

Manipulate the camera and interact with objects in the scene.


alias of tempfile.TemporaryDirectory


Your scene class.


Your scene class.

ShowManager([scene, title, size, …])

Class interface between the scene, the window and the interactor.


alias of builtins.str

add(scene, a)

Add a specific actor to the scene.


Report number of actors on the scene.


analyze_snapshot(im[, bg_color, colors, …])

Analyze snapshot from memory or file.

antialiasing(scene, win[, multi_samples, …])

Enable anti-aliasing and ordered transparency.



Remove all actors from the scene.

deprecate_with_version(message[, since, …])

Return decorator function for deprecation warning / error.

enable_stereo(renwin, stereo_type)

Enable the given stereo type on the RenderWindow.

load_image(filename[, as_vtktype, use_pillow])

Load an image.

record([scene, cam_pos, cam_focal, …])

Record a video of your scene.


Create a Scene.


Create a Scene.

rm(scene, a)

Remove a specific actor from the scene.


Remove all actors from the scene.

save_image(arr, filename[, …])

Save a 2d or 3d image.

show(scene[, title, size, png_magnify, …])

Show window with current scene.

snapshot(scene[, fname, size, offscreen, …])

Save a snapshot of the scene in a file or in memory.


Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception.


class fury.window.CustomInteractorStyle[source]

Bases: vtkInteractionStylePython.vtkInteractorStyleUser

Manipulate the camera and interact with objects in the scene.

This interactor style allows the user to interactively manipulate (pan, rotate and zoom) the camera. It also allows the user to interact (click, scroll, etc.) with objects in the scene.

Several events handling methods from vtkInteractorStyleUser have been overloaded to allow the propagation of the events to the objects the user is interacting with.

In summary, while interacting with the scene, the mouse events are as follows:

- Left mouse button: rotates the camera
- Right mouse button: dollys the camera
- Mouse wheel: dollys the camera
- Middle mouse button: pans the camera



Define new interactor.

add_callback(prop, event_type, callback, priority=0, args=[])[source]

Add a callback associated to a specific event for a VTK prop.

  • prop (vtkProp) –

  • event_type (event code) –

  • callback (function) –

  • priority (int) –


Causes the scene to refresh.


Return the prop that lays at the event position.

on_char(_obj, evt)[source]
on_key_press(_obj, evt)[source]
on_key_release(_obj, evt)[source]
on_left_button_down(_obj, evt)[source]
on_left_button_up(_obj, evt)[source]
on_middle_button_down(_obj, evt)[source]
on_middle_button_up(_obj, evt)[source]
on_mouse_move(_obj, evt)[source]

On mouse move.

on_mouse_wheel_backward(_obj, evt)[source]

On mouse wheel backward.

on_mouse_wheel_forward(_obj, evt)[source]

On mouse wheel forward.

on_right_button_down(_obj, evt)[source]
on_right_button_up(_obj, evt)[source]
propagate_event(evt, *props)[source]



alias of tempfile.TemporaryDirectory


class fury.window.Renderer(_parent=None)[source]

Bases: fury.window.Scene

Your scene class.

This is an important object that is responsible for preparing objects e.g. actors and volumes for rendering. This is a more pythonic version of vtkRenderer proving simple methods for adding and removing actors but also it provides access to all the functionality available in vtkRenderer if necessary.

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: Renderer() will be removed in Fury v0.6.0, it is replaced by the class Scene()


Init old class with a warning.

Renderer() deprecated, Please use Scene()instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0


class fury.window.Scene[source]

Bases: vtkRenderingCorePython.vtkRenderer

Your scene class.

This is an important object that is responsible for preparing objects e.g. actors and volumes for rendering. This is a more pythonic version of vtkRenderer proving simple methods for adding and removing actors but also it provides access to all the functionality available in vtkRenderer if necessary.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Add an actor to the scene.


Rotate scene’s camera.

Rotate the camera about the view up vector centered at the focal point. Note that the view up vector is whatever was set via SetViewUp, and is not necessarily perpendicular to the direction of projection. The result is a horizontal rotation of the camera.


Set a background color.


Return the camera object.


Get camera direction.

