Source code for

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support

from fury.colormap import colormap_lookup_table, create_colormap
from fury.utils import (lines_to_vtk_polydata, set_input, apply_affine,
                        numpy_to_vtk_points, numpy_to_vtk_colors,
                        set_polydata_vertices, set_polydata_triangles)

[docs]def slicer(data, affine=None, value_range=None, opacity=1., lookup_colormap=None, interpolation='linear', picking_tol=0.025): """ Cuts 3D scalar or rgb volumes into 2D images Parameters ---------- data : array, shape (X, Y, Z) or (X, Y, Z, 3) A grayscale or rgb 4D volume as a numpy array. affine : array, shape (4, 4) Grid to space (usually RAS 1mm) transformation matrix. Default is None. If None then the identity matrix is used. value_range : None or tuple (2,) If None then the values will be interpolated from (data.min(), data.max()) to (0, 255). Otherwise from (value_range[0], value_range[1]) to (0, 255). opacity : float, optional Opacity of 0 means completely transparent and 1 completely visible. lookup_colormap : vtkLookupTable If None (default) then a grayscale map is created. interpolation : string If 'linear' (default) then linear interpolation is used on the final texture mapping. If 'nearest' then nearest neighbor interpolation is used on the final texture mapping. picking_tol : float The tolerance for the vtkCellPicker, specified as a fraction of rendering window size. Returns ------- image_actor : ImageActor An object that is capable of displaying different parts of the volume as slices. The key method of this object is ``display_extent`` where one can input grid coordinates and display the slice in space (or grid) coordinates as calculated by the affine parameter. """ if data.ndim != 3: if data.ndim == 4: if data.shape[3] != 3: raise ValueError('Only RGB 3D arrays are currently supported.') else: nb_components = 3 else: raise ValueError('Only 3D arrays are currently supported.') else: nb_components = 1 if value_range is None: vol = np.interp(data, xp=[data.min(), data.max()], fp=[0, 255]) else: vol = np.interp(data, xp=[value_range[0], value_range[1]], fp=[0, 255]) vol = vol.astype('uint8') im = vtk.vtkImageData() I, J, K = vol.shape[:3] im.SetDimensions(I, J, K) voxsz = (1., 1., 1.) # im.SetOrigin(0,0,0) im.SetSpacing(voxsz[2], voxsz[0], voxsz[1]) im.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, nb_components) # copy data # what I do below is the same as what is commented here but much faster # for index in ndindex(vol.shape): # i, j, k = index # im.SetScalarComponentFromFloat(i, j, k, 0, vol[i, j, k]) vol = np.swapaxes(vol, 0, 2) vol = np.ascontiguousarray(vol) if nb_components == 1: vol = vol.ravel() else: vol = np.reshape(vol, [[:3]), vol.shape[3]]) uchar_array = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(vol, deep=0) im.GetPointData().SetScalars(uchar_array) if affine is None: affine = np.eye(4) # Set the transform (identity if none given) transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform_matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4() transform_matrix.DeepCopy(( affine[0][0], affine[0][1], affine[0][2], affine[0][3], affine[1][0], affine[1][1], affine[1][2], affine[1][3], affine[2][0], affine[2][1], affine[2][2], affine[2][3], affine[3][0], affine[3][1], affine[3][2], affine[3][3])) transform.SetMatrix(transform_matrix) transform.Inverse() # Set the reslicing image_resliced = vtk.vtkImageReslice() set_input(image_resliced, im) image_resliced.SetResliceTransform(transform) image_resliced.AutoCropOutputOn() # Adding this will allow to support anisotropic voxels # and also gives the opportunity to slice per voxel coordinates RZS = affine[:3, :3] zooms = np.sqrt(np.sum(RZS * RZS, axis=0)) image_resliced.SetOutputSpacing(*zooms) image_resliced.SetInterpolationModeToLinear() image_resliced.Update() ex1, ex2, ey1, ey2, ez1, ez2 = image_resliced.GetOutput().GetExtent() class ImageActor(vtk.vtkImageActor): def __init__(self): self.picker = vtk.vtkCellPicker() def input_connection(self, output): self.GetMapper().SetInputConnection(output.GetOutputPort()) self.output = output self.shape = (ex2 + 1, ey2 + 1, ez2 + 1) def display_extent(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2): self.SetDisplayExtent(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2) self.Update() def display(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): if x is None and y is None and z is None: self.display_extent(ex1, ex2, ey1, ey2, ez2//2, ez2//2) if x is not None: self.display_extent(x, x, ey1, ey2, ez1, ez2) if y is not None: self.display_extent(ex1, ex2, y, y, ez1, ez2) if z is not None: self.display_extent(ex1, ex2, ey1, ey2, z, z) def opacity(self, value): self.GetProperty().SetOpacity(value) def tolerance(self, value): self.picker.SetTolerance(value) def copy(self): im_actor = ImageActor() im_actor.input_connection(self.output) im_actor.SetDisplayExtent(*self.GetDisplayExtent()) im_actor.opacity(self.GetOpacity()) im_actor.tolerance(self.picker.GetTolerance()) if interpolation == 'nearest': im_actor.SetInterpolate(False) else: im_actor.SetInterpolate(True) im_actor.GetMapper().BorderOn() return im_actor image_actor = ImageActor() if nb_components == 1: lut = lookup_colormap if lookup_colormap is None: # Create a black/white lookup table. lut = colormap_lookup_table((0, 255), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)) plane_colors = vtk.vtkImageMapToColors() plane_colors.SetLookupTable(lut) plane_colors.SetInputConnection(image_resliced.GetOutputPort()) plane_colors.Update() image_actor.input_connection(plane_colors) else: image_actor.input_connection(image_resliced) image_actor.display() image_actor.opacity(opacity) image_actor.tolerance(picking_tol) if interpolation == 'nearest': image_actor.SetInterpolate(False) else: image_actor.SetInterpolate(True) image_actor.GetMapper().BorderOn() return image_actor
[docs]def contour_from_roi(data, affine=None, color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), opacity=1): """Generates surface actor from a binary ROI. The color and opacity of the surface can be customized. Parameters ---------- data : array, shape (X, Y, Z) An ROI file that will be binarized and displayed. affine : array, shape (4, 4) Grid to space (usually RAS 1mm) transformation matrix. Default is None. If None then the identity matrix is used. color : (1, 3) ndarray RGB values in [0,1]. opacity : float Opacity of surface between 0 and 1. Returns ------- contour_assembly : vtkAssembly ROI surface object displayed in space coordinates as calculated by the affine parameter. """ if data.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('Only 3D arrays are currently supported.') else: nb_components = 1 data = (data > 0) * 1 vol = np.interp(data, xp=[data.min(), data.max()], fp=[0, 255]) vol = vol.astype('uint8') im = vtk.vtkImageData() di, dj, dk = vol.shape[:3] im.SetDimensions(di, dj, dk) voxsz = (1., 1., 1.) # im.SetOrigin(0,0,0) im.SetSpacing(voxsz[2], voxsz[0], voxsz[1]) im.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, nb_components) # copy data vol = np.swapaxes(vol, 0, 2) vol = np.ascontiguousarray(vol) if nb_components == 1: vol = vol.ravel() else: vol = np.reshape(vol, [[:3]), vol.shape[3]]) uchar_array = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(vol, deep=0) im.GetPointData().SetScalars(uchar_array) if affine is None: affine = np.eye(4) # Set the transform (identity if none given) transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform_matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4() transform_matrix.DeepCopy(( affine[0][0], affine[0][1], affine[0][2], affine[0][3], affine[1][0], affine[1][1], affine[1][2], affine[1][3], affine[2][0], affine[2][1], affine[2][2], affine[2][3], affine[3][0], affine[3][1], affine[3][2], affine[3][3])) transform.SetMatrix(transform_matrix) transform.Inverse() # Set the reslicing image_resliced = vtk.vtkImageReslice() set_input(image_resliced, im) image_resliced.SetResliceTransform(transform) image_resliced.AutoCropOutputOn() # Adding this will allow to support anisotropic voxels # and also gives the opportunity to slice per voxel coordinates rzs = affine[:3, :3] zooms = np.sqrt(np.sum(rzs * rzs, axis=0)) image_resliced.SetOutputSpacing(*zooms) image_resliced.SetInterpolationModeToLinear() image_resliced.Update() skin_extractor = vtk.vtkContourFilter() skin_extractor.SetInputData(image_resliced.GetOutput()) skin_extractor.SetValue(0, 1) skin_normals = vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals() skin_normals.SetInputConnection(skin_extractor.GetOutputPort()) skin_normals.SetFeatureAngle(60.0) skin_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() skin_mapper.SetInputConnection(skin_normals.GetOutputPort()) skin_mapper.ScalarVisibilityOff() skin_actor = vtk.vtkActor() skin_actor.SetMapper(skin_mapper) skin_actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) skin_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]) return skin_actor
