
This example shows how to use the DrawPanel UI. We will demonstrate how to create Various shapes and transform them.

First, some imports.

from fury import ui, window
from fury.data import fetch_viz_new_icons

First we need to fetch some icons that are needed for DrawPanel.


We then create a DrawPanel Object.

drawing_canvas = ui.DrawPanel(size=(560, 560), position=(40, 10))

Show Manager#

Now we add DrawPanel to the scene.

current_size = (650, 650)
showm = window.ShowManager(size=current_size, title='DrawPanel UI Example')


interactive = False

if interactive:
    # If the UI isn't interactive, then adding a circle to the canvas
    drawing_canvas.current_mode = 'circle'
    drawing_canvas.draw_shape(shape_type='circle', current_position=(275, 275))
    drawing_canvas.shape_list[-1].resize((50, 50))

    window.record(showm.scene, size=current_size, out_path='viz_drawpanel.png')

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