Get text color. Returns ------- (float, float, float) Returns text color in RGB. """ return @color.setter def color(self, color=(1, 0, 0)): """Set text color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. """*color) @property def background_color(self): """Get background color. Returns ------- (float, float, float) or None If None, there no background color. Otherwise, background color in RGB. """ if not self.have_bg: return None return self.background.color @background_color.setter def background_color(self, color): """Set text color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) or None If None, remove background. Otherwise, RGB values (must be between 0-1). """ if color is None: # Remove background. self.have_bg = False self.background.set_visibility(False) else: self.have_bg = True self.background.set_visibility(True) self.background.color = color def _set_position(self, position): """Set text actor position. Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) The new position. (x, y) in pixels. """*position) self.background.position = position def _get_size(self): if self.have_bg: return self.background.size if not if self.scene is not None: size = np.zeros(2), size) return size else: warn("TextBlock2D must be added to the scene before " "querying its size while TextScaleMode is set to None.", RuntimeWarning) return
[docs]class Button2D(UI): """A 2D overlay button and is of type vtkTexturedActor2D. Currently supports:: - Multiple icons. - Switching between icons. """
[docs] def __init__(self, icon_fnames, position=(0, 0), size=(30, 30)): """Init class instance. Parameters ---------- icon_fnames : List(string, string) ((iconname, filename), (iconname, filename), ....) position : (float, float), optional Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the button. size : (int, int), optional Width and height in pixels of the button. """ super(Button2D, self).__init__(position) self.icon_extents = dict() self.icons = self._build_icons(icon_fnames) self.icon_names = [icon[0] for icon in self.icons] self.current_icon_id = 0 self.current_icon_name = self.icon_names[self.current_icon_id] self.set_icon(self.icons[self.current_icon_id][1]) self.resize(size)
def _get_size(self): lower_left_corner = self.texture_points.GetPoint(0) upper_right_corner = self.texture_points.GetPoint(2) size = np.array(upper_right_corner) - np.array(lower_left_corner) return abs(size[:2]) def _build_icons(self, icon_fnames): """Convert file names to vtkImageDataGeometryFilters. A pre-processing step to prevent re-read of file names during every state change. Parameters ---------- icon_fnames : List(string, string) ((iconname, filename), (iconname, filename), ....) Returns ------- icons : List A list of corresponding vtkImageDataGeometryFilters. """ icons = [] for icon_name, icon_fname in icon_fnames: icons.append((icon_name, load_image(icon_fname, as_vtktype=True))) return icons def _setup(self): """Set up this UI component. Creating the button actor used internally. """ # This is highly inspired by # self.texture_polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.texture_points = vtk.vtkPoints() self.texture_points.SetNumberOfPoints(4) polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() polys.InsertNextCell(4) polys.InsertCellPoint(0) polys.InsertCellPoint(1) polys.InsertCellPoint(2) polys.InsertCellPoint(3) self.texture_polydata.SetPolys(polys) tc = vtk.vtkFloatArray() tc.SetNumberOfComponents(2) tc.SetNumberOfTuples(4) tc.InsertComponent(0, 0, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(0, 1, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(1, 0, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(1, 1, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(2, 0, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(2, 1, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(3, 0, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(3, 1, 1.0) self.texture_polydata.GetPointData().SetTCoords(tc) texture_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() texture_mapper = set_input(texture_mapper, self.texture_polydata) button = vtk.vtkTexturedActor2D() button.SetMapper(texture_mapper) self.texture = vtk.vtkTexture() button.SetTexture(self.texture) button_property = vtk.vtkProperty2D() button_property.SetOpacity(1.0) button.SetProperty(button_property) = button # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add(
[docs] def resize(self, size): """Resize the button. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) Button size (width, height) in pixels. """ # Update actor. self.texture_points.SetPoint(0, 0, 0, 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(1, size[0], 0, 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(2, size[0], size[1], 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(3, 0, size[1], 0.0) self.texture_polydata.SetPoints(self.texture_points)
def _set_position(self, coords): """Set the lower-left corner position of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """*coords) @property def color(self): """Get the button's color.""" color = return np.asarray(color) @color.setter def color(self, color): """Set the button's color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB. Must take values in [0, 1]. """*color)
[docs] def scale(self, factor): """Scale the button. Parameters ---------- factor : (float, float) Scaling factor (width, height) in pixels. """ self.resize(self.size * factor)
[docs] def set_icon_by_name(self, icon_name): """Set the button icon using its name. Parameters ---------- icon_name : str """ icon_id = self.icon_names.index(icon_name) self.set_icon(self.icons[icon_id][1])
[docs] def set_icon(self, icon): """Modify the icon used by the vtkTexturedActor2D. Parameters ---------- icon : imageDataGeometryFilter """ self.texture = set_input(self.texture, icon)
[docs] def next_icon_id(self): """Set the next icon ID while cycling through icons.""" self.current_icon_id += 1 if self.current_icon_id == len(self.icons): self.current_icon_id = 0 self.current_icon_name = self.icon_names[self.current_icon_id]
[docs] def next_icon(self): """Increment the state of the Button. Also changes the icon. """ self.next_icon_id() self.set_icon(self.icons[self.current_icon_id][1])