Source code for fury.actors.odf_slicer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import vtk

from fury.utils import (set_polydata_vertices, set_polydata_triangles,
                        set_polydata_colors, apply_affine)
from fury.colormap import create_colormap

[docs]class OdfSlicerActor(vtk.vtkActor): """ VTK actor for visualizing slices of ODF field. Parameters ---------- odfs : ndarray SF or SH coefficients 2-dimensional array. vertices: ndarray The sphere vertices used for SH to SF projection. faces: ndarray Indices of sphere vertices forming triangles. Should be ordered clockwise (see fury.utils.fix_winding_order). indices: tuple Indices given in tuple(x_indices, y_indices, z_indices) format for mapping 2D ODF array to 3D voxel grid. scale : float Multiplicative factor to apply to ODF amplitudes. norm : bool Normalize SF amplitudes so that the maximum ODF amplitude per voxel along a direction is 1. radial_scale : bool Scale sphere points by ODF values. global_cm : bool If True the colormap will be applied in all ODFs. If False it will be applied individually at each voxel. colormap : None or str The name of the colormap to use. Matplotlib colormaps are supported (e.g., 'inferno'). If None then a RGB colormap is used. opacity : float Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). affine : array optional 4x4 transformation array from native coordinates to world coordinates. B : ndarray (n_coeffs, n_vertices) Optional SH to SF matrix for projecting `odfs` given in SH coefficents on the `sphere`. If None, then the input is assumed to be expressed in SF coefficients. """
[docs] def __init__(self, odfs, vertices, faces, indices, scale, norm, radial_scale, shape, global_cm, colormap, opacity, affine=None, B=None): self.vertices = vertices self.faces = faces self.odfs = odfs self.indices = indices self.B = B self.radial_scale = radial_scale self.colormap = colormap self.grid_shape = shape self.global_cm = global_cm # declare a mask to be instantiated in slice_along_axis self.mask = None # If a B matrix is given, odfs are expected to # be in SH basis coefficients. if self.B is not None: # In that case, we need to save our normalisation and scale # to apply them after conversion from SH to SF. self.norm = norm self.scale = scale else: # If our input is in SF coefficients, we can normalise and # scale it only once, here. if norm: self.odfs /= np.abs(self.odfs).max(axis=-1, keepdims=True) self.odfs *= scale # Compute world coordinates of an affine is supplied self.affine = affine if self.affine is not None: self.w_verts =[:3, :3]) self.w_pos = apply_affine(affine, np.asarray(self.indices).T) # Initialize mapper and slice to the # middle of the volume along Z axis self.mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() self.SetMapper(self.mapper) self.slice_along_axis(self.grid_shape[-1]//2) self.set_opacity(opacity)
[docs] def set_opacity(self, opacity): """ Set opacity value of ODFs to display. """ self.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity)
[docs] def display_extent(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2): """ Set visible volume from x1 (inclusive) to x2 (inclusive), y1 (inclusive) to y2 (inclusive), z1 (inclusive) to z2 (inclusive). """ mask = np.zeros(self.grid_shape, dtype=bool) mask[x1:x2 + 1, y1:y2 + 1, z1:z2 + 1] = True self.mask = mask self._update_mapper()
[docs] def slice_along_axis(self, slice_index, axis='zaxis'): """ Slice ODF field at given `slice_index` along axis in ['xaxis', 'yaxis', zaxis']. """ if axis == 'xaxis': self.display_extent(slice_index, slice_index, 0, self.grid_shape[1] - 1, 0, self.grid_shape[2] - 1) elif axis == 'yaxis': self.display_extent(0, self.grid_shape[0] - 1, slice_index, slice_index, 0, self.grid_shape[2] - 1) elif axis == 'zaxis': self.display_extent(0, self.grid_shape[0] - 1, 0, self.grid_shape[1] - 1, slice_index, slice_index) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis name {0}.'.format(axis))