Get the vector in the direction from the camera position to the focal point. This is usually the opposite of the ViewPlaneNormal, the vector perpendicular to the screen, unless the view is oblique.


Return Camera information.


Remove all actors from the scene.


Dolly In/Out scene’s camera.

Divide the camera’s distance from the focal point by the given dolly value. Use a value greater than one to dolly-in toward the focal point, and use a value less than one to dolly-out away from the focal point.


Elevate scene’s camera.

Rotate the camera about the cross product of the negative of the direction of projection and the view up vector, using the focal point as the center of rotation. The result is a vertical rotation of the scene.

property frame_rate

Return Camera information: Position, Focal Point, View Up.


Pitch scene’s camera.

Rotate the focal point about the cross product of the view up vector and the direction of projection, using the camera’s position as the center of rotation. The result is a vertical rotation of the camera.


Decide between parallel or perspective projection.


proj_type (str) – Can be ‘parallel’ or ‘perspective’ (default).


Reset the camera to an automatic position given by the engine.


Resets camera so the content fit tightly within the window.


margin_factor (float (optional)) – Margin added around the content. Default: 1.02.


Reset the camera to an automatic position given by the engine.


Remove more than once actors at once.


Remove all actors from the scene.


Roll scene’s camera.

Rotate the camera about the direction of projection. This will spin the camera about its axis.

set_camera(position=None, focal_point=None, view_up=None)[source]

Set up camera position / Focal Point / View Up.


Scene size.


Yaw scene’s camera.

Rotate the focal point about the view up vector, using the camera’s position as the center of rotation. Note that the view up vector is whatever was set via SetViewUp, and is not necessarily perpendicular to the direction of projection. The result is a horizontal rotation of the scene.


Rescale scene’s camera.

In perspective mode, decrease the view angle by the specified factor. In parallel mode, decrease the parallel scale by the specified factor. A value greater than 1 is a zoom-in, a value less than 1 is a zoom-out.


class fury.window.ShowManager(scene=None, title='FURY', size=(300, 300), png_magnify=1, reset_camera=True, order_transparent=False, interactor_style='custom', stereo='off', multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, occlusion_ratio=0.0)[source]

Bases: object

Class interface between the scene, the window and the interactor.

__init__(scene=None, title='FURY', size=(300, 300), png_magnify=1, reset_camera=True, order_transparent=False, interactor_style='custom', stereo='off', multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, occlusion_ratio=0.0)[source]

Manage the visualization pipeline.

  • scene (Scene() or vtkRenderer()) – The scene that holds all the actors.

  • title (string) – A string for the window title bar.

  • size ((int, int)) – (width, height) of the window. Default is (300, 300).

  • png_magnify (int) – Number of times to magnify the screenshot. This can be used to save high resolution screenshots when pressing ‘s’ inside the window.

  • reset_camera (bool) – Default is True. You can change this option to False if you want to keep the camera as set before calling this function.

  • order_transparent (bool) – True is useful when you want to order transparent actors according to their relative position to the camera. The default option which is False will order the actors according to the order of their addition to the Scene().

  • interactor_style (str or vtkInteractorStyle) – If str then if ‘trackball’ then vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera() is used, if ‘image’ then vtkInteractorStyleImage() is used (no rotation) or if ‘custom’ then CustomInteractorStyle is used. Otherwise you can input your own interactor style.

  • stereo (string) –

    Set the stereo type. Default is ‘off’. Other types include:

    • ’opengl’: OpenGL frame-sequential stereo. Referred to as ‘CrystalEyes’ by VTK.

    • ’anaglyph’: For use with red/blue glasses. See VTK docs to use different colors.

    • ’interlaced’: Line interlaced.

    • ’checkerboard’: Checkerboard interlaced.

    • ’left’: Left eye only.

    • ’right’: Right eye only.

    • ’horizontal’: Side-by-side.

  • multi_samples (int) – Number of samples for anti-aliazing (Default 8). For no anti-aliasing use 0.

  • max_peels (int) – Maximum number of peels for depth peeling (Default 4).

  • occlusion_ratio (float) – Occlusion ration for depth peeling (Default 0 - exact image).


