Week 3: Watch Your Expectations =============================== .. post:: June 19, 2023 :author: João Victor Dell Agli Floriano :tags: google :category: gsoc Hello everyone, it's time for another weekly blogpost! This week, I will talk about how you should watch your expectations when working with any project. This Last Week's Effort ----------------------- As I supposedly managed to make the texture allocation part working, this last week's goal was to render something to a FBO. Well, I could make textures work, but what I wasn't expecting and later realised, was that the FBO setup not working. Below I will describe where I got stuck. Where the Problem Was --------------------- After getting the textures setup right, I was ready to render some color to the FBO. Well, I **was**, because I didn't expect I would have another problem, this time, with the FBO setup. As described in my :doc:`week 1 blogpost <2023-06-05-week-1-joaodellagli>`, a FBO needs some requirements to work. My current problem relies on the FBO method ``FBO.SetContext()``, that for some reason is not being able to generate the FBO. Below, how the method is currently operating: .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JoaoDell/gsoc_assets/main/images/setcontext.png :align: center :alt: Image showing the SetContext's VTK implementation Apparently, the method is stuck before the ``this->CreateFBO()``, that can be checked when we call ``FBO.GetFBOIndex()``, that returns a ``0`` value, meaning the FBO was not generated by the ``glGenFramebuffers()`` function, that is inside the ``GetContext()`` method. This Week's Goals ----------------- As I got stuck again with this simple step, talking with my mentors we concluded that a plan B is needed for my GSoC participation as my current project is not having much progress. This plan B that I am gonna start working on this week involves working on `FURY Speed `_, a FURY addon that aims to develop optimized functions and algorithms to help speed up graphical applications. The suggestion was to work on a PR I submitted months ago, `#783 `_, in a way to integrate that into FURY Speed. Also, I plan to keep working on my current project to find the solution I will need to make the FBO usage work. Let's get to work!