[docs]def streamtube(lines, colors=None, opacity=1, linewidth=0.1, tube_sides=9, lod=True, lod_points=10 ** 4, lod_points_size=3, spline_subdiv=None, lookup_colormap=None): """ Uses streamtubes to visualize polylines Parameters ---------- lines : list list of N curves represented as 2D ndarrays colors : array (N, 3), list of arrays, tuple (3,), array (K,), None If None then a standard orientation colormap is used for every line. If one tuple of color is used. Then all streamlines will have the same colour. If an array (N, 3) is given, where N is equal to the number of lines. Then every line is coloured with a different RGB color. If a list of RGB arrays is given then every point of every line takes a different color. If an array (K, ) is given, where K is the number of points of all lines then these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap. If an array (L, ) is given, where L is the number of streamlines then these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap per streamline. If an array (X, Y, Z) or (X, Y, Z, 3) is given then the values for the colormap are interpolated automatically using trilinear interpolation. opacity : float Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default is 1. linewidth : float Default is 0.01. tube_sides : int Default is 9. lod : bool Use vtkLODActor(level of detail) rather than vtkActor. Default is True. Level of detail actors do not render the full geometry when the frame rate is low. lod_points : int Number of points to be used when LOD is in effect. Default is 10000. lod_points_size : int Size of points when lod is in effect. Default is 3. spline_subdiv : int Number of splines subdivision to smooth streamtubes. Default is None. lookup_colormap : vtkLookupTable Add a default lookup table to the colormap. Default is None which calls :func:``. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from fury import actor, window >>> ren = window.Renderer() >>> lines = [np.random.rand(10, 3), np.random.rand(20, 3)] >>> colors = np.random.rand(2, 3) >>> c = actor.streamtube(lines, colors) >>> ren.add(c) >>> Notes ----- Streamtubes can be heavy on GPU when loading many streamlines and therefore, you may experience slow rendering time depending on system GPU. A solution to this problem is to reduce the number of points in each streamline. In Dipy we provide an algorithm that will reduce the number of points on the straighter parts of the streamline but keep more points on the curvier parts. This can be used in the following way:: from dipy.tracking.distances import approx_polygon_track lines = [approx_polygon_track(line, 0.2) for line in lines] Alternatively we suggest using the ``line`` actor which is much more efficient. See Also -------- :func:`` """ # Poly data with lines and colors poly_data, is_colormap = lines_to_vtk_polydata(lines, colors) next_input = poly_data # Set Normals poly_normals = set_input(vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals(), next_input) poly_normals.ComputeCellNormalsOn() poly_normals.ComputePointNormalsOn() poly_normals.ConsistencyOn() poly_normals.AutoOrientNormalsOn() poly_normals.Update() next_input = poly_normals.GetOutputPort() # Spline interpolation if (spline_subdiv is not None) and (spline_subdiv > 0): spline_filter = set_input(vtk.vtkSplineFilter(), next_input) spline_filter.SetSubdivideToSpecified() spline_filter.SetNumberOfSubdivisions(spline_subdiv) spline_filter.Update() next_input = spline_filter.GetOutputPort() # Add thickness to the resulting lines tube_filter = set_input(vtk.vtkTubeFilter(), next_input) tube_filter.SetNumberOfSides(tube_sides) tube_filter.SetRadius(linewidth) # TODO using the line above we will be able to visualize # streamtubes of varying radius # tube_filter.SetVaryRadiusToVaryRadiusByScalar() tube_filter.CappingOn() tube_filter.Update() next_input = tube_filter.GetOutputPort() # Poly mapper poly_mapper = set_input(vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper(), next_input) poly_mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() poly_mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData() poly_mapper.SelectColorArray("Colors") poly_mapper.Update() # Color Scale with a lookup table if is_colormap: if lookup_colormap is None: lookup_colormap = colormap_lookup_table() poly_mapper.SetLookupTable(lookup_colormap) poly_mapper.UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn() poly_mapper.Update() # Set Actor if lod: actor = vtk.vtkLODActor() actor.SetNumberOfCloudPoints(lod_points) actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(lod_points_size) else: actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(poly_mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetInterpolationToPhong() actor.GetProperty().BackfaceCullingOn() actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) return actor
[docs]def line(lines, colors=None, opacity=1, linewidth=1, spline_subdiv=None, lod=True, lod_points=10 ** 4, lod_points_size=3, lookup_colormap=None): """ Create an actor for one or more lines. Parameters ------------ lines : list of arrays colors : array (N, 3), list of arrays, tuple (3,), array (K,), None If None then a standard orientation colormap is used for every line. If one tuple of color is used. Then all streamlines will have the same colour. If an array (N, 3) is given, where N is equal to the number of lines. Then every line is coloured with a different RGB color. If a list of RGB arrays is given then every point of every line takes a different color. If an array (K, ) is given, where K is the number of points of all lines then