Source code for fury.ui

from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
import vtk
import os
import abc

from import read_viz_icons
from fury.interactor import CustomInteractorStyle
from import load_image
from fury.utils import set_input, rotate
from import grid

TWO_PI = 2 * np.pi

[docs]def clip_overflow(textblock, width): """Clips overflowing text of TextBlock2D with respect to width. Parameters ---------- textblock : TextBlock2D The textblock object whose text needs to be clipped. width : int Required width of the clipped text. Returns ------- clipped text : str Clipped version of the text. """ original_str = textblock.message start_ptr = 0 end_ptr = len(original_str) prev_bg = textblock.have_bg textblock.have_bg = False if textblock.size[0] == width or textblock.size[0] <= width: textblock.have_bg = prev_bg return original_str while start_ptr < end_ptr: mid_ptr = (start_ptr + end_ptr)//2 textblock.message = original_str[:mid_ptr] + "..." if textblock.size[0] < width: start_ptr = mid_ptr elif textblock.size[0] > width: end_ptr = mid_ptr if mid_ptr == (start_ptr + end_ptr)//2 or\ textblock.size[0] == width: textblock.have_bg = prev_bg return textblock.message
[docs]class UI(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """An umbrella class for all UI elements. While adding UI elements to the scene, we go over all the sub-elements that come with it and add those to the scene automatically. Attributes ---------- position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. center : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the center of this UI component. size : (int, int) Width and height in pixels of this UI component. on_left_mouse_button_pressed: function Callback function for when the left mouse button is pressed. on_left_mouse_button_released: function Callback function for when the left mouse button is released. on_left_mouse_button_clicked: function Callback function for when clicked using the left mouse button (i.e. pressed -> released). on_left_mouse_double_clicked: function Callback function for when left mouse button is double clicked (i.e pressed -> released -> pressed -> released). on_left_mouse_button_dragged: function Callback function for when dragging using the left mouse button. on_right_mouse_button_pressed: function Callback function for when the right mouse button is pressed. on_right_mouse_button_released: function Callback function for when the right mouse button is released. on_right_mouse_button_clicked: function Callback function for when clicking using the right mouse button (i.e. pressed -> released). on_right_mouse_double_clicked: function Callback function for when right mouse button is double clicked (i.e pressed -> released -> pressed -> released). on_right_mouse_button_dragged: function Callback function for when dragging using the right mouse button. on_middle_mouse_button_pressed: function Callback function for when the middle mouse button is pressed. on_middle_mouse_button_released: function Callback function for when the middle mouse button is released. on_middle_mouse_button_clicked: function Callback function for when clicking using the middle mouse button (i.e. pressed -> released). on_middle_mouse_double_clicked: function Callback function for when middle mouse button is double clicked (i.e pressed -> released -> pressed -> released). on_middle_mouse_button_dragged: function Callback function for when dragging using the middle mouse button. on_key_press: function Callback function for when a keyboard key is pressed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, position=(0, 0)): """Init scene. Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. """ self._scene = object() self._position = np.array([0, 0]) self._callbacks = [] self._setup() # Setup needed actors and sub UI components. self.position = position self.left_button_state = "released" self.right_button_state = "released" self.middle_button_state = "released" self.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_button_released = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_button_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_left_mouse_double_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_pressed = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_released = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_double_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_right_mouse_button_dragged = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_pressed = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_released = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_double_clicked = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_middle_mouse_button_dragged = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None self.on_key_press = lambda i_ren, obj, element: None
@abc.abstractmethod def _setup(self): """Set up this UI component. This is where you should create all your needed actors and sub UI components. """ msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_setup(self)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_get_actors(self)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def actors(self): """Actors composing this UI component.""" return self._get_actors() @abc.abstractmethod def _add_to_scene(self, _scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- _scene : scene """ msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_add_to_scene(self, scene)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def add_to_scene(self, scene): """Allow UI objects to add their own props to the scene. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self._add_to_scene(scene) # Get a hold on the current interactor style. iren = scene.GetRenderWindow().GetInteractor().GetInteractorStyle() for callback in self._callbacks: if not isinstance(iren, CustomInteractorStyle): msg = ("The ShowManager requires `CustomInteractorStyle` in" " order to use callbacks.") raise TypeError(msg) if callback[0] == self._scene: iren.add_callback(iren, callback[1], callback[2], args=[self]) else: iren.add_callback(*callback, args=[self])
[docs] def add_callback(self, prop, event_type, callback, priority=0): """Add a callback to a specific event for this UI component. Parameters ---------- prop : vtkProp The prop on which is callback is to be added. event_type : string The event code. callback : function The callback function. priority : int Higher number is higher priority. """ # Actually since we need an interactor style we will add the callback # only when this UI component is added to the scene. self._callbacks.append((prop, event_type, callback, priority))
@property def position(self): return self._position @position.setter def position(self, coords): coords = np.asarray(coords) self._set_position(coords) self._position = coords @abc.abstractmethod def _set_position(self, _coords): """Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- _coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement `_set_position(self, coords)`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def size(self): return np.asarray(self._get_size(), dtype=int) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_size(self): msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement property `size`." raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def center(self): return self.position + self.size / 2. @center.setter def center(self, coords): """Position the center of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ if not hasattr(self, "size"): msg = "Subclasses of UI must implement the `size` property." raise NotImplementedError(msg) new_center = np.array(coords) size = np.array(self.size) new_lower_left_corner = new_center - size / 2. self.position = new_lower_left_corner
[docs] def set_visibility(self, visibility): """Set visibility of this UI component.""" for actor in self.actors: actor.SetVisibility(visibility)
[docs] def handle_events(self, actor): self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.left_button_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonReleaseEvent", self.left_button_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "RightButtonPressEvent", self.right_button_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "RightButtonReleaseEvent", self.right_button_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MiddleButtonPressEvent", self.middle_button_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MiddleButtonReleaseEvent", self.middle_button_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MouseMoveEvent", self.mouse_move_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "KeyPressEvent", self.key_press_callback)
[docs] @staticmethod def left_button_click_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.left_button_state = "pressing" self.on_left_mouse_button_pressed(i_ren, obj, self) i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def left_button_release_callback(i_ren, obj, self): if self.left_button_state == "pressing": self.on_left_mouse_button_clicked(i_ren, obj, self) self.left_button_state = "released" self.on_left_mouse_button_released(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def right_button_click_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.right_button_state = "pressing" self.on_right_mouse_button_pressed(i_ren, obj, self) i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def right_button_release_callback(i_ren, obj, self): if self.right_button_state == "pressing": self.on_right_mouse_button_clicked(i_ren, obj, self) self.right_button_state = "released" self.on_right_mouse_button_released(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def middle_button_click_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.middle_button_state = "pressing" self.on_middle_mouse_button_pressed(i_ren, obj, self) i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def middle_button_release_callback(i_ren, obj, self): if self.middle_button_state == "pressing": self.on_middle_mouse_button_clicked(i_ren, obj, self) self.middle_button_state = "released" self.on_middle_mouse_button_released(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def mouse_move_callback(i_ren, obj, self): left_pressing_or_dragging = (self.left_button_state == "pressing" or self.left_button_state == "dragging") right_pressing_or_dragging = (self.right_button_state == "pressing" or self.right_button_state == "dragging") middle_pressing_or_dragging = \ (self.middle_button_state == "pressing" or self.middle_button_state == "dragging") if left_pressing_or_dragging: self.left_button_state = "dragging" self.on_left_mouse_button_dragged(i_ren, obj, self) elif right_pressing_or_dragging: self.right_button_state = "dragging" self.on_right_mouse_button_dragged(i_ren, obj, self) elif middle_pressing_or_dragging: self.middle_button_state = "dragging" self.on_middle_mouse_button_dragged(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def key_press_callback(i_ren, obj, self): self.on_key_press(i_ren, obj, self)
[docs]class Button2D(UI): """A 2D overlay button and is of type vtkTexturedActor2D. Currently supports:: - Multiple icons. - Switching between icons. """
[docs] def __init__(self, icon_fnames, position=(0, 0), size=(30, 30)): """Init class instance. Parameters ---------- icon_fnames : List(string, string) ((iconname, filename), (iconname, filename), ....) position : (float, float), optional Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the button. size : (int, int), optional Width and height in pixels of the button. """ super(Button2D, self).__init__(position) self.icon_extents = dict() self.icons = self._build_icons(icon_fnames) self.icon_names = [icon[0] for icon in self.icons] self.current_icon_id = 0 self.current_icon_name = self.icon_names[self.current_icon_id] self.set_icon(self.icons[self.current_icon_id][1]) self.resize(size)
def _get_size(self): lower_left_corner = self.texture_points.GetPoint(0) upper_right_corner = self.texture_points.GetPoint(2) size = np.array(upper_right_corner) - np.array(lower_left_corner) return abs(size[:2]) def _build_icons(self, icon_fnames): """Convert file names to vtkImageDataGeometryFilters. A pre-processing step to prevent re-read of file names during every state change. Parameters ---------- icon_fnames : List(string, string) ((iconname, filename), (iconname, filename), ....) Returns ------- icons : List A list of corresponding vtkImageDataGeometryFilters. """ icons = [] for icon_name, icon_fname in icon_fnames: icons.append((icon_name, load_image(icon_fname, as_vtktype=True))) return icons def _setup(self): """Set up this UI component. Creating the button actor used internally. """ # This is highly inspired by # self.texture_polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.texture_points = vtk.vtkPoints() self.texture_points.SetNumberOfPoints(4) polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() polys.InsertNextCell(4) polys.InsertCellPoint(0) polys.InsertCellPoint(1) polys.InsertCellPoint(2) polys.InsertCellPoint(3) self.texture_polydata.SetPolys(polys) tc = vtk.vtkFloatArray() tc.SetNumberOfComponents(2) tc.SetNumberOfTuples(4) tc.InsertComponent(0, 0, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(0, 1, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(1, 0, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(1, 1, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(2, 0, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(2, 1, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(3, 0, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(3, 1, 1.0) self.texture_polydata.GetPointData().SetTCoords(tc) texture_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() texture_mapper = set_input(texture_mapper, self.texture_polydata) button = vtk.vtkTexturedActor2D() button.SetMapper(texture_mapper) self.texture = vtk.vtkTexture() button.SetTexture(self.texture) button_property = vtk.vtkProperty2D() button_property.SetOpacity(1.0) button.SetProperty(button_property) = button # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add(
[docs] def resize(self, size): """Resize the button. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) Button size (width, height) in pixels. """ # Update actor. self.texture_points.SetPoint(0, 0, 0, 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(1, size[0], 0, 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(2, size[0], size[1], 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(3, 0, size[1], 0.0) self.texture_polydata.SetPoints(self.texture_points)
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """*coords) @property def color(self): """ Gets the button's color. """ color = return np.asarray(color) @color.setter def color(self, color): """ Sets the button's color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB. Must take values in [0, 1]. """*color)
[docs] def scale(self, factor): """ Scales the button. Parameters ---------- factor : (float, float) Scaling factor (width, height) in pixels. """ self.resize(self.size * factor)
[docs] def set_icon_by_name(self, icon_name): """ Set the button icon using its name. Parameters ---------- icon_name : str """ icon_id = self.icon_names.index(icon_name) self.set_icon(self.icons[icon_id][1])
[docs] def set_icon(self, icon): """ Modifies the icon used by the vtkTexturedActor2D. Parameters ---------- icon : imageDataGeometryFilter """ self.texture = set_input(self.texture, icon)
[docs] def next_icon_id(self): """ Sets the next icon ID while cycling through icons. """ self.current_icon_id += 1 if self.current_icon_id == len(self.icons): self.current_icon_id = 0 self.current_icon_name = self.icon_names[self.current_icon_id]
[docs] def next_icon(self): """ Increments the state of the Button. Also changes the icon. """ self.next_icon_id() self.set_icon(self.icons[self.current_icon_id][1])
[docs]class Rectangle2D(UI): """ A 2D rectangle sub-classed from UI. """
