SOLID, monkey patching a python issue and network visualization through WebRTC ================================================================================ .. post:: July 05 2021 :author: Bruno Messias :tags: google :category: gsoc These past two weeks I’ve spent most of my time in the `Streaming System PR `__ and the `Network Layout PR `__ . In this post I’ll focus on the most relevant things I’ve made for those PRs. Streaming System ---------------- **Pull request** : \ `fury-gl/fury/pull/437 `__. Code Refactoring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstract class and SOLID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The past weeks I've spent some time refactoring the code to see what I’ve done let’ s take a look into this `fury/blob/b1e985.../fury/stream/ `__, the FuryStreamClient Object before the refactoring. The code is a mess. To see why this code is not good according to SOLID principles let’s just list all the responsibilities of FuryStreamClient: - Creates a RawArray or SharedMemory to store the n-buffers - Creates a RawArray or SharedMemory to store the information about each buffer - Cleanup the shared memory resources if the SharedMemory was used - Write the vtk buffer into the shared memory resource - Creates the vtk callbacks to update the vtk-buffer That’s a lot and those responsibilities are not even related to each other. How can we be more SOLID[1]? An obvious solution is to create a specific object to deal with the shared memory resources. But it's not good enough because we still have a poor generalization since this new object still needs to deal with different memory management systems: rawarray or shared memory (maybe sockets in the future). Fortunately, we can use the python Abstract Classes[2] to organize the code. To use the ABC from python I first listed all the behaviors that should be mandatory in the new abstract class. If we are using SharedMemory or RawArrays we need first to create the memory resource in a proper way. Therefore, the GenericImageBufferManager must have a abstract method create_mem_resource. Now take a look into the ImageBufferManager inside of `stream/server/ `__, sometimes it is necessary to load the memory resource in a proper way. Because of that, the GenericImageBufferManager needs to have a load_mem_resource abstract method. Finally, each type of ImageBufferManager should have a different cleanup method. The code below presents the sketch of the abstract class .. code-block:: python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod GenericImageBufferManager(ABC): def __init__( self, max_window_size=None, num_buffers=2, use_shared_mem=False): ... @abstractmethod def load_mem_resource(self): pass @abstractmethod def create_mem_resource(self): pass @abstractmethod def cleanup(self): pass Now we can look for those behaviors inside of and that does not depend if we are using the SharedMemory or RawArrays. These behaviors should be methods inside of the new GenericImageBufferManager. .. code-block:: python # code at: class GenericImageBufferManager(ABC): def __init__( self, max_window_size=None, num_buffers=2, use_shared_mem=False) self.max_window_size = max_window_size self.num_buffers = num_buffers self.info_buffer_size = num_buffers*2 + 2 self._use_shared_mem = use_shared_mem # omitted code @property def next_buffer_index(self): index = int((self.info_buffer_repr[1]+1) % self.num_buffers) return index @property def buffer_index(self): index = int(self.info_buffer_repr[1]) return index def write_into(self, w, h, np_arr): buffer_size = buffer_size = int(h*w) next_buffer_index = self.next_buffer_index # omitted code def get_current_frame(self): if not self._use_shared_mem: # omitted code return self.width, self.height, self.image_buffer_repr def get_jpeg(self): width, height, image = self.get_current_frame() if self._use_shared_mem: # omitted code return image_encoded.tobytes() async def async_get_jpeg(self, ms=33): # omitted code @abstractmethod def load_mem_resource(self): pass @abstractmethod def create_mem_resource(self): pass @abstractmethod def cleanup(self): Pass With the `GenericImageBufferManager `__ the `RawArrayImageBufferManager `__ and `SharedMemImageBufferManager `__ is now implemented with less duplication of code (DRY principle). This makes the code more readable and easier to find bugs. In addition, later we can implement other memory management systems in the streaming system without modifying the behavior of FuryStreamClient or the code inside of I’ve also applied the same SOLID principles to improve the CircularQueue object. Although the CircularQueue and FuryStreamInteraction were not violating the S from SOLID, the head-tail buffer from the CircularQueue must have a way to lock the write/read if the memory resource is busy. Meanwhile the `multiprocessing.Arrays `__ already has a context which allows lock (.get_lock()) SharedMemory doesn’t[2]. The use of abstract class allowed me to deal with those peculiarities. `commit 358402e `__ Using namedtuples to grant immutability and to avoid silent bugs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The circular queue and the user interaction are implemented in the streaming system using numbers to identify the type of event (mouse click, mouse weel, ...) and where to store the specific values associated with the event , for example if the ctrl key is pressed or not. Therefore, those numbers appear in different files and locations: tests/, stream/, steam/server/ This can be problematic because a typo can create a silent bug. One possibility to mitigate this is to use a python dictionary to store the constant values, for example .. code-block:: python EVENT_IDS = { "mouse_move" : 2, "mouse_weel": 1, #... } But this solution has another issue, anywhere in the code we can change the values of EVENT_IDS and this will produce a new silent bug. To avoid this I chose to use `namedtuples `__ to create an immutable object which holds all the constant values associated with the user interactions. `stream/ `__ The namedtuple has several advantages when compared to dictionaries for this specific situation. In addition, it has a better performance. A good tutorial about namedtuples it’s available here Testing ~~~~~~~ My mentors asked me to write tests for this PR. Therefore, this past week I’ve implemented the most important tests for the streaming system: `/fury/tests/ `__ Most relevant bugs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I discussed in my `third week `__ check-in there is an open issue related to SharedMemory in python. This"bug" happens in the streaming system through the following scenario .. code-block:: bash 1-Process A creates a shared memory X 2-Process A creates a subprocess B using popen (shell=False) 3-Process B reads X 4-Process B closes X 5-Process A kills B 4-Process A closes X 5-Process A unlink() the shared memory resource In python, this scenario translates to .. code-block:: python from multiprocessing import shared_memory as sh import time import subprocess import sys shm_a = sh.SharedMemory(create=True, size=10000) command_string = f"from multiprocessing import shared_memory as sh;import time;shm_b = sh.SharedMemory('{}');shm_b.close();" time.sleep(2) p = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, '-c', command_string], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) p.wait() print("\nSTDOUT") print("=======\n") print( print("\nSTDERR") print("=======\n") print( print("========\n") time.sleep(2) shm_a.close() shm_a.unlink() Fortunately, I could use a monkey-patching[3] solution to fix that; meanwhile we're waiting for the python-core team to fix the resource_tracker (38119) issue [4]. Network Layout (Helios-FURY) ---------------------------- **Pull request**\ `fury-gl/helios/pull/1 `__ Finally, the first version of FURY network layout is working as you can see in the video below. In addition, this already can be used with the streaming system allowing user interactions across the internet with WebRTC protocol. One of the issues that I had to solve to achieve the result presented in the video above was to find a way to update the positions of the vtk objects without blocking the main thread and at the same time allowing the vtk events calls. My solution was to define an interval timer using the python threading module: `/fury/stream/ `__, `/fury/stream/ `__ `/fury/stream/ `__ Refs: ----- - [1] A. Souly,"5 Principles to write SOLID Code (examples in Python)," Medium, Apr. 26, 2021. (accessed Jun. 28, 2021). - [2]"[Python-ideas] Re: How to prevent shared memory from being corrupted ?" (accessed Jun. 28, 2021). - [3]“Message 388287 - Python tracker." (accessed Jun. 28, 2021). - [4]“bpo-38119: Fix shmem resource tracking by vinay0410 · Pull Request #21516 · python/cpython," GitHub. (accessed Jun. 28, 2021).