Timeline and setting keyframes#

In his tutorial, you will learn how to use Fury Timeline for playing the animations.

What is Timeline?#

Timeline is responsible for handling the playback of Fury Animations.

Timeline has playback methods such as play, pause, stop, … which can be used to control the animation.

import numpy as np

from fury import actor, window
from fury.animation import Animation, Timeline

We create our Scene and ShowManager as usual.

scene = window.Scene()

showm = window.ShowManager(scene, size=(900, 768))

Creating a Timeline#

FURY Timeline has the option to attaches a very useful panel for controlling the animation by setting playback_panel=True.

Creating a Timeline with a PlaybackPanel.

timeline = Timeline(playback_panel=True)

Creating a Fury Animation as usual

anim = Animation()
sphere = actor.sphere(np.zeros([1, 3]), np.ones([1, 3]))
# Now that the actor is add to the ``Animation``, setting keyframes to the
# Animation will animate the actor accordingly.

Setting Keyframes#

There are multiple ways to set keyframes:

1- To set a single keyframe, you may use animation.set_<property>(t, k), where <property> is the name of the property to be set. I.e. setting position to (1, 2, 3) at time 0.0 would be as following:

anim.set_position(0.0, np.array([1, 2, 3]))

Supported properties are: position, rotation, scale, color, and opacity.

2- To set multiple keyframes at once, you may use animation.set_<property>_keyframes(keyframes).

keyframes = {1.0: np.array([0, 0, 0]), 3.0: np.array([-2, 0, 0])}


That’s it! Now we are done setting keyframes.

In order to control this animation by the timeline we created earlier, this animation must be added to the timeline.


Now we add only the Timeline to the ShowManager the same way we add Animation to the ShowManager.


scene.set_camera(position=(0, 0, -10))

interactive = False

if interactive:

window.record(scene, out_path='viz_keyframe_animation_timeline.png', size=(900, 768))

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