Scene() or vtkRenderer()









>>> from fury import actor, window
>>> scene = window.Scene()
>>> scene.add(actor.axes())
>>> showm = window.ShowManager(scene)
>>> # showm.initialize()
>>> # showm.render()
>>> # showm.start()
add_timer_callback(repeat, duration, timer_callback)[source]
add_window_callback(win_callback, event=33)[source]

Add window callbacks.


Close window and terminate interactor.


Initialize interaction.


Play recorded events of a past interaction.

The VTK events that happened during the recorded interaction will be played back.


events (str) – Recorded events (one per line).


Play recorded events of a past interaction.

The VTK events that happened during the recorded interaction will be played back from filename.


filename (str) – Name of the file containing the recorded events (.log|.log.gz).


Record events during the interaction.

The recording is represented as a list of VTK events that happened during the interaction. The recorded events are then returned.


events – Recorded events (one per line).

Return type



Since VTK only allows recording events to a file, we use a temporary file from which we then read the events.


Record events during the interaction.

The recording is represented as a list of VTK events that happened during the interaction. The recording is going to be saved into filename.


filename (str) – Name of the file that will contain the recording (.log|.log.gz).


Render only once.


Start interaction.



alias of builtins.str


fury.window.add(scene, a)[source]

Add a specific actor to the scene.

‘fury.window.add’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.Scene().add’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: ren will be removed in Fury 0.6.0, it is replaced by Scene().add



Report number of actors on the scene.

‘fury.window.analyze_renderer’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.analyze_scene’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: analyze_renderer will be removed in Fury 0.3.0, it is replaced by analyze_scene()




fury.window.analyze_snapshot(im, bg_color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), colors=None, find_objects=True, strel=None)[source]

Analyze snapshot from memory or file.

  • im (str or array) – If string then the image is read from a file otherwise the image is read from a numpy array. The array is expected to be of shape (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, 4) where the last dimensions are the RGB or RGBA values.

  • colors (tuple (3,) or list of tuples (3,)) – List of colors to search in the image

  • find_objects (bool) – If True it will calculate the number of objects that are different from the background and return their position in a new image.

  • strel (2d array) – Structure element to use for finding the objects.


report – This is an object with attibutes like colors_found that give information about what was found in the current snapshot array im.

Return type



fury.window.antialiasing(scene, win, multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, occlusion_ratio=0.0)[source]

Enable anti-aliasing and ordered transparency.

  • scene (Scene) –

  • win (Window) – Provided by Showmanager.window attribute.

  • multi_samples (int) – Number of samples for anti-aliazing (Default 8). For no anti-aliasing use 0.

  • max_peels (int) – Maximum number of peels for depth peeling (Default 4).

  • occlusion_ratio (float) – Occlusion ration for depth peeling (Default 0 - exact image).





Remove all actors from the scene.

‘fury.window.clear’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.Scene().clear’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: ren will be removed in Fury 0.6.0, it is replaced by Scene().clear


fury.window.deprecate_with_version(message, since='', until='', version_comparator=<function cmp_pkg_version>, warn_class=<class 'DeprecationWarning'>, error_class=<class 'fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError'>)[source]

Return decorator function for deprecation warning / error.

The decorated function / method will:

  • Raise the given warning_class warning when the function / method gets called, up to (and including) version until (if specified);

  • Raise the given error_class error when the function / method gets called, when the package version is greater than version until (if specified).

  • message (str) – Message explaining deprecation, giving possible alternatives.

  • since (str, optional) – Released version at which object was first deprecated.

  • until (str, optional) – Last released version at which this function will still raise a deprecation warning. Versions higher than this will raise an error.

  • version_comparator (callable) – Callable accepting string as argument, and return 1 if string represents a higher version than encoded in the version_comparator, 0 if the version is equal, and -1 if the version is lower. For example, the version_comparator may compare the input version string to the current package version string.

  • warn_class (class, optional) – Class of warning to generate for deprecation.

  • error_class (class, optional) – Class of error to generate when version_comparator returns 1 for a given argument of until.


deprecator – Function returning a decorator.

Return type



fury.window.enable_stereo(renwin, stereo_type)[source]

Enable the given stereo type on the RenderWindow.