[docs] def __init__(self, size=(0, 0), position=(0, 0), color=(1, 1, 1), opacity=1.0): """ Initializes a rectangle. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) The size of the rectangle (width, height) in pixels. position : (float, float) Coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the rectangle. color : (float, float, float) Must take values in [0, 1]. opacity : float Must take values in [0, 1]. """ super(Rectangle2D, self).__init__(position) self.color = color self.opacity = opacity self.resize(size)
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Creating the polygon actor used internally. """ # Setup four points size = (1, 1) self._points = vtk.vtkPoints() self._points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 0) self._points.InsertNextPoint(size[0], 0, 0) self._points.InsertNextPoint(size[0], size[1], 0) self._points.InsertNextPoint(0, size[1], 0) # Create the polygon polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon() polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(4) # make a quad polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(0, 0) polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(1, 1) polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(2, 2) polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(3, 3) # Add the polygon to a list of polygons polygons = vtk.vtkCellArray() polygons.InsertNextCell(polygon) # Create a PolyData self._polygonPolyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() self._polygonPolyData.SetPoints(self._points) self._polygonPolyData.SetPolys(polygons) # Create a mapper and actor mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() mapper = set_input(mapper, self._polygonPolyData) = vtk.vtkActor2D() # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add( def _get_size(self): # Get 2D coordinates of two opposed corners of the rectangle. lower_left_corner = np.array(self._points.GetPoint(0)[:2]) upper_right_corner = np.array(self._points.GetPoint(2)[:2]) size = abs(upper_right_corner - lower_left_corner) return size @property def width(self): return self._points.GetPoint(2)[0] @width.setter def width(self, width): self.resize((width, self.height)) @property def height(self): return self._points.GetPoint(2)[1] @height.setter def height(self, height): self.resize((self.width, height))
[docs] def resize(self, size): """ Sets the button size. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) Button size (width, height) in pixels. """ self._points.SetPoint(0, 0, 0, 0.0) self._points.SetPoint(1, size[0], 0, 0.0) self._points.SetPoint(2, size[0], size[1], 0.0) self._points.SetPoint(3, 0, size[1], 0.0) self._polygonPolyData.SetPoints(self._points) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() mapper = set_input(mapper, self._polygonPolyData)
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """*coords) @property def color(self): """ Gets the rectangle's color. """ color = return np.asarray(color) @color.setter def color(self, color): """ Sets the rectangle's color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB. Must take values in [0, 1]. """*color) @property def opacity(self): """ Gets the rectangle's opacity. """ return @opacity.setter def opacity(self, opacity): """ Sets the rectangle's opacity. Parameters ---------- opacity : float Degree of transparency. Must be between [0, 1]. """
[docs]class Disk2D(UI): """ A 2D disk UI component. """
[docs] def __init__(self, outer_radius, inner_radius=0, center=(0, 0), color=(1, 1, 1), opacity=1.0): """ Initializes a 2D Disk. Parameters ---------- outer_radius : int Outer radius of the disk. inner_radius : int, optional Inner radius of the disk. A value > 0, makes a ring. center : (float, float), optional Coordinates (x, y) of the center of the disk. color : (float, float, float), optional Must take values in [0, 1]. opacity : float, optional Must take values in [0, 1]. """ super(Disk2D, self).__init__() self.outer_radius = outer_radius self.inner_radius = inner_radius self.color = color self.opacity = opacity = center
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Creating the disk actor used internally. """ # Setting up disk actor. self._disk = vtk.vtkDiskSource() self._disk.SetRadialResolution(10) self._disk.SetCircumferentialResolution(50) self._disk.Update() # Mapper mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() mapper = set_input(mapper, self._disk.GetOutputPort()) # Actor = vtk.vtkActor2D() # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add( def _get_size(self): diameter = 2 * self.outer_radius size = (diameter, diameter) return size def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component's bounding box. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ # Disk actor are positioned with respect to their center.*coords + self.outer_radius) @property def color(self): """ Gets the color of this UI component. """ color = return np.asarray(color) @color.setter def color(self, color): """ Sets the color of this UI component. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB. Must take values in [0, 1]. """*color) @property def opacity(self): """ Gets the opacity of this UI component. """ return @opacity.setter def opacity(self, opacity): """ Sets the opacity of this UI component. Parameters ---------- opacity : float Degree of transparency. Must be between [0, 1]. """ @property def inner_radius(self): return self._disk.GetInnerRadius() @inner_radius.setter def inner_radius(self, radius): self._disk.SetInnerRadius(radius) self._disk.Update() @property def outer_radius(self): return self._disk.GetOuterRadius() @outer_radius.setter def outer_radius(self, radius): self._disk.SetOuterRadius(radius) self._disk.Update()
[docs]class Panel2D(UI): """ A 2D UI Panel. Can contain one or more UI elements. Attributes ---------- alignment : [left, right] Alignment of the panel with respect to the overall screen. """
[docs] def __init__(self, size, position=(0, 0), color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), opacity=0.7, align="left"): """ Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) Size (width, height) in pixels of the panel. position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the panel. color : (float, float, float) Must take values in [0, 1]. opacity : float Must take values in [0, 1]. align : [left, right] Alignment of the panel with respect to the overall screen. """ super(Panel2D, self).__init__(position) self.resize(size) self.alignment = align self.color = color self.opacity = opacity self.position = position self._drag_offset = None
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the background (Rectangle2D) of the panel. """ self._elements = [] self.element_offsets = [] self.background = Rectangle2D() self.add_element(self.background, (0, 0)) # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.background.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = self.left_button_pressed self.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = self.left_button_dragged def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ actors = [] for element in self._elements: actors += element.actors return actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ for element in self._elements: element.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): return self.background.size
[docs] def resize(self, size): """ Sets the panel size. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) Panel size (width, height) in pixels. """ self.background.resize(size)
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ coords = np.array(coords) for element, offset in self.element_offsets: element.position = coords + offset @property def color(self): return self.background.color @color.setter def color(self, color): self.background.color = color @property def opacity(self): return self.background.opacity @opacity.setter def opacity(self, opacity): self.background.opacity = opacity
[docs] def add_element(self, element, coords, anchor="position"): """ Adds a UI component to the panel. The coordinates represent an offset from the lower left corner of the panel. Parameters ---------- element : UI The UI item to be added. coords : (float, float) or (int, int) If float, normalized coordinates are assumed and they must be between [0,1]. If int, pixels coordinates are assumed and it must fit within the panel's size. """ coords = np.array(coords) if np.issubdtype(coords.dtype, np.floating): if np.any(coords < 0) or np.any(coords > 1): raise ValueError("Normalized coordinates must be in [0,1].") coords = coords * self.size if anchor == "center": = self.position + coords elif anchor == "position": element.position = self.position + coords else: msg = ("Unknown anchor {}. Supported anchors are 'position'" " and 'center'.") raise ValueError(msg) self._elements.append(element) offset = element.position - self.position self.element_offsets.append((element, offset))
[docs] def remove_element(self, element): """ Removes a UI component from the panel. Parameters ---------- element : UI The UI item to be removed. """ idx = self._elements.index(element) del self._elements[idx] del self.element_offsets[idx]
[docs] def update_element(self, element, coords, anchor="position"): """ Updates the position of a UI component in the panel. Parameters ---------- element : UI The UI item to be updated. coords : (float, float) or (int, int) New coordinates. If float, normalized coordinates are assumed and they must be between [0,1]. If int, pixels coordinates are assumed and it must fit within the panel's size. """ self.remove_element(element) self.add_element(element, coords, anchor)
[docs] def left_button_pressed(self, i_ren, _obj, panel2d_object): click_pos = np.array(i_ren.event.position) self._drag_offset = click_pos - panel2d_object.position i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def left_button_dragged(self, i_ren, _obj, _panel2d_object): if self._drag_offset is not None: click_position = np.array(i_ren.event.position) new_position = click_position - self._drag_offset self.position = new_position i_ren.force_render()
[docs] def re_align(self, window_size_change): """ Re-organises the elements in case the window size is changed. Parameters ---------- window_size_change : (int, int) New window size (width, height) in pixels. """ if self.alignment == "left": pass elif self.alignment == "right": self.position += np.array(window_size_change) else: msg = "You can only left-align or right-align objects in a panel." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class TextBlock2D(UI): """ Wraps over the default vtkTextActor and helps setting the text. Contains member functions for text formatting. Attributes ---------- actor : :class:`vtkTextActor` The text actor. message : str The initial text while building the actor. position : (float, float) (x, y) in pixels. color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. bg_color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. font_size : int Size of the text font. font_family : str Currently only supports Arial. justification : str left, right or center. vertical_justification : str bottom, middle or top. bold : bool Makes text bold. italic : bool Makes text italicised. shadow : bool Adds text shadow. size : (int, int) Size (width, height) in pixels of the text bounding box. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text="Text Block", font_size=18, font_family='Arial', justification='left', vertical_justification="bottom", bold=False, italic=False, shadow=False, size=None, color=(1, 1, 1), bg_color=None, position=(0, 0)): """ Parameters ---------- text : str The initial text while building the actor. position : (float, float) (x, y) in pixels. color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. bg_color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. font_size : int Size of the text font. font_family : str Currently only supports Arial. justification : str left, right or center. vertical_justification : str bottom, middle or top. bold : bool Makes text bold. italic : bool Makes text italicised. shadow : bool Adds text shadow. size : (int, int) Size (width, height) in pixels of the text bounding box. """ super(TextBlock2D, self).__init__(position=position) self.scene = None self.have_bg = bool(bg_color) if size is not None: self.resize(size) else: self.font_size = font_size self.color = color self.background_color = bg_color self.font_family = font_family self.justification = justification self.bold = bold self.italic = italic self.shadow = shadow self.vertical_justification = vertical_justification self.message = text
def _setup(self): = vtk.vtkTextActor() self.background = Rectangle2D() self.handle_events(
[docs] def resize(self, size): """Resize TextBlock2D. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) Text bounding box size(width, height) in pixels. """ if self.have_bg: self.background.resize(size)*size)
def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return [] + self.background.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.scene = scene if self.have_bg and not size = np.zeros(2), size) self.background.resize(size) scene.add(self.background, @property def message(self): """ Gets message from the text. Returns ------- str The current text message. """ return @message.setter def message(self, text): """ Sets the text message. Parameters ---------- text : str The message to be set. """ @property def font_size(self): """ Gets text font size. Returns ---------- int Text font size. """ return @font_size.setter def font_size(self, size): """ Sets font size. Parameters ---------- size : int Text font size. """ if self.scene is not None and self.have_bg: bb_size = np.zeros(2), bb_size) bg_size = self.background.size if bb_size[0] > bg_size[0] or bb_size[1] > bg_size[1]: warn("Font size exceeds background bounding box." " Font Size will not be updated.", RuntimeWarning)*bg_size) @property def font_family(self): """ Gets font family. Returns ---------- str Text font family. """ return @font_family.setter def font_family(self, family='Arial'): """ Sets font family. Currently Arial and Courier are supported. Parameters ---------- family : str The font family. """ if family == 'Arial': elif family == 'Courier': else: raise ValueError("Font not supported yet: {}.".format(family)) @property def justification(self): """ Gets text justification. Returns ------- str Text justification. """ justification = if justification == 'Left': return "left" elif justification == 'Centered': return "center" elif justification == 'Right': return "right" @justification.setter def justification(self, justification): """ Justifies text. Parameters ---------- justification : str Possible values are left, right, center. """ text_property = if justification == 'left': text_property.SetJustificationToLeft() elif justification == 'center': text_property.SetJustificationToCentered() elif justification == 'right': text_property.SetJustificationToRight() else: msg = "Text can only be justified left, right and center." raise ValueError(msg) @property def vertical_justification(self): """ Gets text vertical justification. Returns ------- str Text vertical justification. """ text_property = vjustification = text_property.GetVerticalJustificationAsString() if vjustification == 'Bottom': return "bottom" elif vjustification == 'Centered': return "middle" elif vjustification == 'Top': return "top" @vertical_justification.setter def vertical_justification(self, vertical_justification): """ Justifies text vertically. Parameters ---------- vertical_justification : str Possible values are bottom, middle, top. """ text_property = if vertical_justification == 'bottom': text_property.SetVerticalJustificationToBottom() elif vertical_justification == 'middle': text_property.SetVerticalJustificationToCentered() elif vertical_justification == 'top': text_property.SetVerticalJustificationToTop() else: msg = "Vertical justification must be: bottom, middle or top." raise ValueError(msg) @property def bold(self): """ Returns whether the text is bold. Returns ------- bool Text is bold if True. """ return @bold.setter def bold(self, flag): """ Bolds/un-bolds text. Parameters ---------- flag : bool Sets text bold if True. """ @property def italic(self): """ Returns whether the text is italicised. Returns ------- bool Text is italicised if True. """ return @italic.setter def italic(self, flag): """ Italicises/un-italicises text. Parameters ---------- flag : bool Italicises text if True. """ @property def shadow(self): """ Returns whether the text has shadow. Returns ------- bool Text is shadowed if True. """ return @shadow.setter def shadow(self, flag): """ Adds/removes text shadow. Parameters ---------- flag : bool Shadows text if True. """ @property def color(self): """ Gets text color. Returns ------- (float, float, float) Returns text color in RGB. """ return @color.setter def color(self, color=(1, 0, 0)): """ Set text color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. """*color) @property def background_color(self): """ Gets background color. Returns ------- (float, float, float) or None If None, there no background color. Otherwise, background color in RGB. """ if not self.have_bg: return None return self.background.color @background_color.setter def background_color(self, color): """ Set text color. Parameters ---------- color : (float, float, float) or None If None, remove background. Otherwise, RGB values (must be between 0-1). """ if color is None: # Remove background. self.have_bg = False self.background.set_visibility(False) else: self.have_bg = True self.background.set_visibility(True) self.background.color = color def _set_position(self, position): """ Set text actor position. Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) The new position. (x, y) in pixels. """*position) self.background.position = position def _get_size(self): if self.have_bg: return self.background.size if not if self.scene is not None: size = np.zeros(2), size) return size else: warn("TextBlock2D must be added to the scene before " "querying its size while TextScaleMode is set to None.", RuntimeWarning) return