these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap. If an array (L, ) is given, where L is the number of streamlines then these are considered as the values to be used by the colormap per streamline. If an array (X, Y, Z) or (X, Y, Z, 3) is given then the values for the colormap are interpolated automatically using trilinear interpolation. opacity : float, optional Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default is 1. linewidth : float, optional Line thickness. Default is 1. spline_subdiv : int, optional Number of splines subdivision to smooth streamtubes. Default is None which means no subdivision. lod : bool Use vtkLODActor(level of detail) rather than vtkActor. Default is True. Level of detail actors do not render the full geometry when the frame rate is low. lod_points : int Number of points to be used when LOD is in effect. Default is 10000. lod_points_size : int Size of points when lod is in effect. Default is 3. lookup_colormap : bool, optional Add a default lookup table to the colormap. Default is None which calls :func:``. Returns ---------- v : vtkActor or vtkLODActor object Line. Examples ---------- >>> from fury import actor, window >>> ren = window.Renderer() >>> lines = [np.random.rand(10, 3), np.random.rand(20, 3)] >>> colors = np.random.rand(2, 3) >>> c = actor.line(lines, colors) >>> ren.add(c) >>> """ # Poly data with lines and colors poly_data, is_colormap = lines_to_vtk_polydata(lines, colors) next_input = poly_data # use spline interpolation if (spline_subdiv is not None) and (spline_subdiv > 0): spline_filter = set_input(vtk.vtkSplineFilter(), next_input) spline_filter.SetSubdivideToSpecified() spline_filter.SetNumberOfSubdivisions(spline_subdiv) spline_filter.Update() next_input = spline_filter.GetOutputPort() poly_mapper = set_input(vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper(), next_input) poly_mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() poly_mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData() poly_mapper.SelectColorArray("Colors") poly_mapper.Update() # Color Scale with a lookup table if is_colormap: if lookup_colormap is None: lookup_colormap = colormap_lookup_table() poly_mapper.SetLookupTable(lookup_colormap) poly_mapper.UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn() poly_mapper.Update() # Set Actor if lod: actor = vtk.vtkLODActor() actor.SetNumberOfCloudPoints(lod_points) actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(lod_points_size) else: actor = vtk.vtkActor() # actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(poly_mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(linewidth) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) return actor
[docs]def scalar_bar(lookup_table=None, title=" "): """ Default scalar bar actor for a given colormap (colorbar) Parameters ---------- lookup_table : vtkLookupTable or None If None then ``colormap_lookup_table`` is called with default options. title : str Returns ------- scalar_bar : vtkScalarBarActor See Also -------- :func:`` """ lookup_table_copy = vtk.vtkLookupTable() if lookup_table is None: lookup_table = colormap_lookup_table() # Deepcopy the lookup_table because sometimes vtkPolyDataMapper deletes it lookup_table_copy.DeepCopy(lookup_table) scalar_bar = vtk.vtkScalarBarActor() scalar_bar.SetTitle(title) scalar_bar.SetLookupTable(lookup_table_copy) scalar_bar.SetNumberOfLabels(6) return scalar_bar
def _arrow(pos=(0, 0, 0), color=(1, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1), opacity=1): """ Internal function for generating arrow actors. """ arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource() # arrow.SetTipLength(length) arrowm = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() arrowm.SetInputConnection(arrow.GetOutputPort()) arrowa = vtk.vtkActor() arrowa.SetMapper(arrowm) arrowa.GetProperty().SetColor(color) arrowa.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) arrowa.SetScale(scale) return arrowa
[docs]def axes(scale=(1, 1, 1), colorx=(1, 0, 0), colory=(0, 1, 0), colorz=(0, 0, 1), opacity=1): """ Create an actor with the coordinate's system axes where red = x, green = y, blue = z. Parameters ---------- scale : tuple (3,) Axes size e.g. (100, 100, 100). Default is (1, 1, 1). colorx : tuple (3,) x-axis color. Default red (1, 0, 0). colory : tuple (3,) y-axis color. Default green (0, 1, 0). colorz : tuple (3,) z-axis color. Default blue (0, 0, 1). opacity : float, optional Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default is 1. Returns ------- vtkAssembly """ arrowx = _arrow(color=colorx, scale=scale, opacity=opacity) arrowy = _arrow(color=colory, scale=scale, opacity=opacity) arrowz = _arrow(color=colorz, scale=scale, opacity=opacity) arrowy.RotateZ(90) arrowz.RotateY(-90) ass = vtk.vtkAssembly() ass.AddPart(arrowx) ass.AddPart(arrowy) ass.AddPart(arrowz) return ass