[docs] def display(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): """ Display a slice along x, y, or z axis. """ if x is None and y is None and z is None: self.slice_along_axis(self.grid_shape[2]//2) elif x is not None: self.slice_along_axis(x, 'xaxis') elif y is not None: self.slice_along_axis(y, 'yaxis') elif z is not None: self.slice_along_axis(z, 'zaxis')
[docs] def update_sphere(self, vertices, faces, B): """ Dynamically change the sphere used for SH to SF projection. """ if self.B is None: raise ValueError('Can\'t update sphere when using ' 'SF coefficients.') self.vertices = vertices if self.affine is not None: self.w_verts =[:3, :3]) self.faces = faces self.B = B # draw ODFs with new sphere self._update_mapper()
def _update_mapper(self): """ Map vtkPolyData to the actor. """ polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() offsets = self._get_odf_offsets(self.mask) if len(offsets) == 0: self.mapper.SetInputData(polydata) return None sph_dirs = self._get_sphere_directions() sf = self._get_sf(self.mask) all_vertices = self._get_all_vertices(offsets, sph_dirs, sf) all_faces = self._get_all_faces(len(offsets), len(sph_dirs)) all_colors = self._generate_color_for_vertices(sf) # TODO: There is a lot of deep copy here. # Optimize (see example). set_polydata_triangles(polydata, all_faces) set_polydata_vertices(polydata, all_vertices) set_polydata_colors(polydata, all_colors) self.mapper.SetInputData(polydata) def _get_odf_offsets(self, mask): """ Get the position of non-zero voxels inside `mask`. """ if self.affine is not None: return self.w_pos[mask[self.indices]] return np.asarray(self.indices).T[mask[self.indices]] def _get_sphere_directions(self): """ Get the sphere directions onto which is projected the signal. """ if self.affine is not None: return self.w_verts return self.vertices def _get_sf(self, mask): """ Get SF coefficients inside `mask`. """ # when odfs are expressed in SH coefficients if self.B is not None: sf = self.odfs[mask[self.indices]].dot(self.B) # normalisation and scaling is done on SF coefficients if self.norm: sf /= np.abs(sf).max(axis=-1, keepdims=True) return sf * self.scale # when odfs are in SF coefficients, the normalisation and scaling # are done during initialisation. We simply return them: return self.odfs[mask[self.indices]] def _get_all_vertices(self, offsets, sph_dirs, sf): """ Get array of all the vertices of the ODFs to display. """ if self.radial_scale: # apply SF amplitudes to all sphere # directions and offset each voxel return np.tile(sph_dirs, (len(offsets), 1)) * sf.reshape(-1, 1) +\ np.repeat(offsets, len(sph_dirs), axis=0) # return scaled spheres offsetted by `offsets` return np.tile(sph_dirs, (len(offsets), 1)) * self.scale +\ np.repeat(offsets, len(sph_dirs), axis=0) def _get_all_faces(self, nb_odfs, nb_dirs): """ Get array of all the faces of the ODFs to display. """ return np.tile(self.faces, (nb_odfs, 1)) +\ np.repeat(np.arange(nb_odfs) * nb_dirs, len(self.faces))\ .reshape(-1, 1) def _generate_color_for_vertices(self, sf): """ Get array of all vertices colors. """ if self.global_cm: if self.colormap is None: raise IOError("if global_cm=True, colormap must be defined.") else: all_colors = create_colormap(sf.ravel(), self.colormap) * 255 elif self.colormap is not None: if isinstance(self.colormap, str): # Map ODFs values [min, max] to [0, 1] for each ODF range_sf = sf.max(axis=-1) - sf.min(axis=-1) rescaled = sf - sf.min(axis=-1, keepdims=True) rescaled[range_sf > 0] /= range_sf[range_sf > 0][..., None] all_colors =\ create_colormap(rescaled.ravel(), self.colormap) * 255 else: all_colors = np.tile(np.array(self.colormap).reshape(1, 3), (sf.shape[0]*sf.shape[1], 1)) else: all_colors = np.tile(np.abs(self.vertices)*255, (len(sf), 1)) return all_colors.astype(np.uint8)