[docs]class TextBox2D(UI): """ An editable 2D text box that behaves as a UI component. Currently supports: - Basic text editing. - Cursor movements. - Single and multi-line text boxes. - Pre text formatting (text needs to be formatted beforehand). Attributes ---------- text : str The current text state. actor : :class:`vtkActor2d` The text actor. width : int The number of characters in a single line of text. height : int The number of lines in the textbox. window_left : int Left limit of visible text in the textbox. window_right : int Right limit of visible text in the textbox. caret_pos : int Position of the caret in the text. init : bool Flag which says whether the textbox has just been initialized. """
[docs] def __init__(self, width, height, text="Enter Text", position=(100, 10), color=(0, 0, 0), font_size=18, font_family='Arial', justification='left', bold=False, italic=False, shadow=False): """ Parameters ---------- width : int The number of characters in a single line of text. height : int The number of lines in the textbox. text : str The initial text while building the actor. position : (float, float) (x, y) in pixels. color : (float, float, float) RGB: Values must be between 0-1. font_size : int Size of the text font. font_family : str Currently only supports Arial. justification : str left, right or center. bold : bool Makes text bold. italic : bool Makes text italicised. shadow : bool Adds text shadow. """ super(TextBox2D, self).__init__(position=position) self.message = text self.text.message = text self.text.font_size = font_size self.text.font_family = font_family self.text.justification = justification self.text.bold = bold self.text.italic = italic self.text.shadow = shadow self.text.color = color self.text.background_color = (1, 1, 1) self.width = width self.height = height self.window_left = 0 self.window_right = 0 self.caret_pos = 0 self.init = True
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the TextBlock2D component used for the textbox. """ self.text = TextBlock2D() # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.text.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = self.left_button_press self.text.on_key_press = self.key_press def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.text.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.text.add_to_scene(scene) def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.text.position = coords def _get_size(self): return self.text.size
[docs] def set_message(self, message): """ Set custom text to textbox. Parameters ---------- message: str The custom message to be set. """ self.message = message self.text.message = message self.init = False self.window_right = len(self.message) self.window_left = 0 self.caret_pos = self.window_right
[docs] def width_set_text(self, text): """ Adds newlines to text where necessary. This is needed for multi-line text boxes. Parameters ---------- text : str The final text to be formatted. Returns ------- str A multi line formatted text. """ multi_line_text = "" for i, t in enumerate(text): multi_line_text += t if (i + 1) % self.width == 0: multi_line_text += "\n" return multi_line_text.rstrip("\n")
[docs] def handle_character(self, character): """ Main driving function that handles button events. # TODO: Need to handle all kinds of characters like !, +, etc. Parameters ---------- character : str """ if character.lower() == "return": self.render_text(False) return True if character.lower() == "backspace": self.remove_character() elif character.lower() == "left": self.move_left() elif character.lower() == "right": self.move_right() else: self.add_character(character) self.render_text() return False
[docs] def move_caret_right(self): """ Moves the caret towards right. """ self.caret_pos = min(self.caret_pos + 1, len(self.message))
[docs] def move_caret_left(self): """ Moves the caret towards left. """ self.caret_pos = max(self.caret_pos - 1, 0)
[docs] def right_move_right(self): """ Moves right boundary of the text window right-wards. """ if self.window_right <= len(self.message): self.window_right += 1
[docs] def right_move_left(self): """ Moves right boundary of the text window left-wards. """ if self.window_right > 0: self.window_right -= 1
[docs] def left_move_right(self): """ Moves left boundary of the text window right-wards. """ if self.window_left <= len(self.message): self.window_left += 1
[docs] def left_move_left(self): """ Moves left boundary of the text window left-wards. """ if self.window_left > 0: self.window_left -= 1
[docs] def add_character(self, character): """ Inserts a character into the text and moves window and caret. Parameters ---------- character : str """ if len(character) > 1 and character.lower() != "space": return if character.lower() == "space": character = " " self.message = (self.message[:self.caret_pos] + character + self.message[self.caret_pos:]) self.move_caret_right() if (self.window_right - self.window_left == self.height * self.width - 1): self.left_move_right() self.right_move_right()
[docs] def remove_character(self): """ Removes a character and moves window and caret accordingly. """ if self.caret_pos == 0: return self.message = (self.message[:self.caret_pos - 1] + self.message[self.caret_pos:]) self.move_caret_left() if len(self.message) < self.height * self.width - 1: self.right_move_left() if (self.window_right - self.window_left == self.height * self.width - 1): if self.window_left > 0: self.left_move_left() self.right_move_left()
[docs] def move_left(self): """ Handles left button press. """ self.move_caret_left() if self.caret_pos == self.window_left - 1: if (self.window_right - self.window_left == self.height * self.width - 1): self.left_move_left() self.right_move_left()
[docs] def move_right(self): """ Handles right button press. """ self.move_caret_right() if self.caret_pos == self.window_right + 1: if (self.window_right - self.window_left == self.height * self.width - 1): self.left_move_right() self.right_move_right()
[docs] def showable_text(self, show_caret): """ Chops out text to be shown on the screen. Parameters ---------- show_caret : bool Whether or not to show the caret. """ if show_caret: ret_text = (self.message[:self.caret_pos] + "_" + self.message[self.caret_pos:]) else: ret_text = self.message ret_text = ret_text[self.window_left:self.window_right + 1] return ret_text
[docs] def render_text(self, show_caret=True): """ Renders text after processing. Parameters ---------- show_caret : bool Whether or not to show the caret. """ text = self.showable_text(show_caret) if text == "": text = "Enter Text" self.text.message = self.width_set_text(text)
[docs] def edit_mode(self): """ Turns on edit mode. """ if self.init: self.message = "" self.init = False self.caret_pos = 0 self.render_text()
[docs] def left_button_press(self, i_ren, _obj, _textbox_object): """ Left button press handler for textbox Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _textbox_object: :class:`TextBox2D` """ i_ren.add_active_prop( self.edit_mode() i_ren.force_render()
[docs] def key_press(self, i_ren, _obj, _textbox_object): """ Key press handler for textbox Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _textbox_object: :class:`TextBox2D` """ key = i_ren.event.key is_done = self.handle_character(key) if is_done: i_ren.remove_active_prop( i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class LineSlider2D(UI): """ A 2D Line Slider. A sliding handle on a line with a percentage indicator. Attributes ---------- line_width : int Width of the line on which the disk will slide. length : int Length of the slider. track : :class:`Rectangle2D` The line on which the slider's handle moves. handle : :class:`Disk2D` The moving part of the slider. text : :class:`TextBlock2D` The text that shows percentage. shape : string Describes the shape of the handle. Currently supports 'disk' and 'square'. default_color : (float, float, float) Color of the handle when in unpressed state. active_color : (float, float, float) Color of the handle when it is pressed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, center=(0, 0), initial_value=50, min_value=0, max_value=100, length=200, line_width=5, inner_radius=0, outer_radius=10, handle_side=20, font_size=16, orientation="horizontal", text_alignment='', text_template="{value:.1f} ({ratio:.0%})", shape="disk"): """ Parameters ---------- center : (float, float) Center of the slider's center. initial_value : float Initial value of the slider. min_value : float Minimum value of the slider. max_value : float Maximum value of the slider. length : int Length of the slider. line_width : int Width of the line on which the disk will slide. inner_radius : int Inner radius of the handles (if disk). outer_radius : int Outer radius of the handles (if disk). handle_side : int Side length of the handles (if sqaure). font_size : int Size of the text to display alongside the slider (pt). orientation : str horizontal or vertical text_alignment : str define text alignment on a slider. Left (default)/ right for the vertical slider or top/bottom (default) for an horizontal slider. text_template : str, callable If str, text template can contain one or multiple of the replacement fields: `{value:}`, `{ratio:}`. If callable, this instance of `:class:LineSlider2D` will be passed as argument to the text template function. shape : string Describes the shape of the handle. Currently supports 'disk' and 'square'. """ self.shape = shape self.orientation = orientation.lower().strip() self.align_dict = {'horizontal': ['top', 'bottom'], 'vertical': ['left', 'right']} self.default_color = (1, 1, 1) self.active_color = (0, 0, 1) self.alignment = text_alignment.lower() super(LineSlider2D, self).__init__() if self.orientation == "horizontal": self.alignment = 'bottom' if not self.alignment else self.alignment self.track.width = length self.track.height = line_width elif self.orientation == "vertical": self.alignment = 'left' if not self.alignment else self.alignment self.track.width = line_width self.track.height = length else: raise ValueError("Unknown orientation") if self.alignment not in self.align_dict[self.orientation]: raise ValueError("Unknown alignment: choose from '{}' or '{}'". format(*self.align_dict[self.orientation])) if shape == "disk": self.handle.inner_radius = inner_radius self.handle.outer_radius = outer_radius elif shape == "square": self.handle.width = handle_side self.handle.height = handle_side = center self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.text.font_size = font_size self.text_template = text_template # Offer some standard hooks to the user. self.on_change = lambda ui: None self.value = initial_value self.update()
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the slider's track (Rectangle2D), the handle (Disk2D) and the text (TextBlock2D). """ # Slider's track self.track = Rectangle2D() self.track.color = (1, 0, 0) # Slider's handle if self.shape == "disk": self.handle = Disk2D(outer_radius=1) elif self.shape == "square": self.handle = Rectangle2D(size=(1, 1)) self.handle.color = self.default_color # Slider Text self.text = TextBlock2D(justification="center", vertical_justification="top") # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.track.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = self.track_click_callback self.track.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = self.handle_move_callback self.track.on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.handle_release_callback self.handle.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = self.handle_move_callback self.handle.on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.handle_release_callback def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.track.actors + self.handle.actors + self.text.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.track.add_to_scene(scene) self.handle.add_to_scene(scene) self.text.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): # Consider the handle's size when computing the slider's size. width = None height = None if self.orientation == "horizontal": width = self.track.width + self.handle.size[0] height = max(self.track.height, self.handle.size[1]) else: width = max(self.track.width, self.handle.size[0]) height = self.track.height + self.handle.size[1] return np.array([width, height]) def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ # Offset the slider line by the handle's radius. track_position = coords + self.handle.size / 2. if self.orientation == "horizontal": # Offset the slider line height by half the slider line width. track_position[1] -= self.track.size[1] / 2. else: # Offset the slider line width by half the slider line height. track_position[0] += self.track.size[0] / 2. self.track.position = track_position self.handle.position = self.handle.position.astype('float64') self.handle.position += coords - self.position # Position the text below the handle. if self.orientation == "horizontal": align = 35 if self.alignment == 'top' else -10 self.text.position = ([0], self.handle.position[1] + align) else: align = 70 if self.alignment == 'right' else -35 self.text.position = (self.handle.position[0] + align,[1] + 2) @property def bottom_y_position(self): return self.track.position[1] @property def top_y_position(self): return self.track.position[1] + self.track.size[1] @property def left_x_position(self): return self.track.position[0] @property def right_x_position(self): return self.track.position[0] + self.track.size[0]
[docs] def set_position(self, position): """ Sets the disk's position. Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) The absolute position of the disk (x, y). """ # Move slider disk. if self.orientation == "horizontal": x_position = position[0] x_position = max(x_position, self.left_x_position) x_position = min(x_position, self.right_x_position) = (x_position,[1]) else: y_position = position[1] y_position = max(y_position, self.bottom_y_position) y_position = min(y_position, self.top_y_position) = ([0], y_position) self.update() # Update information.