[docs]def odf_slicer(odfs, affine=None, mask=None, sphere=None, scale=2.2, norm=True, radial_scale=True, opacity=1., colormap='plasma', global_cm=False): """ Slice spherical fields in native or world coordinates Parameters ---------- odfs : ndarray 4D array of spherical functions affine : array 4x4 transformation array from native coordinates to world coordinates mask : ndarray 3D mask sphere : Sphere a sphere scale : float Distance between spheres. norm : bool Normalize `sphere_values`. radial_scale : bool Scale sphere points according to odf values. opacity : float Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default is 1. colormap : None or str If None then white color is used. Otherwise the name of colormap is given. Matplotlib colormaps are supported (e.g., 'inferno'). global_cm : bool If True the colormap will be applied in all ODFs. If False it will be applied individually at each voxel (default False). Returns --------- actor : vtkActor Spheres """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones(odfs.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool) else: mask = mask.astype(np.bool) szx, szy, szz = odfs.shape[:3] class OdfSlicerActor(vtk.vtkLODActor): def display_extent(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2): tmp_mask = np.zeros(odfs.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool) tmp_mask[x1:x2 + 1, y1:y2 + 1, z1:z2 + 1] = True tmp_mask = np.bitwise_and(tmp_mask, mask) self.mapper = _odf_slicer_mapper(odfs=odfs, affine=affine, mask=tmp_mask, sphere=sphere, scale=scale, norm=norm, radial_scale=radial_scale, opacity=opacity, colormap=colormap, global_cm=global_cm) self.SetMapper(self.mapper) def display(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): if x is None and y is None and z is None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, int(np.floor(szz/2)), int(np.floor(szz/2))) if x is not None: self.display_extent(x, x, 0, szy - 1, 0, szz - 1) if y is not None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, y, y, 0, szz - 1) if z is not None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, z, z) odf_actor = OdfSlicerActor() odf_actor.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, int(np.floor(szz/2)), int(np.floor(szz/2))) return odf_actor
def _odf_slicer_mapper(odfs, affine=None, mask=None, sphere=None, scale=2.2, norm=True, radial_scale=True, opacity=1., colormap='plasma', global_cm=False): """ Helper function for slicing spherical fields Parameters ---------- odfs : ndarray 4D array of spherical functions affine : array 4x4 transformation array from native coordinates to world coordinates mask : ndarray 3D mask sphere : Sphere a sphere scale : float Distance between spheres. norm : bool Normalize `sphere_values`. radial_scale : bool Scale sphere points according to odf values. opacity : float Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque) colormap : None or str If None then white color is used. Otherwise the name of colormap is given. Matplotlib colormaps are supported (e.g., 'inferno'). global_cm : bool If True the colormap will be applied in all ODFs. If False it will be applied individually at each voxel (default False). Returns --------- mapper : vtkPolyDataMapper Spheres mapper """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones(odfs.shape[:3]) ijk = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(np.nonzero(mask)).T) if len(ijk) == 0: return None if affine is not None: ijk = np.ascontiguousarray(apply_affine(affine, ijk)) faces = np.asarray(sphere.faces, dtype=int) vertices = sphere.vertices all_xyz = [] all_faces = [] all_ms = [] for (k, center) in enumerate(ijk): m = odfs[tuple(center.astype(].copy() if norm: m /= np.abs(m).max() if radial_scale: xyz = vertices * m[:, None] else: xyz = vertices.copy() all_xyz.append(scale * xyz + center) all_faces.append(faces + k * xyz.shape[0]) all_ms.append(m) all_xyz = np.ascontiguousarray(np.concatenate(all_xyz)) all_xyz_vtk = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(all_xyz, deep=True) all_faces = np.concatenate(all_faces) all_faces = np.hstack((3 * np.ones((len(all_faces), 1)), all_faces)) ncells = len(all_faces) all_faces = np.ascontiguousarray(all_faces.ravel(), dtype='i8') all_faces_vtk = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(all_faces, deep=True) if global_cm: all_ms = np.ascontiguousarray( np.concatenate(all_ms), dtype='f4') points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetData(all_xyz_vtk) cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.SetCells(ncells, all_faces_vtk) if colormap is not None: if global_cm: cols = create_colormap(all_ms.ravel(), colormap) else: cols = np.zeros((ijk.shape[0],) + sphere.vertices.shape, dtype='f4') for k in range(ijk.shape[0]): tmp = create_colormap(all_ms[k].ravel(), colormap) cols[k] = tmp.copy() cols = np.ascontiguousarray( np.reshape(cols, (cols.shape[0] * cols.shape[1], cols.shape[2])), dtype='f4') vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( np.asarray(255 * cols), deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) vtk_colors.SetName("Colors") polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(cells) if colormap is not None: polydata.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_colors) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(polydata) return mapper def _makeNd(array, ndim): """Pads as many 1s at the beginning of array's shape as are need to give array ndim dimensions.""" new_shape = (1,) * (ndim - array.ndim) + array.shape return array.reshape(new_shape)
