Week 11 - Creating a base for Freehand Drawing
.. post:: August 17 2022
:author: Praneeth Shetty
:tags: google
:category: gsoc
What did you do this week?
This week I tried to imitate the working of `vtkImageTracer`. Previously, I had created a small prototype for freehand drawing by adding points at the mouse position (which you can check out `here `_). As mentioned, there were some drawback of this method.
So to overcome these issues, I tried combining both methods. Considering points using the previous method and instead of adding points I tried creating lines between them which looks promising. Below you can see a demo.
`Freehand Drawing: `_
.. image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64432063/186952329-636a0d81-6631-4e8d-9486-9a8c5e88a9a7.gif
:width: 400
:align: center
While doing this, I started working on how I could efficiently draw the lines and smoothen them out. My mentors referred me `this `_ to learn more about constructing and rendering lines.
Along with this, I updated a few tests and some small bugs in PR `#623 `_ and `#653 `_.
Did you get stuck anywhere?
No, I didn't get stuck anywhere.
What is coming up next?
Enhancing the freehand drawing feature.