Week 7: Surviving final examinations ==================================== .. post:: July 27 2024 :author: Robin Roy :tags: google :category: gsoc Hi, I'm `Robin `_ and this is my blog about week 7. I majorly took this week off due to my semester final examinations :) They were fun. Major topics were x86, ARM and 8051. I had not written a lot of assembly apart from school work. I took the week to experiment with some assembly. The course was more into hardware architecture than programming. I've now enough knowledge to read a given piece of ASM code with a wiki to look up mnemonics (and Gemini/Claude to help). I'm not fast in writing ASM (yet), one day I'll find a project to dive into, or maybe some reverse engineering and CTFs. GPU instruction sets are also something interesting. **Discord data collection** I collected some Q&A questions from the FURY discord server. I did it manually because the volume wasn't high, and I wanted it to be correct. Had to cross-check with GitHub also to check whether the answer/code mentioned still stands. The format I used was [User question, Answer]. If the answer/question is spread across multiple conversations, I'll adjust it to this format. What is coming up next week? ---------------------------- - Gemini Finetuning - Collect more Discord data. Did you get stuck anywhere? --------------------------- Not really apart from some silly ASM bugs. Thank you for reading!