[docs]def tensor_slicer(evals, evecs, affine=None, mask=None, sphere=None, scale=2.2, norm=True, opacity=1., scalar_colors=None): """ Slice many tensors as ellipsoids in native or world coordinates Parameters ---------- evals : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray eigenvalues evecs : (3, 3) or (X, 3, 3) or (X, Y, 3, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3, 3) ndarray eigenvectors affine : array 4x4 transformation array from native coordinates to world coordinates* mask : ndarray 3D mask sphere : Sphere a sphere scale : float Distance between spheres. norm : bool Normalize `sphere_values`. opacity : float Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). Default is 1. scalar_colors : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray RGB colors used to show the tensors Default None, color the ellipsoids using ``color_fa`` Returns --------- actor : vtkActor Ellipsoid """ if not evals.shape == evecs.shape[:-1]: raise RuntimeError( "Eigenvalues shape {} is incompatible with eigenvectors' {}." " Please provide eigenvalue and" " eigenvector arrays that have compatible dimensions." .format(evals.shape, evecs.shape)) if mask is None: mask = np.ones(evals.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool) else: mask = mask.astype(np.bool) szx, szy, szz = evals.shape[:3] class TensorSlicerActor(vtk.vtkLODActor): def display_extent(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2): tmp_mask = np.zeros(evals.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool) tmp_mask[x1:x2 + 1, y1:y2 + 1, z1:z2 + 1] = True tmp_mask = np.bitwise_and(tmp_mask, mask) self.mapper = _tensor_slicer_mapper(evals=evals, evecs=evecs, affine=affine, mask=tmp_mask, sphere=sphere, scale=scale, norm=norm, opacity=opacity, scalar_colors=scalar_colors) self.SetMapper(self.mapper) def display(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): if x is None and y is None and z is None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, int(np.floor(szz/2)), int(np.floor(szz/2))) if x is not None: self.display_extent(x, x, 0, szy - 1, 0, szz - 1) if y is not None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, y, y, 0, szz - 1) if z is not None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, z, z) tensor_actor = TensorSlicerActor() tensor_actor.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, int(np.floor(szz/2)), int(np.floor(szz/2))) return tensor_actor
def _tensor_slicer_mapper(evals, evecs, affine=None, mask=None, sphere=None, scale=2.2, norm=True, opacity=1., scalar_colors=None): """ Helper function for slicing tensor fields Parameters ---------- evals : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray eigenvalues evecs : (3, 3) or (X, 3, 3) or (X, Y, 3, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3, 3) ndarray eigenvectors affine : array 4x4 transformation array from native coordinates to world coordinates mask : ndarray 3D mask sphere : Sphere a sphere scale : float Distance between spheres. norm : bool Normalize `sphere_values`. opacity : float Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque) scalar_colors : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray RGB colors used to show the tensors Default None, color the ellipsoids using ``color_fa`` Returns --------- mapper : vtkPolyDataMapper Ellipsoid mapper """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones(evals.shape[:3]) ijk = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(np.nonzero(mask)).T) if len(ijk) == 0: return None if affine is not None: ijk = np.ascontiguousarray(apply_affine(affine, ijk)) faces = np.asarray(sphere.faces, dtype=int) vertices = sphere.vertices if scalar_colors is None: from dipy.reconst.dti import color_fa, fractional_anisotropy cfa = color_fa(fractional_anisotropy(evals), evecs) else: cfa = _makeNd(scalar_colors, 4) cols = np.zeros((ijk.shape[0],) + sphere.vertices.shape, dtype='f4') all_xyz = [] all_faces = [] for (k, center) in enumerate(ijk): ea = evals[tuple(center.astype(] if norm: ea /= ea.max() ea = np.diag(ea.copy()) ev = evecs[tuple(center.astype(].copy() xyz =,, vertices.T)) xyz = xyz.T all_xyz.append(scale * xyz + center) all_faces.append(faces + k * xyz.shape[0]) cols[k, ...] = np.interp(cfa[tuple(center.astype(], [0, 1], [0, 255]).astype('ubyte') all_xyz = np.ascontiguousarray(np.concatenate(all_xyz)) all_xyz_vtk = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(all_xyz, deep=True) all_faces = np.concatenate(all_faces) all_faces = np.hstack((3 * np.ones((len(all_faces), 1)), all_faces)) ncells = len(all_faces) all_faces = np.ascontiguousarray(all_faces.ravel(), dtype='i8') all_faces_vtk = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(all_faces, deep=True) points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetData(all_xyz_vtk) cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.SetCells(ncells, all_faces_vtk) cols = np.ascontiguousarray( np.reshape(cols, (cols.shape[0] * cols.shape[1], cols.shape[2])), dtype='f4') vtk_colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( cols, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) vtk_colors.SetName("Colors") polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(cells) polydata.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_colors) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(polydata) return mapper
[docs]def peak_slicer(peaks_dirs, peaks_values=None, mask=None, affine=None, colors=(1, 0, 0), opacity=1., linewidth=1, lod=False, lod_points=10 ** 4, lod_points_size=3): """ Visualize peak directions as given from ``peaks_from_model`` Parameters ---------- peaks_dirs : ndarray Peak directions. The shape of the array can be (M, 3) or (X, M, 3) or (X, Y, M, 3) or (X, Y, Z, M, 3) peaks_values : ndarray Peak values. The shape of the array can be (M, ) or (X, M) or (X, Y, M) or (X, Y, Z, M) affine : array 4x4 transformation array from native coordinates to world coordinates mask : ndarray 3D mask colors : tuple or None Default red color. If None then every peak gets an orientation color in similarity to a DEC map. opacity : float, optional Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque) linewidth : float, optional Line thickness. Default is 1. lod : bool Use vtkLODActor(level of detail) rather than vtkActor. Default is False. Level of detail actors do not render the full geometry when the frame rate is low. lod_points : int Number of points to be used when LOD is in effect. Default is 10000. lod_points_size : int Size of points when lod is in effect. Default is 3. Returns ------- vtkActor See Also -------- """ peaks_dirs = np.asarray(peaks_dirs) if peaks_dirs.ndim > 5: raise ValueError("Wrong shape") peaks_dirs = _makeNd(peaks_dirs, 5) if peaks_values is not None: peaks_values = _makeNd(peaks_values, 4) grid_shape = np.array(peaks_dirs.shape[:3]) if mask is None: mask = np.ones(grid_shape).astype(np.bool) class PeakSlicerActor(vtk.vtkLODActor): def display_extent(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2): tmp_mask = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=np.bool) tmp_mask[x1:x2 + 1, y1:y2 + 1, z1:z2 + 1] = True tmp_mask = np.bitwise_and(tmp_mask, mask) ijk = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(np.nonzero(tmp_mask)).T) if len(ijk) == 0: self.SetMapper(None) return if affine is not None: ijk_trans = np.ascontiguousarray(apply_affine(affine, ijk)) list_dirs = [] for index, center in enumerate(ijk): # center = tuple(center) if affine is None: xyz = center[:, None] else: xyz = ijk_trans[index][:, None] xyz = xyz.T for i in range(peaks_dirs[tuple(center)].shape[-2]): if peaks_values is not None: pv = peaks_values[tuple(center)][i] else: pv = 1. symm = np.vstack((-peaks_dirs[tuple(center)][i] * pv + xyz, peaks_dirs[tuple(center)][i] * pv + xyz)) list_dirs.append(symm) self.mapper = line(list_dirs, colors=colors, opacity=opacity, linewidth=linewidth, lod=lod, lod_points=lod_points, lod_points_size=lod_points_size).GetMapper() self.SetMapper(self.mapper) def display(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): if x is None and y is None and z is None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, int(np.floor(szz/2)), int(np.floor(szz/2))) if x is not None: self.display_extent(x, x, 0, szy - 1, 0, szz - 1) if y is not None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, y, y, 0, szz - 1) if z is not None: self.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, z, z) peak_actor = PeakSlicerActor() szx, szy, szz = grid_shape peak_actor.display_extent(0, szx - 1, 0, szy - 1, int(np.floor(szz / 2)), int(np.floor(szz / 2))) return peak_actor