@property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): value_range = self.max_value - self.min_value self.ratio = (value - self.min_value) / value_range @property def ratio(self): return self._ratio @ratio.setter def ratio(self, ratio): position_x = self.left_x_position + ratio * self.track.width position_y = self.bottom_y_position + ratio * self.track.height self.set_position((position_x, position_y))
[docs] def format_text(self): """ Returns formatted text to display along the slider. """ if callable(self.text_template): return self.text_template(self) return self.text_template.format(ratio=self.ratio, value=self.value)
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the slider. """ # Compute the ratio determined by the position of the slider disk. disk_position_x = None disk_position_y = None if self.orientation == "horizontal": length = float(self.right_x_position - self.left_x_position) if length != self.track.width: raise ValueError("Disk position outside the slider line") disk_position_x =[0] self._ratio = (disk_position_x - self.left_x_position) / length else: length = float(self.top_y_position - self.bottom_y_position) if length != self.track.height: raise ValueError("Disk position outside the slider line") disk_position_y =[1] self._ratio = (disk_position_y - self.bottom_y_position) / length # Compute the selected value considering min_value and max_value. value_range = self.max_value - self.min_value self._value = self.min_value + self.ratio * value_range # Update text. text = self.format_text() self.text.message = text # Move the text below the slider's handle. if self.orientation == "horizontal": self.text.position = (disk_position_x, self.text.position[1]) else: self.text.position = (self.text.position[0], disk_position_y) self.on_change(self)
[docs] def track_click_callback(self, i_ren, _vtkactor, _slider): """ Update disk position and grab the focus. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`LineSlider2D` """ position = i_ren.event.position self.set_position(position) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def handle_move_callback(self, i_ren, _vtkactor, _slider): """ Actual handle movement. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor slider : :class:`LineSlider2D` """ self.handle.color = self.active_color position = i_ren.event.position self.set_position(position) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def handle_release_callback(self, i_ren, _vtkactor, _slider): """ Change color when handle is released. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor slider : :class:`LineSlider2D` """ self.handle.color = self.default_color i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class LineDoubleSlider2D(UI): """ A 2D Line Slider with two sliding rings. Useful for setting min and max values for something. Currently supports: - Setting positions of both disks. Attributes ---------- line_width : int Width of the line on which the disk will slide. length : int Length of the slider. track : :class:`vtkActor` The line on which the handles move. handles : [:class:`vtkActor`, :class:`vtkActor`] The moving slider disks. text : [:class:`TextBlock2D`, :class:`TextBlock2D`] The texts that show the values of the disks. shape : string Describes the shape of the handle. Currently supports 'disk' and 'square'. default_color : (float, float, float) Color of the handles when in unpressed state. active_color : (float, float, float) Color of the handles when they are pressed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, line_width=5, inner_radius=0, outer_radius=10, handle_side=20, center=(450, 300), length=200, initial_values=(0, 100), min_value=0, max_value=100, font_size=16, text_template="{value:.1f}", orientation="horizontal", shape="disk"): """ Parameters ---------- line_width : int Width of the line on which the disk will slide. inner_radius : int Inner radius of the handles (if disk). outer_radius : int Outer radius of the handles (if disk). handle_side : int Side length of the handles (if sqaure). center : (float, float) Center of the slider. length : int Length of the slider. initial_values : (float, float) Initial values of the two handles. min_value : float Minimum value of the slider. max_value : float Maximum value of the slider. font_size : int Size of the text to display alongside the slider (pt). text_template : str, callable If str, text template can contain one or multiple of the replacement fields: `{value:}`, `{ratio:}`. If callable, this instance of `:class:LineDoubleSlider2D` will be passed as argument to the text template function. orientation : str horizontal or vertical shape : string Describes the shape of the handle. Currently supports 'disk' and 'square'. """ self.shape = shape self.default_color = (1, 1, 1) self.active_color = (0, 0, 1) self.orientation = orientation.lower() super(LineDoubleSlider2D, self).__init__() if self.orientation == "horizontal": self.track.width = length self.track.height = line_width elif self.orientation == "vertical": self.track.width = line_width self.track.height = length else: raise ValueError("Unknown orientation") = center if shape == "disk": self.handles[0].inner_radius = inner_radius self.handles[0].outer_radius = outer_radius self.handles[1].inner_radius = inner_radius self.handles[1].outer_radius = outer_radius elif shape == "square": self.handles[0].width = handle_side self.handles[0].height = handle_side self.handles[1].width = handle_side self.handles[1].height = handle_side self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.text[0].font_size = font_size self.text[1].font_size = font_size self.text_template = text_template # Setting the handle positions will also update everything. self._values = [initial_values[0], initial_values[1]] self._ratio = [None, None] self.left_disk_value = initial_values[0] self.right_disk_value = initial_values[1] self.bottom_disk_value = initial_values[0] self.top_disk_value = initial_values[1]
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the slider's track (Rectangle2D), the handles (Disk2D) and the text (TextBlock2D). """ # Slider's track self.track = Rectangle2D() self.track.color = (1, 0, 0) # Handles self.handles = [] if self.shape == "disk": self.handles.append(Disk2D(outer_radius=1)) self.handles.append(Disk2D(outer_radius=1)) elif self.shape == "square": self.handles.append(Rectangle2D(size=(1, 1))) self.handles.append(Rectangle2D(size=(1, 1))) self.handles[0].color = self.default_color self.handles[1].color = self.default_color # Slider Text self.text = [TextBlock2D(justification="center", vertical_justification="top"), TextBlock2D(justification="center", vertical_justification="top") ] # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.track.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = self.handle_move_callback self.handles[0].on_left_mouse_button_dragged = \ self.handle_move_callback self.handles[1].on_left_mouse_button_dragged = \ self.handle_move_callback self.handles[0].on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.handle_release_callback self.handles[1].on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.handle_release_callback def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return (self.track.actors + self.handles[0].actors + self.handles[1].actors + self.text[0].actors + self.text[1].actors) def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.track.add_to_scene(scene) self.handles[0].add_to_scene(scene) self.handles[1].add_to_scene(scene) self.text[0].add_to_scene(scene) self.text[1].add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): # Consider the handle's size when computing the slider's size. width = None height = None if self.orientation == "horizontal": width = self.track.width + 2 * self.handles[0].size[0] height = max(self.track.height, self.handles[0].size[1]) else: width = max(self.track.width, self.handles[0].size[0]) height = self.track.height + 2 * self.handles[0].size[1] return np.array([width, height]) def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ # Offset the slider line by the handle's radius. track_position = coords + self.handles[0].size / 2. if self.orientation == "horizontal": # Offset the slider line height by half the slider line width. track_position[1] -= self.track.size[1] / 2. else: # Offset the slider line width by half the slider line height. track_position[0] -= self.track.size[0] / 2. self.track.position = track_position self.handles[0].position = self.handles[0].position.astype('float64') self.handles[1].position = self.handles[1].position.astype('float64') self.handles[0].position += coords - self.position self.handles[1].position += coords - self.position if self.orientation == "horizontal": # Position the text below the handles. self.text[0].position = (self.handles[0].center[0], self.handles[0].position[1] - 20) self.text[1].position = (self.handles[1].center[0], self.handles[1].position[1] - 20) else: # Position the text to the left of the handles. self.text[0].position = (self.handles[0].center[0] - 35, self.handles[0].position[1]) self.text[1].position = (self.handles[1].center[0] - 35, self.handles[1].position[1]) @property def bottom_y_position(self): return self.track.position[1] @property def top_y_position(self): return self.track.position[1] + self.track.size[1] @property def left_x_position(self): return self.track.position[0] @property def right_x_position(self): return self.track.position[0] + self.track.size[0]
[docs] def value_to_ratio(self, value): """ Converts the value of a disk to the ratio Parameters ---------- value : float """ value_range = self.max_value - self.min_value return (value - self.min_value) / value_range
[docs] def ratio_to_coord(self, ratio): """ Converts the ratio to the absolute coordinate. Parameters ---------- ratio : float """ if self.orientation == "horizontal": return self.left_x_position + ratio * self.track.width return self.bottom_y_position + ratio * self.track.height
[docs] def coord_to_ratio(self, coord): """ Converts the x coordinate of a disk to the ratio Parameters ---------- coord : float """ if self.orientation == "horizontal": return (coord - self.left_x_position) / float(self.track.width) return (coord - self.bottom_y_position) / float(self.track.height)
[docs] def ratio_to_value(self, ratio): """ Converts the ratio to the value of the disk. Parameters ---------- ratio : float """ value_range = self.max_value - self.min_value return self.min_value + ratio * value_range
[docs] def set_position(self, position, disk_number): """ Sets the disk's position. Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) The absolute position of the disk (x, y). disk_number : int The index of disk being moved. """ if self.orientation == "horizontal": x_position = position[0] if disk_number == 0 and x_position >= self.handles[1].center[0]: x_position = self.ratio_to_coord( self.value_to_ratio(self._values[1] - 1)) if disk_number == 1 and x_position <= self.handles[0].center[0]: x_position = self.ratio_to_coord( self.value_to_ratio(self._values[0] + 1)) x_position = max(x_position, self.left_x_position) x_position = min(x_position, self.right_x_position) self.handles[disk_number].center = \ (x_position,[1]) else: y_position = position[1] if disk_number == 0 and y_position >= self.handles[1].center[1]: y_position = self.ratio_to_coord( self.value_to_ratio(self._values[1] - 1)) if disk_number == 1 and y_position <= self.handles[0].center[1]: y_position = self.ratio_to_coord( self.value_to_ratio(self._values[0] + 1)) y_position = max(y_position, self.bottom_y_position) y_position = min(y_position, self.top_y_position) self.handles[disk_number].center = \ ([0], y_position) self.update(disk_number)
@property def bottom_disk_value(self): """ Returns the value of the bottom disk. """ return self._values[0] @bottom_disk_value.setter def bottom_disk_value(self, bottom_disk_value): """ Sets the value of the bottom disk. Parameters ---------- bottom_disk_value : float New value for the bottom disk. """ self.bottom_disk_ratio = self.value_to_ratio(bottom_disk_value) @property def top_disk_value(self): """ Returns the value of the top disk. """ return self._values[1] @top_disk_value.setter def top_disk_value(self, top_disk_value): """ Sets the value of the top disk. Parameters ---------- top_disk_value : float New value for the top disk. """ self.top_disk_ratio = self.value_to_ratio(top_disk_value) @property def left_disk_value(self): """ Returns the value of the left disk. """ return self._values[0] @left_disk_value.setter def left_disk_value(self, left_disk_value): """ Sets the value of the left disk. Parameters ---------- left_disk_value : New value for the left disk. """ self.left_disk_ratio = self.value_to_ratio(left_disk_value) @property def right_disk_value(self): """ Returns the value of the right disk. """ return self._values[1] @right_disk_value.setter def right_disk_value(self, right_disk_value): """ Sets the value of the right disk. Parameters ---------- right_disk_value : New value for the right disk. """ self.right_disk_ratio = self.value_to_ratio(right_disk_value) @property def bottom_disk_ratio(self): """ Returns the ratio of the bottom disk. """ return self._ratio[0] @bottom_disk_ratio.setter def bottom_disk_ratio(self, bottom_disk_ratio): """ Sets the ratio of the bottom disk. Parameters ---------- bottom_disk_ratio : float New ratio for the bottom disk. """ position_x = self.ratio_to_coord(bottom_disk_ratio) position_y = self.ratio_to_coord(bottom_disk_ratio) self.set_position((position_x, position_y), 0) @property def top_disk_ratio(self): """ Returns the ratio of the top disk. """ return self._ratio[1] @top_disk_ratio.setter def top_disk_ratio(self, top_disk_ratio): """ Sets the ratio of the top disk. Parameters ---------- top_disk_ratio : float New ratio for the top disk. """ position_x = self.ratio_to_coord(top_disk_ratio) position_y = self.ratio_to_coord(top_disk_ratio) self.set_position((position_x, position_y), 1) @property def left_disk_ratio(self): """ Returns the ratio of the left disk. """ return self._ratio[0] @left_disk_ratio.setter def left_disk_ratio(self, left_disk_ratio): """ Sets the ratio of the left disk. Parameters ---------- left_disk_ratio : New ratio for the left disk. """ position_x = self.ratio_to_coord(left_disk_ratio) position_y = self.ratio_to_coord(left_disk_ratio) self.set_position((position_x, position_y), 0) @property def right_disk_ratio(self): """ Returns the ratio of the right disk. """ return self._ratio[1] @right_disk_ratio.setter def right_disk_ratio(self, right_disk_ratio): """ Sets the ratio of the right disk. Parameters ---------- right_disk_ratio : New ratio for the right disk. """ position_x = self.ratio_to_coord(right_disk_ratio) position_y = self.ratio_to_coord(right_disk_ratio) self.set_position((position_x, position_y), 1)
[docs] def format_text(self, disk_number): """ Returns formatted text to display along the slider. Parameters ---------- disk_number : Index of the disk. """ if callable(self.text_template): return self.text_template(self) return self.text_template.format(value=self._values[disk_number])
[docs] def on_change(self, slider): pass
[docs] def update(self, disk_number): """ Updates the slider. Parameters ---------- disk_number : Index of the disk to be updated. """ # Compute the ratio determined by the position of the slider disk. if self.orientation == "horizontal": self._ratio[disk_number] = self.coord_to_ratio( self.handles[disk_number].center[0]) else: self._ratio[disk_number] = self.coord_to_ratio( self.handles[disk_number].center[1]) # Compute the selected value considering min_value and max_value. self._values[disk_number] = self.ratio_to_value( self._ratio[disk_number]) # Update text. text = self.format_text(disk_number) self.text[disk_number].message = text if self.orientation == "horizontal": self.text[disk_number].position = ( self.handles[disk_number].center[0], self.text[disk_number].position[1]) else: self.text[disk_number].position = ( self.text[disk_number].position[0], self.handles[disk_number].center[1]) self.on_change(self)
[docs] def handle_move_callback(self, i_ren, vtkactor, _slider): """ Actual handle movement. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`LineDoubleSlider2D` """ position = i_ren.event.position if vtkactor == self.handles[0].actors[0]: self.set_position(position, 0) self.handles[0].color = self.active_color elif vtkactor == self.handles[1].actors[0]: self.set_position(position, 1) self.handles[1].color = self.active_color i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def handle_release_callback(self, i_ren, vtkactor, _slider): """ Change color when handle is released. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`LineDoubleSlider2D` """ if vtkactor == self.handles[0].actors[0]: self.handles[0].color = self.default_color elif vtkactor == self.handles[1].actors[0]: self.handles[1].color = self.default_color i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class RingSlider2D(UI): """ A disk slider. A disk moves along the boundary of a ring. Goes from 0-360 degrees. Attributes ---------- mid_track_radius: float Distance from the center of the slider to the middle of the track. previous_value: float Value of Rotation of the actor before the current value. track : :class:`Disk2D` The circle on which the slider's handle moves. handle : :class:`Disk2D` The moving part of the slider. text : :class:`TextBlock2D` The text that shows percentage. default_color : (float, float, float) Color of the handle when in unpressed state. active_color : (float, float, float) Color of the handle when it is pressed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, center=(0, 0), initial_value=180, min_value=0, max_value=360, slider_inner_radius=40, slider_outer_radius=44, handle_inner_radius=0, handle_outer_radius=10, font_size=16, text_template="{ratio:.0%}"): """ Parameters ---------- center : (float, float) Position (x, y) of the slider's center. initial_value : float Initial value of the slider. min_value : float Minimum value of the slider. max_value : float Maximum value of the slider. slider_inner_radius : int Inner radius of the base disk. slider_outer_radius : int Outer radius of the base disk. handle_outer_radius : int Outer radius of the slider's handle. handle_inner_radius : int Inner radius of the slider's handle. font_size : int Size of the text to display alongside the slider (pt). text_template : str, callable If str, text template can contain one or multiple of the replacement fields: `{value:}`, `{ratio:}`, `{angle:}`. If callable, this instance of `:class:RingSlider2D` will be passed as argument to the text template function. """ self.default_color = (1, 1, 1) self.active_color = (0, 0, 1) super(RingSlider2D, self).__init__() self.track.inner_radius = slider_inner_radius self.track.outer_radius = slider_outer_radius self.handle.inner_radius = handle_inner_radius self.handle.outer_radius = handle_outer_radius = center self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.text.font_size = font_size self.text_template = text_template # Offer some standard hooks to the user. self.on_change = lambda ui: None self._value = initial_value self.value = initial_value self._previous_value = initial_value self._angle = 0 self._ratio = self.angle / TWO_PI
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the slider's circle (Disk2D), the handle (Disk2D) and the text (TextBlock2D). """ # Slider's track. self.track = Disk2D(outer_radius=1) self.track.color = (1, 0, 0) # Slider's handle. self.handle = Disk2D(outer_radius=1) self.handle.color = self.default_color # Slider Text self.text = TextBlock2D(justification="center", vertical_justification="middle") # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.track.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = self.track_click_callback self.track.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = self.handle_move_callback self.track.on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.handle_release_callback self.handle.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = self.handle_move_callback self.handle.on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.handle_release_callback def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.track.actors + self.handle.actors + self.text.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.track.add_to_scene(scene) self.handle.add_to_scene(scene) self.text.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): return self.track.size + self.handle.size def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.track.position = coords + self.handle.size / 2. self.handle.position += coords - self.position # Position the text in the center of the slider's track. self.text.position = coords + self.size / 2. @property def mid_track_radius(self): return (self.track.inner_radius + self.track.outer_radius) / 2. @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): value_range = self.max_value - self.min_value self.ratio = (value - self.min_value) / value_range @property def previous_value(self): return self._previous_value @property def ratio(self): return self._ratio @ratio.setter def ratio(self, ratio): self.angle = ratio * TWO_PI @property def angle(self): """ Angle (in rad) the handle makes with x-axis """ return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, angle): self._angle = angle % TWO_PI # Wraparound self.update()
[docs] def format_text(self): """ Returns formatted text to display along the slider. """ if callable(self.text_template): return self.text_template(self) return self.text_template.format(ratio=self.ratio, value=self.value, angle=np.rad2deg(self.angle))
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the slider. """ # Compute the ratio determined by the position of the slider disk. self._ratio = self.angle / TWO_PI # Compute the selected value considering min_value and max_value. value_range = self.max_value - self.min_value self._previous_value = self.value self._value = self.min_value + self.ratio * value_range # Update text disk actor. x = self.mid_track_radius * np.cos(self.angle) +[0] y = self.mid_track_radius * np.sin(self.angle) +[1] = (x, y) # Update text. text = self.format_text() self.text.message = text self.on_change(self) # Call hook.