  • renwin (vtkRenderWindow) –

  • stereo_type (string) –

    • ‘opengl’: OpenGL frame-sequential stereo. Referred to as ‘CrystalEyes’ by VTK.

    • ’anaglyph’: For use with red/blue glasses. See VTK docs to use different colors.

    • ’interlaced’: Line interlaced.

    • ’checkerboard’: Checkerboard interlaced.

    • ’left’: Left eye only.

    • ’right’: Right eye only.

    • ’horizontal’: Side-by-side.


fury.window.load_image(filename, as_vtktype=False, use_pillow=True)[source]

Load an image.

  • filename (str) – should be png, bmp, jpeg or jpg files

  • as_vtktype (bool, optional) – if True, return vtk output otherwise an ndarray. Default False.

  • use_pillow (bool, optional) – Use pillow python library to load the files. Default True


image – desired image array

Return type

ndarray or vtk output


fury.window.record(scene=None, cam_pos=None, cam_focal=None, cam_view=None, out_path=None, path_numbering=False, n_frames=1, az_ang=10, magnification=1, size=(300, 300), reset_camera=True, screen_clip=False, stereo='off', verbose=False)[source]

Record a video of your scene.

Records a video as a series of .png files of your scene by rotating the azimuth angle az_angle in every frame.

  • scene (Scene() or vtkRenderer() object) – Scene instance

  • cam_pos (None or sequence (3,), optional) – Camera’s position. If None then default camera’s position is used.

  • cam_focal (None or sequence (3,), optional) – Camera’s focal point. If None then default camera’s focal point is used.

  • cam_view (None or sequence (3,), optional) – Camera’s view up direction. If None then default camera’s view up vector is used.

  • out_path (str, optional) – Output path for the frames. If None a default fury.png is created.

  • path_numbering (bool) – When recording it changes out_path to out_path + str(frame number)

  • n_frames (int, optional) – Number of frames to save, default 1

  • az_ang (float, optional) – Azimuthal angle of camera rotation.

  • magnification (int, optional) – How much to magnify the saved frame. Default is 1.

  • size ((int, int)) – (width, height) of the window. Default is (300, 300).

  • screen_clip (bool) – Clip the the png based on screen resolution. Default is False.

  • reset_camera (bool) –

    If True Call scene.reset_camera(). Otherwise you need to set the

    camera before calling this function.

  • stereo (string) –

    Set the stereo type. Default is ‘off’. Other types include:

    • ’opengl’: OpenGL frame-sequential stereo. Referred to as ‘CrystalEyes’ by VTK.

    • ’anaglyph’: For use with red/blue glasses. See VTK docs to use different colors.

    • ’interlaced’: Line interlaced.

    • ’checkerboard’: Checkerboard interlaced.

    • ’left’: Left eye only.

    • ’right’: Right eye only.

    • ’horizontal’: Side-by-side.

  • verbose (bool) – print information about the camera. Default is False.


>>> from fury import window, actor
>>> scene = window.Scene()
>>> a = actor.axes()
>>> scene.add(a)
>>> # uncomment below to record
>>> # window.record(scene)
>>> # check for new images in current directory


Create a Scene.

‘’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.Scene’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: ren will be removed in Fury 0.6.0, it is replaced by Scene()



Create a Scene.

‘fury.window.renderer’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.Scene’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: renderer will be removed in Fury 0.6.0, it is replaced by the class Scene()


background (tuple) – Initial background color of scene


v – scene object

Return type

Scene instance


>>> from fury import window, actor
>>> import numpy as np
>>> r = window.renderer()
>>> lines=[np.random.rand(10,3)]
>>> c=actor.line(lines,
>>> r.add(c)


fury.window.rm(scene, a)[source]

Remove a specific actor from the scene.

‘fury.window.rm’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.Scene().rm’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: ren will be removed in Fury 0.6.0, it is replaced by Scene().rm



Remove all actors from the scene.

‘fury.window.rm_all()’ function deprecated, use ‘fury.window.Scene().clear’ instead

  • deprecated from version: 0.2.0

  • Raises <class ‘fury.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 0.6.0

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: ren will be removed in Fury 0.6.0, it is replaced by Scene().rm_all


fury.window.save_image(arr, filename, compression_quality=75, compression_type='deflation', use_pillow=True)[source]

Save a 2d or 3d image.

