"""Fetcher based on dipy."""
import os
import sys
import contextlib
from os.path import join as pjoin
from hashlib import md5
from shutil import copyfileobj
import tarfile
import zipfile
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib.request import urlopen
# Set a user-writeable file-system location to put files:
if 'FURY_HOME' in os.environ:
fury_home = os.environ['FURY_HOME']
fury_home = pjoin(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.fury')
# The URL to the University of Washington Researchworks repository:
class FetcherError(Exception):
[docs]def update_progressbar(progress, total_length):
"""Show progressbar.
Takes a number between 0 and 1 to indicate progress from 0 to 100%.
# Try to set the bar_length according to the console size
columns = os.popen('tput cols', 'r').read()
bar_length = int(columns) - 46
if(not (bar_length > 1)):
bar_length = 20
except Exception:
# Default value if determination of console size fails
bar_length = 20
block = int(round(bar_length * progress))
size_string = "{0:.2f} MB".format(float(total_length) / (1024 * 1024))
text = "\rDownload Progress: [{0}] {1:.2f}% of {2}".format(
"#" * block + "-" * (bar_length - block), progress * 100, size_string)
[docs]def copyfileobj_withprogress(fsrc, fdst, total_length, length=16 * 1024):
copied = 0
while True:
buf = fsrc.read(length)
if not buf:
copied += len(buf)
progress = float(copied) / float(total_length)
update_progressbar(progress, total_length)
def _already_there_msg(folder):
"""Print a message indicating that a certain data-set is already in place."""
msg = 'Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again '
msg += 'please first remove the folder %s ' % folder
def _get_file_md5(filename):
"""Compute the md5 checksum of a file"""
md5_data = md5()
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(128 * md5_data.block_size), b''):
return md5_data.hexdigest()
[docs]def check_md5(filename, stored_md5=None):
"""Compute the md5 of filename.
check if it matches with the supplied string md5
filename : string
Path to a file.
md5 : string
Known md5 of filename to check against. If None (default), checking is
if stored_md5 is not None:
computed_md5 = _get_file_md5(filename)
if stored_md5 != computed_md5:
msg = """The downloaded file, %s, does not have the expected md5
checksum of "%s". Instead, the md5 checksum was: "%s". This could mean that
something is wrong with the file or that the upstream file has been updated.
You can try downloading the file again or updating to the newest version of
Fury.""" % (filename, stored_md5,
raise FetcherError(msg)
def _get_file_data(fname, url):
with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url)) as opener:
response_size = opener.headers['content-length']
except KeyError:
response_size = None
with open(fname, 'wb') as data:
if(response_size is None):
copyfileobj(opener, data)
copyfileobj_withprogress(opener, data, response_size)
[docs]def fetch_data(files, folder, data_size=None):
"""Downloads files to folder and checks their md5 checksums.
files : dictionary
For each file in `files` the value should be (url, md5). The file will
be downloaded from url if the file does not already exist or if the
file exists but the md5 checksum does not match.
folder : str
The directory where to save the file, the directory will be created if
it does not already exist.
data_size : str, optional
A string describing the size of the data (e.g. "91 MB") to be logged to
the screen. Default does not produce any information about data size.
Raises if the md5 checksum of the file does not match the expected
value. The downloaded file is not deleted when this error is raised.
if not os.path.exists(folder):
print("Creating new folder %s" % (folder))
if data_size is not None:
print('Data size is approximately %s' % data_size)
all_skip = True
for f in files:
url, md5 = files[f]
fullpath = pjoin(folder, f)
if os.path.exists(fullpath) and (_get_file_md5(fullpath) == md5):
all_skip = False
print('Downloading "%s" to %s' % (f, folder))
_get_file_data(fullpath, url)
check_md5(fullpath, md5)
if all_skip:
print("Files successfully downloaded to %s" % (folder))
def _make_fetcher(name, folder, baseurl, remote_fnames, local_fnames,
md5_list=None, doc="", data_size=None, msg=None,
"""Create a new fetcher.
name : str
The name of the fetcher function.
folder : str
The full path to the folder in which the files would be placed locally.
Typically, this is something like 'pjoin(fury_home, 'foo')'
baseurl : str
The URL from which this fetcher reads files
remote_fnames : list of strings
The names of the files in the baseurl location
local_fnames : list of strings
The names of the files to be saved on the local filesystem
md5_list : list of strings, optional
The md5 checksums of the files. Used to verify the content of the
files. Default: None, skipping checking md5.
doc : str, optional.
Documentation of the fetcher.
data_size : str, optional.
If provided, is sent as a message to the user before downloading
msg : str, optional.
A message to print to screen when fetching takes place. Default (None)
is to print nothing
unzip : bool, optional
Whether to unzip the file(s) after downloading them. Supports zip, gz,
and tar.gz files.
fetcher : function
A function that, when called, fetches data according to the designated
def fetcher():
files = {}
for i, (f, n), in enumerate(zip(remote_fnames, local_fnames)):
files[n] = (baseurl + f, md5_list[i] if
md5_list is not None else None)
fetch_data(files, folder, data_size)
if msg is not None:
if unzip:
for f in local_fnames:
split_ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if split_ext[-1] == '.gz' or split_ext[-1] == '.bz2':
if os.path.splitext(split_ext[0])[-1] == '.tar':
ar = tarfile.open(pjoin(folder, f))
raise ValueError('File extension is not recognized')
elif split_ext[-1] == '.zip':
z = zipfile.ZipFile(pjoin(folder, f), 'r')
raise ValueError('File extension is not recognized')
return files, folder
fetcher.__name__ = name
fetcher.__doc__ = doc
return fetcher
fetch_viz_icons = _make_fetcher("fetch_viz_icons",
pjoin(fury_home, "icons"),
UW_RW_URL + "1773/38478/",
doc="Download icons for fury",
[docs]def read_viz_icons(style='icomoon', fname='infinity.png'):
"""Read specific icon from specific style.
style : str
Current icon style. Default is icomoon.
fname : str
Filename of icon. This should be found in folder HOME/.fury/style/.
Default is infinity.png.
path : str
Complete path of icon.
folder = pjoin(fury_home, 'icons', style)
return pjoin(folder, fname)