[docs] def move_handle(self, click_position): """Moves the slider's handle. Parameters ---------- click_position: (float, float) Position of the mouse click. """ x, y = np.array(click_position) - angle = np.arctan2(y, x) if angle < 0: angle += TWO_PI self.angle = angle
[docs] def track_click_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _slider): """ Update disk position and grab the focus. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`RingSlider2D` """ click_position = i_ren.event.position self.move_handle(click_position=click_position) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def handle_move_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _slider): """ Move the slider's handle. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`RingSlider2D` """ click_position = i_ren.event.position self.handle.color = self.active_color self.move_handle(click_position=click_position) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def handle_release_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _slider): """ Change color when handle is released. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`RingSlider2D` """ self.handle.color = self.default_color i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class RangeSlider(UI): """ A set of a LineSlider2D and a LineDoubleSlider2D. The double slider is used to set the min and max value for the LineSlider2D Attributes ---------- range_slider_center : (float, float) Center of the LineDoubleSlider2D object. value_slider_center : (float, float) Center of the LineSlider2D object. range_slider : :class:`LineDoubleSlider2D` The line slider which sets the min and max values value_slider : :class:`LineSlider2D` The line slider which sets the value """
[docs] def __init__(self, line_width=5, inner_radius=0, outer_radius=10, handle_side=20, range_slider_center=(450, 400), value_slider_center=(450, 300), length=200, min_value=0, max_value=100, font_size=16, range_precision=1, orientation="horizontal", value_precision=2, shape="disk"): """ Parameters ---------- line_width : int Width of the slider tracks inner_radius : int Inner radius of the handles. outer_radius : int Outer radius of the handles. handle_side : int Side length of the handles (if square). range_slider_center : (float, float) Center of the LineDoubleSlider2D object. value_slider_center : (float, float) Center of the LineSlider2D object. length : int Length of the sliders. min_value : float Minimum value of the double slider. max_value : float Maximum value of the double slider. font_size : int Size of the text to display alongside the sliders (pt). range_precision : int Number of decimal places to show the min and max values set. orientation : str horizontal or vertical value_precision : int Number of decimal places to show the value set on slider. shape : string Describes the shape of the handle. Currently supports 'disk' and 'square'. """ self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.inner_radius = inner_radius self.outer_radius = outer_radius self.handle_side = handle_side self.length = length self.line_width = line_width self.font_size = font_size self.shape = shape self.orientation = orientation.lower() self.range_slider_text_template = \ "{value:." + str(range_precision) + "f}" self.value_slider_text_template = \ "{value:." + str(value_precision) + "f}" self.range_slider_center = range_slider_center self.value_slider_center = value_slider_center super(RangeSlider, self).__init__()
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. """ self.range_slider = \ LineDoubleSlider2D(line_width=self.line_width, inner_radius=self.inner_radius, outer_radius=self.outer_radius, handle_side=self.handle_side, center=self.range_slider_center, length=self.length, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value, initial_values=(self.min_value, self.max_value), font_size=self.font_size, shape=self.shape, orientation=self.orientation, text_template=self.range_slider_text_template) self.value_slider = \ LineSlider2D(line_width=self.line_width, length=self.length, inner_radius=self.inner_radius, outer_radius=self.outer_radius, handle_side=self.handle_side, center=self.value_slider_center, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value, initial_value=(self.min_value + self.max_value) / 2, font_size=self.font_size, shape=self.shape, orientation=self.orientation, text_template=self.value_slider_text_template) # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.range_slider.handles[0].on_left_mouse_button_dragged = \ self.range_slider_handle_move_callback self.range_slider.handles[1].on_left_mouse_button_dragged = \ self.range_slider_handle_move_callback def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.range_slider.actors + self.value_slider.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.range_slider.add_to_scene(scene) self.value_slider.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): return self.range_slider.size + self.value_slider.size def _set_position(self, coords): pass
[docs] def range_slider_handle_move_callback(self, i_ren, obj, _slider): """ Actual movement of range_slider's handles. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _slider : :class:`RangeSlider` """ position = i_ren.event.position if obj == self.range_slider.handles[0].actors[0]: self.range_slider.handles[0].color = \ self.range_slider.active_color self.range_slider.set_position(position, 0) self.value_slider.min_value = self.range_slider.left_disk_value self.value_slider.update() elif obj == self.range_slider.handles[1].actors[0]: self.range_slider.handles[1].color = \ self.range_slider.active_color self.range_slider.set_position(position, 1) self.value_slider.max_value = self.range_slider.right_disk_value self.value_slider.update() i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs]class ImageContainer2D(UI): """ A 2D container to hold an image. Currently Supports: - png and jpg/jpeg images Attributes ---------- size: (float, float) Image size (width, height) in pixels. img : vtkImageDataGeometryFilters The image loaded from the specified path. """
[docs] def __init__(self, img_path, position=(0, 0), size=(100, 100)): """ Parameters ---------- img_path : string Path of the image position : (float, float), optional Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the image. size : (int, int), optional Width and height in pixels of the image. """ super(ImageContainer2D, self).__init__(position) self.img = load_image(img_path, as_vtktype=True) self.set_img(self.img) self.resize(size)
def _get_size(self): lower_left_corner = self.texture_points.GetPoint(0) upper_right_corner = self.texture_points.GetPoint(2) size = np.array(upper_right_corner) - np.array(lower_left_corner) return abs(size[:2]) def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI Component. Return an image as a 2D actor with a specific position. Returns ------- :class:`vtkTexturedActor2D` """ self.texture_polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.texture_points = vtk.vtkPoints() self.texture_points.SetNumberOfPoints(4) polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() polys.InsertNextCell(4) polys.InsertCellPoint(0) polys.InsertCellPoint(1) polys.InsertCellPoint(2) polys.InsertCellPoint(3) self.texture_polydata.SetPolys(polys) tc = vtk.vtkFloatArray() tc.SetNumberOfComponents(2) tc.SetNumberOfTuples(4) tc.InsertComponent(0, 0, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(0, 1, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(1, 0, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(1, 1, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(2, 0, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(2, 1, 1.0) tc.InsertComponent(3, 0, 0.0) tc.InsertComponent(3, 1, 1.0) self.texture_polydata.GetPointData().SetTCoords(tc) texture_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper2D() texture_mapper = set_input(texture_mapper, self.texture_polydata) image = vtk.vtkTexturedActor2D() image.SetMapper(texture_mapper) self.texture = vtk.vtkTexture() image.SetTexture(self.texture) image_property = vtk.vtkProperty2D() image_property.SetOpacity(1.0) image.SetProperty(image_property) = image # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. self.handle_events( def _get_actors(self): """ Returns the actors that compose this UI component. """ return [] def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ scene.add(
[docs] def resize(self, size): """ Resize the image. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) image size (width, height) in pixels. """ # Update actor. self.texture_points.SetPoint(0, 0, 0, 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(1, size[0], 0, 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(2, size[0], size[1], 0.0) self.texture_points.SetPoint(3, 0, size[1], 0.0) self.texture_polydata.SetPoints(self.texture_points)
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """*coords)
[docs] def scale(self, factor): """ Scales the image. Parameters ---------- factor : (float, float) Scaling factor (width, height) in pixels. """ self.resize(self.size * factor)
[docs] def set_img(self, img): """ Modifies the image used by the vtkTexturedActor2D. Parameters ---------- img : imageDataGeometryFilter """ self.texture = set_input(self.texture, img)
[docs]class Option(UI): """ A set of a Button2D and a TextBlock2D to act as a single option for checkboxes and radio buttons. Clicking the button toggles its checked/unchecked status. Attributes ---------- label : str The label for the option. font_size : int Font Size of the label. """
[docs] def __init__(self, label, position=(0, 0), font_size=18, checked=False): """ Parameters ---------- label : str Text to be displayed next to the option's button. position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the button of the option. font_size : int Font size of the label. checked : bool, optional Boolean value indicates the initial state of the option """ self.label = label self.font_size = font_size self.checked = checked self.button_size = (font_size * 1.2, font_size * 1.2) self.button_label_gap = 10 super(Option, self).__init__(position) # Offer some standard hooks to the user. self.on_change = lambda obj: None
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. """ # Option's button self.button_icons = [] self.button_icons.append(('unchecked', read_viz_icons(fname="stop2.png"))) self.button_icons.append(('checked', read_viz_icons(fname="checkmark.png"))) self.button = Button2D(icon_fnames=self.button_icons, size=self.button_size) self.text = TextBlock2D(text=self.label, font_size=self.font_size) # Display initial state if self.checked: self.button.set_icon_by_name("checked") # Add callbacks self.button.on_left_mouse_button_clicked = self.toggle self.text.on_left_mouse_button_clicked = self.toggle def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.button.actors + self.text.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.button.add_to_scene(scene) self.text.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): width = self.button.size[0] + self.button_label_gap + self.text.size[0] height = max(self.button.size[1], self.text.size[1]) return np.array([width, height]) def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ num_newlines = self.label.count('\n') self.button.position = coords + \ (0, num_newlines * self.font_size * 0.5) offset = (self.button.size[0] + self.button_label_gap, 0) self.text.position = coords + offset
[docs] def toggle(self, i_ren, _obj, _element): if self.checked: self.deselect() else: self.on_change(self) i_ren.force_render()
[docs] def select(self): self.checked = True self.button.set_icon_by_name("checked")
[docs] def deselect(self): self.checked = False self.button.set_icon_by_name("unchecked")
[docs]class Checkbox(UI): """ A 2D set of :class:'Option' objects. Multiple options can be selected. Attributes ---------- labels : list(string) List of labels of each option. options : dict(Option) Dictionary of all the options in the checkbox set. padding : float Distance between two adjacent options """
[docs] def __init__(self, labels, checked_labels=(), padding=1, font_size=18, font_family='Arial', position=(0, 0)): """ Parameters ---------- labels : list(str) List of labels of each option. checked_labels: list(str), optional List of labels that are checked on setting up. padding : float, optional The distance between two adjacent options font_size : int, optional Size of the text font. font_family : str, optional Currently only supports Arial. position : (float, float), optional Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the button of the first option. """ self.labels = list(reversed(labels)) self._padding = padding self._font_size = font_size self.font_family = font_family self.checked_labels = list(checked_labels) super(Checkbox, self).__init__(position) self.on_change = lambda checkbox: None
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. """ self.options = OrderedDict() button_y = self.position[1] for label in self.labels: option = Option(label=label, font_size=self.font_size, position=(self.position[0], button_y), checked=(label in self.checked_labels)) line_spacing = button_y = button_y + self.font_size * \ (label.count('\n') + 1) * (line_spacing + 0.1) + self.padding self.options[label] = option # Set callback option.on_change = self._handle_option_change def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ actors = [] for option in self.options.values(): actors = actors + option.actors return actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ for option in self.options.values(): option.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): option_width, option_height = self.options.values()[0].get_size() height = len(self.labels) * (option_height + self.padding) \ - self.padding return np.asarray([option_width, height]) def _handle_option_change(self, option): """ Reacts whenever an option changes. Parameters ---------- option : :class:`Option` """ if option.checked: self.checked_labels.append(option.label) else: self.checked_labels.remove(option.label) self.on_change(self) def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ button_y = coords[1] for option_no, option in enumerate(self.options.values()): option.position = (coords[0], button_y) line_spacing = button_y = (button_y + self.font_size * (self.labels[option_no].count('\n') + 1) * (line_spacing + 0.1) + self.padding) @property def font_size(self): """ Gets the font size of text. """ return self._font_size @property def padding(self): """ Gets the padding between options. """ return self._padding
[docs]class RadioButton(Checkbox): """ A 2D set of :class:'Option' objects. Only one option can be selected. Attributes ---------- labels : list(string) List of labels of each option. options : dict(Option) Dictionary of all the options in the checkbox set. padding : float Distance between two adjacent options """
[docs] def __init__(self, labels, checked_labels, padding=1, font_size=18, font_family='Arial', position=(0, 0)): """ Parameters ---------- labels : list(str) List of labels of each option. checked_labels: list(str), optional List of labels that are checked on setting up. padding : float, optional The distance between two adjacent options font_size : int, optional Size of the text font. font_family : str, optional Currently only supports Arial. position : (float, float), optional Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the button of the first option. """ if len(checked_labels) > 1: err_msg = "Only one option can be pre-selected for radio buttons." raise ValueError(err_msg) super(RadioButton, self).__init__(labels=labels, position=position, padding=padding, font_size=font_size, font_family=font_family, checked_labels=checked_labels)
def _handle_option_change(self, option): for option_ in self.options.values(): option_.deselect() self.checked_labels = [option.label] self.on_change(self)
[docs]class ListBox2D(UI): """ UI component that allows the user to select items from a list. Attributes ---------- on_change: function Callback function for when the selected items have changed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, values, position=(0, 0), size=(100, 300), multiselection=True, reverse_scrolling=False, font_size=20, line_spacing=1.4, text_color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), selected_color=(0.9, 0.6, 0.6), unselected_color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), scroll_bar_active_color=(0.6, 0.2, 0.2), scroll_bar_inactive_color=(0.9, 0.0, 0.0), background_opacity=1.): """ Parameters ---------- values: list of objects Values used to populate this listbox. Objects must be castable to string. position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. size : (int, int) Width and height in pixels of this UI component. multiselection: {True, False} Whether multiple values can be selected at once. reverse_scrolling: {True, False} If True, scrolling up will move the list of files down. font_size: int The font size in pixels. line_spacing: float Distance between listbox's items in pixels. text_color : tuple of 3 floats selected_color : tuple of 3 floats unselected_color : tuple of 3 floats scroll_bar_active_color : tuple of 3 floats scroll_bar_inactive_color : tuple of 3 floats background_opacity : float """ self.view_offset = 0 self.slots = [] self.selected = [] self.panel_size = size self.font_size = font_size self.line_spacing = line_spacing self.slot_height = int(self.font_size * self.line_spacing) self.text_color = text_color self.selected_color = selected_color self.unselected_color = unselected_color self.background_opacity = background_opacity # self.panel.resize(size) self.values = values self.multiselection = multiselection self.last_selection_idx = 0 self.reverse_scrolling = reverse_scrolling super(ListBox2D, self).__init__() denom = len(self.values) - self.nb_slots if not denom: denom += 1 self.scroll_step_size = (self.slot_height * self.nb_slots - self.scroll_bar.height) / denom self.scroll_bar_active_color = scroll_bar_active_color self.scroll_bar_inactive_color = scroll_bar_inactive_color self.scroll_bar.color = self.scroll_bar_inactive_color self.scroll_bar.opacity = self.background_opacity self.position = position self.scroll_init_position = 0 self.update() # Offer some standard hooks to the user. self.on_change = lambda: None
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the ListBox (Panel2D) filled with empty slots (ListBoxItem2D). """ self.margin = 10 size = self.panel_size font_size = self.font_size # Calculating the number of slots. self.nb_slots = int((size[1] - 2 * self.margin) // self.slot_height) # This panel facilitates adding slots at the right position. self.panel = Panel2D(size=size, color=(1, 1, 1)) # Add a scroll bar scroll_bar_height = self.nb_slots * (size[1] - 2 * self.margin) \ / len(self.values) self.scroll_bar = Rectangle2D(size=(int(size[0]/20), scroll_bar_height)) if len(self.values) <= self.nb_slots: self.scroll_bar.set_visibility(False) self.panel.add_element( self.scroll_bar, size - self.scroll_bar.size - self.margin) # Initialisation of empty text actors self.slot_width = size[0] - self.scroll_bar.size[0] - \ 2 * self.margin - self.margin x = self.margin y = size[1] - self.margin for _ in range(self.nb_slots): y -= self.slot_height item = ListBoxItem2D(list_box=self, size=(self.slot_width, self.slot_height), text_color=self.text_color, selected_color=self.selected_color, unselected_color=self.unselected_color, background_opacity=self.background_opacity) item.textblock.font_size = font_size self.slots.append(item) self.panel.add_element(item, (x, y + self.margin)) # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.scroll_bar.on_left_mouse_button_pressed = \ self.scroll_click_callback self.scroll_bar.on_left_mouse_button_released = \ self.scroll_release_callback self.scroll_bar.on_left_mouse_button_dragged = \ self.scroll_drag_callback # Handle mouse wheel events on the panel. up_event = "MouseWheelForwardEvent" down_event = "MouseWheelBackwardEvent" if self.reverse_scrolling: up_event, down_event = down_event, up_event # Swap events self.add_callback(, up_event, self.up_button_callback) self.add_callback(, down_event, self.down_button_callback) # Handle mouse wheel events on the slots. for slot in self.slots: self.add_callback(, up_event, self.up_button_callback) self.add_callback(, down_event, self.down_button_callback) self.add_callback(, up_event, self.up_button_callback) self.add_callback(, down_event, self.down_button_callback)
[docs] def resize(self, size): pass
def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.panel.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.panel.add_to_scene(scene) for slot in self.slots: clip_overflow(slot.textblock, self.slot_width) def _get_size(self): return self.panel.size def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.panel.position = coords
[docs] def up_button_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _list_box): """ Pressing up button scrolls up in the combo box. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _list_box: :class:`ListBox2D` """ if self.view_offset > 0: self.view_offset -= 1 self.update() scroll_bar_idx = self.panel._elements.index(self.scroll_bar) = ([0],[1] + self.scroll_step_size) self.panel.element_offsets[scroll_bar_idx] = ( self.scroll_bar, (self.scroll_bar.position - self.panel.position)) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def down_button_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _list_box): """ Pressing down button scrolls down in the combo box. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _list_box: :class:`ListBox2D` """ view_end = self.view_offset + self.nb_slots if view_end < len(self.values): self.view_offset += 1 self.update() scroll_bar_idx = self.panel._elements.index(self.scroll_bar) = ([0],[1] - self.scroll_step_size) self.panel.element_offsets[scroll_bar_idx] = ( self.scroll_bar, (self.scroll_bar.position - self.panel.position)) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def scroll_click_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _rect_obj): """ Callback to change the color of the bar when it is clicked. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _rect_obj: :class:`Rectangle2D` """ self.scroll_bar.color = self.scroll_bar_active_color self.scroll_init_position = i_ren.event.position[1] i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] def scroll_release_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _rect_obj): """ Callback to change the color of the bar when it is released. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor rect_obj: :class:`Rectangle2D` """ self.scroll_bar.color = self.scroll_bar_inactive_color i_ren.force_render()
[docs] def scroll_drag_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _rect_obj): """ Dragging scroll bar in the combo box. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor rect_obj: :class:`Rectangle2D` """ position = i_ren.event.position offset = int((position[1] - self.scroll_init_position) / self.scroll_step_size) if offset > 0 and self.view_offset > 0: offset = min(offset, self.view_offset) elif offset < 0 and ( self.view_offset + self.nb_slots < len(self.values)): offset = min(-offset, len(self.values) - self.nb_slots - self.view_offset) offset = - offset else: return self.view_offset -= offset self.update() scroll_bar_idx = self.panel._elements.index(self.scroll_bar) = ([0],[1] + offset * self.scroll_step_size) self.scroll_init_position += offset * self.scroll_step_size self.panel.element_offsets[scroll_bar_idx] = ( self.scroll_bar, (self.scroll_bar.position - self.panel.position)) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] def update(self): """ Refresh listbox's content. """ view_start = self.view_offset view_end = view_start + self.nb_slots values_to_show = self.values[view_start:view_end] # Populate slots according to the view. for i, choice in enumerate(values_to_show): slot = self.slots[i] slot.element = choice if slot.textblock.scene is not None: clip_overflow(slot.textblock, self.slot_width) slot.set_visibility(True) if slot.element in self.selected: else: slot.deselect() # Flush remaining slots. for slot in self.slots[len(values_to_show):]: slot.element = None slot.set_visibility(False) slot.deselect()
[docs] def update_scrollbar(self): """ Change the scroll-bar height when the values in the listbox change """ self.scroll_bar.set_visibility(True) self.scroll_bar.height = self.nb_slots * \ (self.panel_size[1] - 2 * self.margin) / len(self.values) self.scroll_step_size = (self.slot_height * self.nb_slots - self.scroll_bar.height) \ / (len(self.values) - self.nb_slots) self.panel.update_element( self.scroll_bar, self.panel_size - self.scroll_bar.size - self.margin) if len(self.values) <= self.nb_slots: self.scroll_bar.set_visibility(False)
[docs] def clear_selection(self): del self.selected[:]
[docs] def select(self, item, multiselect=False, range_select=False): """ Select the item. Parameters ---------- item: ListBoxItem2D's object Item to select. multiselect: {True, False} If True and multiselection is allowed, the item is added to the selection. Otherwise, the selection will only contain the provided item unless range_select is True. range_select: {True, False} If True and multiselection is allowed, all items between the last selected item and the current one will be added to the selection. Otherwise, the selection will only contain the provided item unless multi_select is True. """ selection_idx = self.values.index(item.element) if self.multiselection and range_select: self.clear_selection() step = 1 if selection_idx >= self.last_selection_idx else -1 for i in range(self.last_selection_idx, selection_idx + step, step): self.selected.append(self.values[i]) elif self.multiselection and multiselect: if item.element in self.selected: self.selected.remove(item.element) else: self.selected.append(item.element) self.last_selection_idx = selection_idx else: self.clear_selection() self.selected.append(item.element) self.last_selection_idx = selection_idx self.on_change() # Call hook. self.update()
[docs]class ListBoxItem2D(UI): """ The text displayed in a listbox. """
[docs] def __init__(self, list_box, size, text_color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), selected_color=(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), unselected_color=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), background_opacity=1.): """ Single ListBox Item Parameters ---------- list_box : :class:`ListBox` The ListBox reference this text belongs to. size : tuple of 2 ints The size of the listbox item. text_color : tuple of 3 floats unselected_color : tuple of 3 floats selected_color : tuple of 3 floats background_opacity : float """ super(ListBoxItem2D, self).__init__() self._element = None self.list_box = list_box self.background.resize(size) self.background_opacity = background_opacity self.selected = False self.text_color = text_color self.textblock.color = self.text_color self.selected_color = selected_color self.unselected_color = unselected_color self.background.opacity = self.background_opacity self.deselect()
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the ListBoxItem2D with its background (Rectangle2D) and its label (TextBlock2D). """ self.background = Rectangle2D() self.textblock = TextBlock2D(justification="left", vertical_justification="middle") # Add default events listener for this UI component. self.add_callback(, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.left_button_clicked) self.add_callback(, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.left_button_clicked) def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.background.actors + self.textblock.actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.background.add_to_scene(scene) self.textblock.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): return self.background.size def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.textblock.position = coords # Center background underneath the text. position = coords self.background.position = (position[0], position[1] - self.background.size[1] / 2.)
