.. _releasev0.4.0: ========================================= Release notes v0.4.0 (2019-10-29) ========================================= Quick Overview -------------- * Enable Anti aliasing and frame rate features * Add multiples actors (arrow, box, ...) * Glyph extentions * Remove Nose dependency * Replace Appveyor by Azure pipeline for Windows * Update Documentation, examples and tutorials * Increase tests coverage and code quality Details ------- GitHub stats for 2019/08/02 - 2019/10/29 (tag: v0.3.0) These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. The following 4 authors contributed 169 commits. * Eleftherios Garyfallidis * Etienne St-Onge * Javier Guaje * Serge Koudoro We closed a total of 32 issues, 15 pull requests and 17 regular issues; this is the full list (generated with the script :file:`tools/github_stats.py`): Pull Requests (15): * :ghpull:`109`: Show frame rate and enable anti-aliasing * :ghpull:`112`: Use glyph for several actors * :ghpull:`110`: Experimental work * :ghpull:`107`: Increase coverage for test_actors * :ghpull:`106`: [Fix] doc generation * :ghpull:`104`: Made it simpler to change color in ListBox * :ghpull:`105`: Replacing appveyor by Azure * :ghpull:`103`: Remove nose dependency * :ghpull:`101`: Update travis * :ghpull:`102`: from assert to npt_assert_equal * :ghpull:`98`: [Fix] layout with small cells * :ghpull:`97`: Bug fix for double slider * :ghpull:`100`: fix snapshot when size is not square * :ghpull:`92`: [Fix] update travis to manage pip * :ghpull:`94`: [miniconda] move to https Issues (17): * :ghissue:`109`: Show frame rate and enable anti-aliasing * :ghissue:`112`: Use glyph for several actors * :ghissue:`66`: Directed Arrows * :ghissue:`110`: Experimental work * :ghissue:`107`: Increase coverage for test_actors * :ghissue:`106`: [Fix] doc generation * :ghissue:`104`: Made it simpler to change color in ListBox * :ghissue:`105`: Replacing appveyor by Azure * :ghissue:`103`: Remove nose dependency * :ghissue:`101`: Update travis * :ghissue:`102`: from assert to npt_assert_equal * :ghissue:`98`: [Fix] layout with small cells * :ghissue:`97`: Bug fix for double slider * :ghissue:`96`: Double slider handles not at right position when window starts * :ghissue:`100`: fix snapshot when size is not square * :ghissue:`92`: [Fix] update travis to manage pip * :ghissue:`94`: [miniconda] move to https