[docs]def dots(points, color=(1, 0, 0), opacity=1, dot_size=5): """ Create one or more 3d points Parameters ---------- points : ndarray, (N, 3) color : tuple (3,) opacity : float, optional Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque) dot_size : int Returns -------- vtkActor See Also --------- """ if points.ndim == 2: points_no = points.shape[0] else: points_no = 1 polyVertexPoints = vtk.vtkPoints() polyVertexPoints.SetNumberOfPoints(points_no) aPolyVertex = vtk.vtkPolyVertex() aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(points_no) cnt = 0 if points.ndim > 1: for point in points: polyVertexPoints.InsertPoint(cnt, point[0], point[1], point[2]) aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetId(cnt, cnt) cnt += 1 else: polyVertexPoints.InsertPoint(cnt, points[0], points[1], points[2]) aPolyVertex.GetPointIds().SetId(cnt, cnt) cnt += 1 aPolyVertexGrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() aPolyVertexGrid.Allocate(1, 1) aPolyVertexGrid.InsertNextCell(aPolyVertex.GetCellType(), aPolyVertex.GetPointIds()) aPolyVertexGrid.SetPoints(polyVertexPoints) aPolyVertexMapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() aPolyVertexMapper.SetInputData(aPolyVertexGrid) aPolyVertexActor = vtk.vtkActor() aPolyVertexActor.SetMapper(aPolyVertexMapper) aPolyVertexActor.GetProperty().SetColor(color) aPolyVertexActor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) aPolyVertexActor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(dot_size) return aPolyVertexActor
[docs]def point(points, colors, opacity=1., point_radius=0.1, theta=8, phi=8): """ Visualize points as sphere glyphs Parameters ---------- points : ndarray, shape (N, 3) colors : ndarray (N,3) or tuple (3,) point_radius : float theta : int phi : int opacity : float, optional Takes values from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque) Returns ------- vtkActor Examples -------- >>> from fury import window, actor >>> ren = window.Renderer() >>> pts = np.random.rand(5, 3) >>> point_actor = actor.point(pts, window.colors.coral) >>> ren.add(point_actor) >>> # """ return sphere(centers=points, colors=colors, radii=point_radius, theta=theta, phi=phi, vertices=None, faces=None)
[docs]def sphere(centers, colors, radii=1., theta=16, phi=16, vertices=None, faces=None): """ Visualize one or many spheres with different colors and radii Parameters ---------- centers : ndarray, shape (N, 3) colors : ndarray (N,3) or (N, 4) or tuple (3,) or tuple (4,) RGB or RGBA (for opacity) R, G, B and A should be at the range [0, 1] radii : float or ndarray, shape (N,) theta : int phi : int vertices : ndarray, shape (N, 3) faces : ndarray, shape (M, 3) If faces is None then a sphere is created based on theta and phi angles If not then a sphere is created with the provided vertices and faces. Returns ------- vtkActor Examples -------- >>> from fury import window, actor >>> ren = window.Renderer() >>> centers = np.random.rand(5, 3) >>> sphere_actor = actor.sphere(centers, window.colors.coral) >>> ren.add(sphere_actor) >>> # """ if np.array(colors).ndim == 1: colors = np.tile(colors, (len(centers), 1)) if isinstance(radii, (float, int)): radii = radii * np.ones(len(centers), dtype='f8') pts = numpy_to_vtk_points(np.ascontiguousarray(centers)) cols = numpy_to_vtk_colors(255 * np.ascontiguousarray(colors)) cols.SetName('colors') radii_fa = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( np.ascontiguousarray(radii.astype('f8')), deep=0) radii_fa.SetName('rad') polydata_centers = vtk.vtkPolyData() polydata_sphere = vtk.vtkPolyData() if faces is None: src = vtk.vtkSphereSource() src.SetRadius(1) src.SetThetaResolution(theta) src.SetPhiResolution(phi) else: set_polydata_vertices(polydata_sphere, vertices) set_polydata_triangles(polydata_sphere, faces) polydata_centers.SetPoints(pts) polydata_centers.GetPointData().AddArray(radii_fa) polydata_centers.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars('rad') polydata_centers.GetPointData().AddArray(cols) glyph = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() if faces is None: glyph.SetSourceConnection(src.GetOutputPort()) else: glyph.SetSourceData(polydata_sphere) glyph.SetInputData(polydata_centers) glyph.Update() mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(glyph.GetOutput()) mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData() mapper.SelectColorArray('colors') actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) return actor
[docs]def label(text='Origin', pos=(0, 0, 0), scale=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), color=(1, 1, 1)): """ Create a label actor. This actor will always face the camera Parameters ---------- text : str Text for the label. pos : (3,) array_like, optional Left down position of the label. scale : (3,) array_like Changes the size of the label. color : (3,) array_like Label color as ``(r,g,b)`` tuple. Returns ------- l : vtkActor object Label. Examples -------- >>> from fury import window, actor >>> ren = window.Renderer() >>> l = actor.label(text='Hello') >>> ren.add(l) >>> """ atext = vtk.vtkVectorText() atext.SetText(text) textm = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() textm.SetInputConnection(atext.GetOutputPort()) texta = vtk.vtkFollower() texta.SetMapper(textm) texta.SetScale(scale) texta.GetProperty().SetColor(color) texta.SetPosition(pos) return texta