[docs] def deselect(self): self.background.color = self.unselected_color self.textblock.bold = False self.selected = False
[docs] def select(self): self.textblock.bold = True self.background.color = self.selected_color self.selected = True
@property def element(self): return self._element @element.setter def element(self, element): self._element = element self.textblock.message = "" if self._element is None else str(element)
[docs] def left_button_clicked(self, i_ren, _obj, _list_box_item): """ A callback to handle left click for this UI element. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _list_box_item: :class:`ListBoxItem2D` """ multiselect = i_ren.event.ctrl_key range_select = i_ren.event.shift_key, multiselect, range_select) i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class FileMenu2D(UI): """ A menu to select files in the current folder. Can go to new folder, previous folder and select multiple files. Attributes ---------- extensions: ['extension1', 'extension2', ....] To show all files, extensions=["*"] or [""] List of extensions to be shown as files. listbox : :class: 'ListBox2D' Container for the menu. """
[docs] def __init__(self, directory_path, extensions=None, position=(0, 0), size=(100, 300), multiselection=True, reverse_scrolling=False, font_size=20, line_spacing=1.4): """ Parameters ---------- extensions: list(string) List of extensions to be shown as files. directory_path: string Path of the directory where this dialog should open. position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. size : (int, int) Width and height in pixels of this UI component. multiselection: {True, False} Whether multiple values can be selected at once. reverse_scrolling: {True, False} If True, scrolling up will move the list of files down. font_size: int The font size in pixels. line_spacing: float Distance between listbox's items in pixels. """ self.font_size = font_size self.multiselection = multiselection self.reverse_scrolling = reverse_scrolling self.line_spacing = line_spacing self.extensions = extensions or ["*"] self.current_directory = directory_path self.menu_size = size self.directory_contents = [] super(FileMenu2D, self).__init__() self.position = position self.set_slot_colors()
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the ListBox (Panel2D) filled with empty slots (ListBoxItem2D). """ self.directory_contents = self.get_all_file_names() content_names = [x[0] for x in self.directory_contents] self.listbox = ListBox2D( values=content_names, multiselection=self.multiselection, font_size=self.font_size, line_spacing=self.line_spacing, reverse_scrolling=self.reverse_scrolling, size=self.menu_size) self.add_callback(, "MouseMoveEvent", self.scroll_callback) # Handle mouse wheel events on the panel. up_event = "MouseWheelForwardEvent" down_event = "MouseWheelBackwardEvent" if self.reverse_scrolling: up_event, down_event = down_event, up_event # Swap events self.add_callback(, up_event, self.scroll_callback) self.add_callback(, down_event, self.scroll_callback) # Handle mouse wheel events on the slots. for slot in self.listbox.slots: self.add_callback(, up_event, self.scroll_callback) self.add_callback(, down_event, self.scroll_callback) self.add_callback(, up_event, self.scroll_callback) self.add_callback(, down_event, self.scroll_callback) slot.add_callback(, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.directory_click_callback) slot.add_callback(, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.directory_click_callback) def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.listbox.actors
[docs] def resize(self, size): pass
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.listbox.position = coords def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.listbox.add_to_scene(scene) def _get_size(self): return self.listbox.size
[docs] def get_all_file_names(self): """ Gets file and directory names. Returns ------- all_file_names: list((string, {"directory", "file"})) List of all file and directory names as string. """ all_file_names = [] directory_names = self.get_directory_names() for directory_name in directory_names: all_file_names.append((directory_name, "directory")) file_names = self.get_file_names() for file_name in file_names: all_file_names.append((file_name, "file")) return all_file_names
[docs] def get_directory_names(self): """ Finds names of all directories in the current_directory Returns ------- directory_names: list(string) List of all directory names as string. """ # A list of directory names in the current directory directory_names = [] for (_, dirnames, _) in os.walk(self.current_directory): directory_names += dirnames break directory_names.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower()) directory_names.insert(0, "../") return directory_names
[docs] def get_file_names(self): """ Finds names of all files in the current_directory Returns ------- file_names: list(string) List of all file names as string. """ # A list of file names with extension in the current directory for (_, _, files) in os.walk(self.current_directory): break file_names = [] if "*" in self.extensions or "" in self.extensions: file_names = files else: for ext in self.extensions: for file in files: if file.endswith("." + ext): file_names.append(file) file_names.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower()) return file_names
[docs] def set_slot_colors(self): """ Sets the text color of the slots based on the type of element they show. Blue for directories and green for files. """ for idx, slot in enumerate(self.listbox.slots): list_idx = min(self.listbox.view_offset + idx, len(self.directory_contents)-1) if self.directory_contents[list_idx][1] == "directory": slot.textblock.color = (0, 0.6, 0) elif self.directory_contents[list_idx][1] == "file": slot.textblock.color = (0, 0, 0.7)
[docs] def scroll_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, _filemenu_item): """ A callback to handle scroll and change the slot text colors. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor _filemenu_item: :class:`FileMenu2D` """ self.set_slot_colors() i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] def directory_click_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, listboxitem): """ A callback to move into a directory if it has been clicked. Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor listboxitem: :class:`ListBoxItem2D` """ if (listboxitem.element, "directory") in self.directory_contents: new_directory_path = os.path.join(self.current_directory, listboxitem.element) if os.access(new_directory_path, os.R_OK): self.current_directory = new_directory_path self.directory_contents = self.get_all_file_names() content_names = [x[0] for x in self.directory_contents] self.listbox.clear_selection() self.listbox.values = content_names self.listbox.view_offset = 0 self.listbox.update() self.listbox.update_scrollbar() self.set_slot_colors() i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort()
[docs]class ComboBox2D(UI): """ UI element to create drop-down menus. Attributes ---------- selection_box: :class: 'TextBox2D' Display selection and placeholder text. drop_down_button: :class: 'Button2D' Button to show or hide menu. drop_down_menu: :class: 'ListBox2D' Container for item list. """
[docs] def __init__(self, items=[], position=(0, 0), size=(300, 200), placeholder="Choose selection...", draggable=True, selection_text_color=(0, 0, 0), selection_bg_color=(1, 1, 1), menu_text_color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), selected_color=(0.9, 0.6, 0.6), unselected_color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), scroll_bar_active_color=(0.6, 0.2, 0.2), scroll_bar_inactive_color=(0.9, 0.0, 0.0), menu_opacity=1., reverse_scrolling=False, font_size=20, line_spacing=1.4): """ Parameters ---------- items: list(string) List of items to be displayed as choices. position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. size : (int, int) Width and height in pixels of this UI component. placeholder : str Holds the default text to be displayed. draggable: {True, False} Whether the UI element is draggable or not. selection_text_color : tuple of 3 floats Color of the selected text to be displayed. selection_bg_color : tuple of 3 floats Background color of the selection text. menu_text_color : tuple of 3 floats. Color of the options displayed in drop down menu. selected_color : tuple of 3 floats. Background color of the selected option in drop down menu. unselected_color : tuple of 3 floats. Background color of the unselected option in drop down menu. scroll_bar_active_color : tuple of 3 floats. Color of the scrollbar when in active use. scroll_bar_inactive_color : tuple of 3 floats. Color of the scrollbar when inactive. reverse_scrolling: {True, False} If True, scrolling up will move the list of files down. font_size: int The font size of selected text in pixels. line_spacing: float Distance between drop down menu's items in pixels. """ self.items = items.copy() self.font_size = font_size self.reverse_scrolling = reverse_scrolling self.line_spacing = line_spacing self.panel_size = size self._selection = placeholder self._menu_visibility = False self._selection_ID = None self.draggable = draggable self.sel_text_color = selection_text_color self.sel_bg_color = selection_bg_color self.menu_txt_color = menu_text_color self.selected_color = selected_color self.unselected_color = unselected_color self.scroll_active_color = scroll_bar_active_color self.scroll_inactive_color = scroll_bar_inactive_color self.menu_opacity = menu_opacity # Define subcomponent sizes. self.text_block_size = (int(0.8*size[0]), int(0.3*size[1])) self.drop_menu_size = (size[0], int(0.7*size[1])) self.drop_button_size = (int(0.2*size[0]), int(0.3*size[1])) self._icon_files = [ ('left', read_viz_icons(fname='circle-left.png')), ('down', read_viz_icons(fname='circle-down.png'))] super(ComboBox2D, self).__init__() self.position = position
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create the ListBox filled with empty slots (ListBoxItem2D). Create TextBox with placeholder text. Create Button for toggling drop down menu. """ self.selection_box = TextBlock2D( size=self.text_block_size, color=self.sel_text_color, bg_color=self.sel_bg_color, text=self._selection) self.drop_down_button = Button2D( icon_fnames=self._icon_files, size=self.drop_button_size) self.drop_down_menu = ListBox2D( values=self.items, multiselection=False, font_size=self.font_size, line_spacing=self.line_spacing, text_color=self.menu_txt_color, selected_color=self.selected_color, unselected_color=self.unselected_color, scroll_bar_active_color=self.scroll_active_color, scroll_bar_inactive_color=self.scroll_inactive_color, background_opacity=self.menu_opacity, reverse_scrolling=self.reverse_scrolling, size=self.drop_menu_size) self.drop_down_menu.set_visibility(False) self.panel = Panel2D(self.panel_size, opacity=0.0) self.panel.add_element(self.selection_box, (0.001, 0.7)) self.panel.add_element(self.drop_down_button, (0.8, 0.7)) self.panel.add_element(self.drop_down_menu, (0, 0)) if self.draggable: self.drop_down_button.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ self.left_button_dragged self.drop_down_menu.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged\ = self.left_button_dragged self.selection_box.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ self.left_button_dragged self.selection_box.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ self.left_button_dragged self.drop_down_button.on_left_mouse_button_pressed =\ self.left_button_pressed self.drop_down_menu.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_pressed\ = self.left_button_pressed self.selection_box.on_left_mouse_button_pressed =\ self.left_button_pressed self.selection_box.background.on_left_mouse_button_pressed =\ self.left_button_pressed else: self.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ lambda i_ren, _obj, _comp: i_ren.force_render self.drop_down_menu.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged\ = lambda i_ren, _obj, _comp: i_ren.force_render # Handle mouse wheel events on the slots. for slot in self.drop_down_menu.slots: slot.add_callback(, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.select_option_callback) slot.add_callback(, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.select_option_callback) self.drop_down_button.on_left_mouse_button_clicked = \ self.menu_toggle_callback # Offer some standard hooks to the user. self.on_change = lambda ui: None def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.panel.actors
[docs] def resize(self, size): """ Resizes ComboBox2D. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) ComboBox size(width, height) in pixels. """ self.panel.resize(size) self.text_block_size = (int(0.8*size[0]), int(0.3*size[1])) self.drop_menu_size = (size[0], int(0.7*size[1])) self.drop_button_size = (int(0.2*size[0]), int(0.3*size[1])) self.panel.update_element(self.selection_box, (0.001, 0.7)) self.panel.update_element(self.drop_down_button, (0.8, 0.7)) self.panel.update_element(self.drop_down_menu, (0, 0)) self.drop_down_button.resize(self.drop_button_size) self.drop_down_menu.resize(self.drop_menu_size) self.selection_box.resize(self.text_block_size)
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.panel.position = coords def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.panel.add_to_scene(scene) self.selection_box.font_size = self.font_size def _get_size(self): return self.panel.size @property def selected_text(self): return self._selection @property def selected_text_index(self): return self._selection_ID
[docs] def append_item(self, *items): """ Append additional options to the menu. Parameters ---------- items : n-d list, n-d tuple, Number or str Additional options. """ for item in items: if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): # Useful when n-d lists/tuples are used. self.append_item(*item) elif isinstance(item, (str, Number)): self.items.append(str(item)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid item instance {}".format(type(item))) self.drop_down_menu.update_scrollbar() if not self._menu_visibility: self.drop_down_menu.scroll_bar.set_visibility(False)
[docs] def select_option_callback(self, i_ren, _obj, listboxitem): """ Callback to select the appropriate option Parameters ---------- i_ren: :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` obj: :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor listboxitem: :class:`ListBoxItem2D` """ # Set the Text of TextBlock2D to the text of listboxitem self._selection = listboxitem.element self._selection_ID = self.items.index(self._selection) self.selection_box.message = self._selection clip_overflow(self.selection_box, self.selection_box.background.size[0]) self.drop_down_menu.set_visibility(False) self._menu_visibility = False self.drop_down_button.next_icon() self.on_change(self) i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort()
[docs] def menu_toggle_callback(self, i_ren, _vtkactor, _combobox): """ Callback to toggle visibility of drop down menu list. Parameters ---------- i_ren : :class:`CustomInteractorStyle` vtkactor : :class:`vtkActor` The picked actor combobox : :class:`ComboBox2D` """ self._menu_visibility = not self._menu_visibility self.drop_down_menu.set_visibility(self._menu_visibility) self.drop_down_button.next_icon() i_ren.force_render() i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def left_button_pressed(self, i_ren, _obj, _sub_component): click_pos = np.array(i_ren.event.position) self._click_position = click_pos i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def left_button_dragged(self, i_ren, _obj, _sub_component): click_position = np.array(i_ren.event.position) change = click_position - self._click_position self.panel.position += change self._click_position = click_position i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class TabUI(UI): """ UI element to add multiple panels within a single window. Attributes ---------- tabs: :class: List of 'TabPanel2D' Stores all the instances of 'TabPanel2D' that renderes the contents. """
[docs] def __init__(self, position=(0, 0), size=(100, 100), nb_tabs=1, active_color=(1, 1, 1), inactive_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), draggable=False): """ Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of this UI component. size : (int, int) Width and height in pixels of this UI component. nb_tabs : int Number of tabs to be renders. active_color : tuple of 3 floats. Background color of active tab panel. inactive_color : tuple of 3 floats. Background color of inactive tab panels. draggable : bool Whether the UI element is draggable or not. """ self.tabs = [] self.nb_tabs = nb_tabs self.parent_size = size self.content_size = (size[0], int(0.9 * size[1])) self.draggable = draggable self.active_color = active_color self.inactive_color = inactive_color self.active_tab_idx = None self.collapsed = True super(TabUI, self).__init__() self.position = position
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create parent panel. Create tab panels. """ self.parent_panel = Panel2D(self.parent_size, opacity=0.0) # Offer some standard hooks to the user. self.on_change = lambda ui: None self.on_collapse = lambda ui: None for _ in range(self.nb_tabs): content_panel = Panel2D(size=self.content_size) content_panel.set_visibility(False) tab_panel = TabPanel2D(content_panel=content_panel) self.tabs.append(tab_panel) self.update_tabs() def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ actors = [] actors += self.parent_panel.actors for tab_panel in self.tabs: actors += tab_panel.actors return actors def _add_to_scene(self, _scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.parent_panel.add_to_scene(_scene) for tab_panel in self.tabs: tab_panel.add_to_scene(_scene) def _set_position(self, _coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.parent_panel.position = _coords def _get_size(self): return self.parent_panel.size
[docs] def update_tabs(self): """ Update position, size and callbacks for tab panels. """ self.tab_panel_size =\ (self.size[0] // self.nb_tabs, int(0.1*self.size[1])) tab_panel_pos = [0.0, 0.9] for tab_panel in self.tabs: tab_panel.resize(self.tab_panel_size) tab_panel.content_panel.position = self.position content_panel = tab_panel.content_panel if self.draggable: tab_panel.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_pressed =\ self.left_button_pressed content_panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_pressed =\ self.left_button_pressed tab_panel.text_block.on_left_mouse_button_pressed =\ self.left_button_pressed tab_panel.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ self.left_button_dragged content_panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ self.left_button_dragged tab_panel.text_block.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ self.left_button_dragged else: tab_panel.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ lambda i_ren, _obj, _comp: i_ren.force_render content_panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_dragged =\ lambda i_ren, _obj, _comp: i_ren.force_render tab_panel.text_block.on_left_mouse_button_clicked =\ self.select_tab_callback tab_panel.panel.background.on_left_mouse_button_clicked =\ self.select_tab_callback tab_panel.text_block.on_right_mouse_button_clicked =\ self.collapse_tab_ui tab_panel.panel.background.on_right_mouse_button_clicked =\ self.collapse_tab_ui tab_panel.content_panel.resize(self.content_size) self.parent_panel.add_element(tab_panel, tab_panel_pos) self.parent_panel.add_element(tab_panel.content_panel, (0.0, 0.0)) tab_panel_pos[0] += 1/self.nb_tabs
[docs] def select_tab_callback(self, iren, _obj, _tab_comp): """ Handles events when a tab is selected. """ for idx, tab_panel in enumerate(self.tabs): if tab_panel.text_block is not _tab_comp and\ tab_panel.panel.background is not _tab_comp: tab_panel.color = self.inactive_color tab_panel.content_panel.set_visibility(False) else: tab_panel.color = self.active_color tab_panel.content_panel.set_visibility(True) self.active_tab_idx = idx self.collapsed = False self.on_change(self) iren.force_render() iren.event.abort()
[docs] def collapse_tab_ui(self, iren, _obj, _tab_comp): """ Handles events when Tab UI is collapsed. """ if self.active_tab_idx is not None: active_tab_panel = self.tabs[self.active_tab_idx] active_tab_panel.color = self.inactive_color active_tab_panel.content_panel.set_visibility(False) self.active_tab_idx = None self.collapsed = True self.on_collapse(self) iren.force_render() iren.event.abort()
[docs] def add_element(self, tab_idx, element, coords, anchor="position"): """ Adds element to content panel after checking its existence. """ if tab_idx < self.nb_tabs and tab_idx >= 0: self.tabs[tab_idx].add_element(element, coords, anchor) else: raise IndexError( "Tab with index {} does not exist".format(tab_idx))
[docs] def remove_element(self, tab_idx, element): """ Removes element from content panel after checking its existence. """ if tab_idx < self.nb_tabs and tab_idx >= 0: self.tabs[tab_idx].remove_element(element) else: raise IndexError( "Tab with index {} does not exist".format(tab_idx))
[docs] def update_element(self, tab_idx, element, coords, anchor="position"): """ Updates element on content panel after checking its existence. """ if tab_idx < self.nb_tabs and tab_idx >= 0: self.tabs[tab_idx].update_element(element, coords, anchor) else: raise IndexError( "Tab with index {} does not exist".format(tab_idx))
[docs] def left_button_pressed(self, i_ren, _obj, _sub_component): click_pos = np.array(i_ren.event.position) self._click_position = click_pos i_ren.event.abort() # Stop propagating the event.
[docs] def left_button_dragged(self, i_ren, _obj, _sub_component): click_position = np.array(i_ren.event.position) change = click_position - self._click_position self.parent_panel.position += change self._click_position = click_position i_ren.force_render()
[docs]class TabPanel2D(UI): """ Renders content within a Tab. Attributes ---------- content_panel: :class: 'Panel2D' Holds all the content UI components. text_block: :class: 'TextBlock2D' Renders the title of the tab. """
[docs] def __init__(self, position=(0, 0), size=(100, 100), title="New Tab", color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), content_panel=None): """ Parameters ---------- position : (float, float) Absolute coordinates (x, y) of the lower-left corner of the UI component size : (int, int) Width and height of the pixels of this UI component. title : str Renders the title for Tab panel. color : list of 3 floats Background color of tab panel. content_panel : Panel2D Panel consisting of the content UI elements. """ self.content_panel = content_panel self.panel_size = size self._text_size = (int(1.0 * size[0]), size[1]) super(TabPanel2D, self).__init__() self.title = title self.panel.position = position self.color = color
def _setup(self): """ Setup this UI component. Create parent panel. Create Text to hold tab information. Create Button to close tab. """ self.panel = Panel2D(size=self.panel_size) self.text_block = TextBlock2D(size=self._text_size, color=(0, 0, 0)) self.panel.add_element(self.text_block, (0, 0)) def _get_actors(self): """ Get the actors composing this UI component. """ return self.panel.actors + self.content_panel.actors def _add_to_scene(self, _scene): """ Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.panel.add_to_scene(_scene) self.content_panel.add_to_scene(_scene) def _set_position(self, _coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ self.panel.position = _coords def _get_size(self): self.panel.size
[docs] def resize(self, size): """ Resizes Tab panel. Parameters ---------- size : (int, int) New width and height in pixels. """ self._text_size = (int(0.7 * size[0]), size[1]) self._button_size = (int(0.3 * size[0]), size[1]) self.panel.resize(size) self.text_block.resize(self._text_size)
@property def color(self): """ Returns the background color of tab panel. """ return self.panel.color @color.setter def color(self, color): """ Sets background color of tab panel. Parameters ---------- color : list of 3 floats. """ self.panel.color = color @property def title(self): """ Returns the title of tab panel. """ return self.text_block.message @title.setter def title(self, text): """ Sets the title of tab panel. Parameters ---------- text : str New title for tab panel. """ self.text_block.message = text
[docs] def add_element(self, element, coords, anchor="position"): """ Adds a UI component to the content panel. The coordinates represent an offset from the lower left corner of the panel. Parameters ---------- element : UI The UI item to be added. coords : (float, float) or (int, int) If float, normalized coordinates are assumed and they must be between [0,1]. If int, pixels coordinates are assumed and it must fit within the panel's size. """ element.set_visibility(False) self.content_panel.add_element(element, coords, anchor)
[docs] def remove_element(self, element): """ Removes a UI component from the content panel. Parameters ---------- element : UI The UI item to be removed. """ self.content_panel.remove_element(element)
[docs] def update_element(self, element, coords, anchor="position"): """ Updates the position of a UI component in the content panel. Parameters ---------- element : UI The UI item to be updated. coords : (float, float) or (int, int) New coordinates. If float, normalized coordinates are assumed and they must be between [0,1]. If int, pixels coordinates are assumed and it must fit within the panel's size. """ self.content_panel.update_element(element, coords, anchor="position")
[docs]class GridUI(UI): """ Add actors in a grid and interact with them individually. """
[docs] def __init__(self, actors, captions=None, caption_offset=(0, -100, 0), cell_padding=0, cell_shape="rect", aspect_ratio=16/9., dim=None, rotation_speed=1, rotation_axis=(0, 1, 0)): # TODO: add rotation axis None by default self.container = grid(actors, captions=captions, caption_offset=caption_offset, cell_padding=cell_padding, cell_shape=cell_shape, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, dim=dim) self._actors = [] self._actors_dict = {} self.rotation_speed = rotation_speed self.rotation_axis = rotation_axis for item in self.container._items: self._actors.append(item._items[0]) self._actors_dict[item._items[0]] = {'x': -np.inf, 'y': -np.inf} super(GridUI, self).__init__(position=(0, 0, 0))
def _get_size(self): return
[docs] @staticmethod def left_click_callback(istyle, _obj, _what): istyle.trackball_actor.OnLeftButtonDown() istyle.force_render() istyle.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def left_release_callback(istyle, _obj, _what): istyle.trackball_actor.OnLeftButtonUp() istyle.force_render() istyle.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def mouse_move_callback(istyle, _obj, _what): istyle.trackball_actor.OnMouseMove() istyle.force_render() istyle.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def left_click_callback2(istyle, obj, self): rx, ry, rz = self.rotation_axis clockwise_rotation = np.array([self.rotation_speed, rx, ry, rz]) rotate(obj, clockwise_rotation) istyle.force_render() istyle.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def left_release_callback2(istyle, _obj, _what): istyle.force_render() istyle.event.abort()
[docs] @staticmethod def mouse_move_callback2(istyle, obj, self): if self._actors_dict[obj]['y'] == - np.inf: iren = istyle.GetInteractor() event_pos = iren.GetEventPosition() self._actors_dict[obj]['y'] = event_pos[1] else: iren = istyle.GetInteractor() event_pos = iren.GetEventPosition() rx, ry, rz = self.rotation_axis if event_pos[1] >= self._actors_dict[obj]['y']: clockwise_rotation = np.array([-self.rotation_speed, rx, ry, rz]) rotate(obj, clockwise_rotation) else: anti_clockwise_rotation = np.array( [self.rotation_speed, rx, ry, rz]) rotate(obj, anti_clockwise_rotation) self._actors_dict[obj]['y'] = event_pos[1] istyle.force_render() istyle.event.abort()
ANTICLOCKWISE_ROTATION_Y = np.array([-10, 0, 1, 0]) CLOCKWISE_ROTATION_Y = np.array([10, 0, 1, 0]) ANTICLOCKWISE_ROTATION_X = np.array([-10, 1, 0, 0]) CLOCKWISE_ROTATION_X = np.array([10, 1, 0, 0])
[docs] def key_press_callback(self, istyle, obj, _what): has_changed = False if istyle.event.key == "Left": has_changed = True for a in self._actors: rotate(a, self.ANTICLOCKWISE_ROTATION_Y) elif istyle.event.key == "Right": has_changed = True for a in self._actors: rotate(a, self.CLOCKWISE_ROTATION_Y) elif istyle.event.key == "Up": has_changed = True for a in self._actors: rotate(a, self.ANTICLOCKWISE_ROTATION_X) elif istyle.event.key == "Down": has_changed = True for a in self._actors: rotate(a, self.CLOCKWISE_ROTATION_X) if has_changed: istyle.force_render()
def _setup(self): """Set up this UI component and the events of its actor """ # Add default events listener to the VTK actor. for actor in self._actors: # self.handle_events(actor) if self.rotation_axis is None: self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.left_click_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonReleaseEvent", self.left_release_callback) self.add_callback(actor, "MouseMoveEvent", self.mouse_move_callback) else: self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonPressEvent", self.left_click_callback2) # TODO: possibly add this too self.add_callback(actor, "LeftButtonReleaseEvent", self.left_release_callback2) self.add_callback(actor, "MouseMoveEvent", self.mouse_move_callback2) # TODO: this is currently not running self.add_callback(actor, "KeyPressEvent", self.key_press_callback) # self.on_key_press = self.key_press_callback2 def _get_actors(self): """Get the actors composing this UI component.""" return self._actors def _add_to_scene(self, scene): """Add all subcomponents or VTK props that compose this UI component. Parameters ---------- scene : scene """ self.container.add_to_scene(scene)
[docs] def resize(self, size): """Resize the button. Parameters ---------- size : (float, float) Button size (width, height) in pixels. """ # Update actor. pass
def _set_position(self, coords): """ Position the lower-left corner of this UI component. Parameters ---------- coords: (float, float) Absolute pixel coordinates (x, y). """ # coords = (0, 0, 0) pass
#*coords) # self.container.SetPosition(*coords)