=============== Getting Started =============== Start by importing FURY. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from fury import window, actor, ui, io, utils To import a model, use :py:func:`.io.load_polydata`. Currently supported formats include OBJ, VTK, FIB, PLY, STL and XML. Let us include the ``suzanne`` model used by Blender .. code-block:: python suzanne = io.load_polydata('suzanne.obj') suzanne = utils.get_polymapper_from_polydata(suzanne) suzanne = utils.get_actor_from_polymapper(suzanne) Set the opacity of the model:: modelsuzanne.GetProperty().SetOpacity(0.5) Let's create some random variables for the cylinder parameters .. code-block:: python centers = np.random.rand(2, 3) directions = np.random.rand(2, 3) heights = np.random.rand(2) colors = np.random.rand(2, 3) Now, we create a cylinder:: cylinders = actor.cylinder(centers, directions, colors, heights=heights) Anything that has to be rendered needs to be added to the scene so let's create a :py:class:`.Scene()`:: scene = window.Scene() We set the window scene variables e.g. (width, height):: showm = window.ShowManager(scene, size=(1024,720), reset_camera=False) showm.initialize() We add a text block to add some information:: tb = ui.TextBlock2D() tb.message = "Hello Fury" The function :py:meth:`.Scene.add()` is used to add the created objects to the scene to be rendered:: scene.add(suzanne) scene.add(cylinders) scene.add(tb) Start the rendering of the scene:: showm.start()