Expect an image with the following shape: (H, W) or (H, W, 1) or (H, W, 3) or (H, W, 4).

  • arr (ndarray) – array to save

  • filename (string) – should be png, bmp, jpeg or jpg files

  • compression_quality (int, optional) – compression_quality for jpeg data. 0 = Low quality, 100 = High quality

  • compression_type (str, optional) – compression type for tiff file select between: None, lzw, deflation (default)

  • use_pillow (bool, optional) – Use imageio python library to save the files.

show, title='FURY', size=(300, 300), png_magnify=1, reset_camera=True, order_transparent=False, stereo='off', multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, occlusion_ratio=0.0)[source]

Show window with current scene.

  • scene (Scene() or vtkRenderer()) – The scene that holds all the actors.

  • title (string) – A string for the window title bar. Default is FURY and current version.

  • size ((int, int)) – (width, height) of the window. Default is (300, 300).

  • png_magnify (int) – Number of times to magnify the screenshot. Default is 1. This can be used to save high resolution screenshots when pressing ‘s’ inside the window.

  • reset_camera (bool) – Default is True. You can change this option to False if you want to keep the camera as set before calling this function.

  • order_transparent (bool) – True is useful when you want to order transparent actors according to their relative position to the camera. The default option which is False will order the actors according to the order of their addition to the Scene().

  • stereo (string) –

    Set the stereo type. Default is ‘off’. Other types include:

    • ’opengl’: OpenGL frame-sequential stereo. Referred to as ‘CrystalEyes’ by VTK.

    • ’anaglyph’: For use with red/blue glasses. See VTK docs to use different colors.

    • ’interlaced’: Line interlaced.

    • ’checkerboard’: Checkerboard interlaced.

    • ’left’: Left eye only.

    • ’right’: Right eye only.

    • ’horizontal’: Side-by-side.

  • multi_samples (int) – Number of samples for anti-aliazing (Default 8). For no anti-aliasing use 0.

  • max_peels (int) – Maximum number of peels for depth peeling (Default 4).

  • occlusion_ratio (float) – Occlusion ration for depth peeling (Default 0 - exact image).


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from fury import window, actor
>>> r = window.Scene()
>>> lines=[np.random.rand(10,3),np.random.rand(20,3)]
>>> colors=np.array([[0.2,0.2,0.2],[0.8,0.8,0.8]])
>>> c=actor.line(lines,colors)
>>> r.add(c)
>>> l=actor.label(text="Hello")
>>> r.add(l)


fury.window.snapshot(scene, fname=None, size=(300, 300), offscreen=True, order_transparent=False, stereo='off', multi_samples=8, max_peels=4, occlusion_ratio=0.0)[source]

Save a snapshot of the scene in a file or in memory.

  • scene (Scene() or vtkRenderer) – Scene instance

  • fname (str or None) – Save PNG file. If None return only an array without saving PNG.

  • size ((int, int)) – (width, height) of the window. Default is (300, 300).

  • offscreen (bool) – Default True. Go stealthmode no window should appear.

  • order_transparent (bool) – Default False. Use depth peeling to sort transparent objects. If True also enables anti-aliasing.

  • stereo (string) –

    Set the stereo type. Default is ‘off’. Other types include:

    • ’opengl’: OpenGL frame-sequential stereo. Referred to as ‘CrystalEyes’ by VTK.

    • ’anaglyph’: For use with red/blue glasses. See VTK docs to use different colors.

    • ’interlaced’: Line interlaced.

    • ’checkerboard’: Checkerboard interlaced.

    • ’left’: Left eye only.

    • ’right’: Right eye only.

    • ’horizontal’: Side-by-side.

  • multi_samples (int) – Number of samples for anti-aliazing (Default 8). For no anti-aliasing use 0.

  • max_peels (int) – Maximum number of peels for depth peeling (Default 4).

  • occlusion_ratio (float) – Occlusion ration for depth peeling (Default 0 - exact image).


arr – Color array of size (width, height, 3) where the last dimension holds the RGB values.

Return type




Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception.